Author Topic: Federman Family Home Destroyed By The IDF!  (Read 2227 times)

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Federman Family Home Destroyed By The IDF!
« on: October 26, 2008, 01:08:14 PM »
Federman Family Home Destroyed By The IDF!

27 of the Seventh Month 5769

Here's a snippet from the Arutz 7 report:

    PA Deploys, Israeli Govt Force Destroys Jewish Home in Hevron
    by Hana Levi Julian

    [Orit] Struck linked the destruction of the Federman farm to the deployment in Hevron of hundreds of armed Palestinian Authority special forces in the day.

    "The cat's out of the bag," she warned. "The deployment of PA troops in Hevron was meant to free up IDF manpower from missions involving fighting terrorism, providing security and saving lives, to missions of expelling Jews from their homes and destroying lives."

    "It is terrifying what a corrupt government is capable of doing even in its death throes," Struck said. (Click here for the full story.)

YNET reported the so-called "settlers' response:"

    Extreme right-wing activists said following the outpost evacuation, "We set a price tag for the evacuation. We caused damage to nine Palestinian graves in the Hebron cemetery, we cut the tires of Palestinian vehicles and hurled stones at the security forces and at Palestinians in the region." (Click here for the full story.)

The standard Pesha Council (criminal Yesh"a Council) whining about hidden Shabba"k agent "provocateurs" making such comments and taking such actions appears in the Arutz 7 story by Hillel Fendel.

True or not, what good does it do only to whine about it? Do something constructive, like go and rebuild the Federman's home. Of course, that'll never happen. After all...

"All settlers are equal, but some settlers are more equal than others."

(alla Animal Farm by George Orwell)

This story also includes the despicable comments by Israel's lame-duck Prime Minister Ehud Olmert:

Prime Minister Sm-olmert"This morning in Hevron, there were calls for security forces to be harmed. I have instructed the Ministers of Defense and Public Security to take action against this. We are sick of all this violence, verbal violence that brings to physical violence... I expect to hear from the Defense Minister and Justice Minister what is to be done against these people... Whoever expresses himself that way must be put in jail."(Click here for the full story.)

Why do I call these comments despicable? We're all sick of violence, Mr. Sm-Olmert. But apparently, the perpetrating of violence against religious Jews, and Jews living in particular pieces of the Jewish Homeland you would like to throw away, IS perfectly acceptable. You didn't even hint to the traumatic experience the Federman family suffered and continues to suffer.

Here's the personal account of what No'a'm's wife and activist Elisheva experienced:

    "As on every Saturday night, we go to sleep late. At 1:25 AM, I received a call from friends who said that they heard that security forces are on their way over to us, and they fear that they intend to destroy our farm. It was strange; there had been no prior warning, so we hesitated to call friends for help. While we were deciding, we hear dogs outside. I look outside and I see a 'black river' [of Yassam forces] streaming towards our house."(Read more...)

Also compelling is the following I received in a private e-mail, attributed to No'am Federman's father-in-law:

    0300 Police and para-military border patrol broke into Elisheva and Noam Federman's home without any warning. They smashed the windows in the children's rooms and crawled through on top of the sleeping children.

    They beat Noam to the ground and carried him off to jail, injuring three more of his children, and driving the other children, aged 2 years to 17 years out into the rain in their pajamas.

    They then took bulldozers and completely destroyed the home together with Noam's holy books, the children's cloths, and their few possessions. The children are currently (still in their pajamas) by me and my other daughter, waiting for news about the rest of the family.

    Situation very bad.

Please check out My Right Word's more comprehensive coverage of this atrocity. I'm just too sick to continue writing....
Orit Stuck is a resident of Hevron and a member of the Judea & Samaria Human Rights group.

"Sm-Olmert" is a contraction of the Hebrew smole (left) and Olmert.
Ya'aqov Ben-Yehudah