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Thats true, they have not called to exterminate JTF or anyone for of fact so for us to do so would be just as bad, even worse. I hope a prigeon drops its weapons of mass destruction on to their heads or even better their lunch. Hows that ftf, a little more considerate :)
Hajar you should be ashamed of yourself. Tut-Tut
I'm personally not into wishing ill of anyone.
--- Quote from: ftf on February 24, 2007, 04:56:16 PM ---I'm personally not into wishing ill of anyone.
--- End quote ---
I'm sorry but I just don't see the logic in that. Why not wish suffering only to people that are evil instead of none, and, as a result, perhaps depriving them of their ability to hurt those that are good? I just feel like we need to make a distinction here.
We shouldn't just sit around and do nothing while people plot the death of innocents. And yes, enablers should die too because they always contribute to the deaths in some way or form, hence the title "enablers." (Maybe my last sentence was a bit redundant).
No human being is 100% evil, even members of Hamas, Al Qaeda and Hezbollah have some good in them, and the potential to leave the evil they are serving, look at Walid Shoebat. Everyone deserves the chance to see the truth, if it is a matter of life or death for other people then I can understand and support the use of potentially lethal force, but only in such circumstances, otherwise we are as bad as those we oppose.
Yes, I do support the idea of action against Iran for instance as it is building nucleaur weapons, and if we wait to fight them till they attack us many thousands of people will be killed by them, but ignorant media groups are just that, ignorant, and they are not about to try and kill us.
That was a very righteous thing to say ftf. Though there is a difference between anger and wishing ill upon someone. In a way it is another form of expressing dislike towards some people. I don't think anyone here would even have the intention of actually killing these people. Sometimes saying "oh they are disgusting," isn't very satisfactory. :)
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