Author Topic: Hawai Governor (Rep.) Linda Lingle seals Barrack H Obama's birth certoficate, no  (Read 2533 times)

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Offline Aviva

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Do you believe me now that barrack Hussein Obama is a planted plot by the US government to gain support and coalition among the world?
He is nothing but a pi-on!
Otherwise you tell me why but why Linda Lingle would have blocked all access and seal Obama's birth certificate and make it impossible for attorneys nor judges impossible to access?
She is a Republican Governor, gave a speech at the Rep. convention and helps Obama?
HIMM??? :o

Offline Roadwarrior

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He and his lawyers went to Hawaii to put pressure on
her to prevent release of the document....

The lawsuit by Andy Martin in Hawaii THAT WEEK forced his hand ....
The grandmother story was a convenient excuse and fabrication.

Who knows what kind of strong-arm tactics were applied to Lingle.

But I believe it was pressure of some sort ...worded in legal

Offline Aviva

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Legal pressure?
Once the birth certificate is out, what kind of pressure would have left?
Linda Lingle is protecting Obama and that made me definitely believe that Obama is an INSIDER JOB A PLANTED PLOT by the CIA!
he will win because he is planted by our Goverment!

Offline Aviva

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I also believe the US Government new foregin policy Will be giving up on Israel!
That is why CIA planed barrack Hussein Obama!
US lost all coalition i the world and needs to rebuild it.
Also no money left to protect Israel and keep the war in Iraq and fight against Iran.
Mark my words
There is no explanation otherwise for Linda Lingle to seal Obama's birth certificate!
OBAMA IS A PLANTED PLOT by the CIA and US Government!

Offline Aviva

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I also believe the US Government new foregin policy will be giving up on Israel!
That is why CIA planted Barrack Hussein Obama!
US lost all credibility and coalition in the world and needs to rebuild it.
Also no money left to protect Israel and keep the war in Iraq and fight against Iran.
Mark my words.
Obama is a planted plot by the US Government in order to gain support and coalition among Europeen and world leaders and make American families to pay for the last 7 years of Iraq war expenses!
There is no explanation otherwise for Linda Lingle to seal Obama's birth certificate!She is a republican Governor and sealed Obama's birth certificate despite of a PA judge court order!
OBAMA IS A PLANTED PLOT by the CIA and US Government

Offline Aviva

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When Obama wins tonight, you all can THANK to the Republican Governor Linda Lingle to seal his birth certificate last week.
If she would ahve not done that PA judge would have thrown out Obama from the race.
Obama is an insider job a planted plot by the US Goverment
Sheeps wake up!
Otherwise you tell me , how would he be able to get away with being a Kenyan born staturs and not eligible for running for president?
If the Governor would have been a democrat, than we would have usderstand her defend for Obama but she is a true Republican!
HIMM??? :o

Offline Debbie Shafer

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We all know the answer, he wasn't born in Hawaii.  The Obama Campaign has cleverly outstaged any attempts for people to get the proof they need.  This is the biggest conspiracy in History.  Brigette Gabrielle said there was a takeover underway.

Stephen King couldn't have thought up this Frightmare in a thousand dreams.

Offline Aviva

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This C- unt Linda Lingle caused  this obama victory tonight!
If she would have not sealed his brith certificate last week, there would not be a presidential candidate named Barrack Obama.

Offline Aviva

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Linda Lingle is a CU NT

Offline momofsixbabes

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Legal pressure?
Once the birth certificate is out, what kind of pressure would have left?
Linda Lingle is protecting Obama and that made me definitely believe that Obama is an INSIDER JOB A PLANTED PLOT by the CIA!
he will win because he is planted by our Goverment!


Offline Aviva

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Excellent link.I think that we should not pay any taxes and let obaa government fail

Offline Roadwarrior

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A couple of theories why I think he is withholding the BC

1) it says the politically embarassing "ARAB" in the race field
    That could have been the choice of the father so anything can go there
    But that is not a show stopper.

2) it says KENYA in the country field.........This
    is a show stopper.

The manikin robots said they saw the birth cert ...NOT
what was in it it ....they said it was real but so is TP.
They said nothing as to content........

Lingle has no backbone ....her bureacratic minions read
her the textbook rules,  the lawyers sent her a letter on legal
paper and she folds like a cheap tent.

I agree she made his victory possible.

Berg and Martin lawsuits are going forward.
Vp candidate Drake is also suing

Offline Aviva

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I just sent a nasty email to Linmda Lingle (Hawai Governor) .
Join me.
She responds. and deines that she had sealed Obama's birth certificate.
She is a liar!
Join me.
She is responisble for this FRAUD NAMED OBAMA TO BE THE PRESIDENT of the United States!

Offline Aviva

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Planted plot is a great showdown to build coalition and support among the world and make every nation believe USA is  changed and do not support Israel anymore, no more war, and also let the stupid Americans pay for the the last 7 years of Iraq wars high cost.
Obama is planted by the US Government for those two reasons.
Otherwise there would have been no explanation to Linda Lingle's act to protect Obama's birth certificate access , she sealed it 10  days ago, She is a Republican Governor.
Think smart????

Offline momofsixbabes

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I guess Obama has shown proof that he wasn't really visiting his sick grandma after all. I figured someone at a top level would be threatened or paid off in order for a fake bc to go through. It seems that few have a fear of God more than a fear of man any more. We need more Davids from the OT in this country. It is all disgusting. She will have to answer to God for her behavior.

Offline Moses The Great

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Linda Lingle is a liberal-Republican. Always has been, always will be. At the end of the day I believe she was forced to do this, despite how liberal she is. She is a good friend of Sarah Palin, I doubt she wanted to hurt her. There have been rumors about Lingle being a lesbian. I feel they we're playing dirty tricks at her about something she may not want the public to know.

Offline Dan

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Linda Lingle is a liberal-Republican. Always has been, always will be. At the end of the day I believe she was forced to do this, despite how liberal she is. She is a good friend of Sarah Palin, I doubt she wanted to hurt her. There have been rumors about Lingle being a lesbian. I feel they we're playing dirty tricks at her about something she may not want the public to know.
you seem to know awful lot...

Offline dvir

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I'm just a new JTF'er, but please!: we should watch our "terminology" here, no matter how shocked or hurt we are. What happened Tuesday is so heinously evil that it's incomprehensible.

A friend told me that Broke Insane Osama admitted after the election that he was born in Kenya. Does anyone have anything about that? This person is profoundly evil AND profoundly stupid.

I agree with the "Very Important" thread that we shouldn't address what's-his-name by the title because the person doesn't deserve to be in that office: it's not constitutional.

Forsake Israel? - chalila/G-d forbid - may it never be!!!

The following scene  :::D  from a classic Bob Hope movie (sent by a Chabad friend) is the only explanation for the election result:

VISITOR (Bob Hope): "Do you live here?"

LOCAL: "Yes."

VISITOR: "Well maybe you know what a zombie is?"

LOCAL: "When a person dies and is buried, it seems a certain voodoo priest who . . . who have the power to bring him back to life . . ." 

VISITOR'S "GIRL": "How horrible!"

LOCAL: "It's worse than horrible because a zombie has no will of his own. You see them sometimes, walking around blindly, with dead eyes . . . following orders . . . not knowing what they do, not caring."

VISITOR: "You mean like Democrats?"

Offline Confederate Kahanist

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Where was your friend getting this information? 
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline dvir

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Where was your friend getting this information? 

Good question, of course. I'll find out and post information.

Offline Cyberella

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We all know the answer, he wasn't born in Hawaii.  The Obama Campaign has cleverly outstaged any attempts for people to get the proof they need.  This is the biggest conspiracy in History.  Brigette Gabrielle said there was a takeover underway.

Stephen King couldn't have thought up this Frightmare in a thousand dreams.

Makes sense He's not president yet.
Fight back. Don’t give the Marxist/Muslim a minute’s peace to bask in his victory: me.

Offline Roadwarrior

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This was reported by Corsi on WND
I don't know why this wasnt corroborated by another news source.

Nevertheless, the comments issued by her  underlings.
dont pass the smell test.   All they said was that he has a Birth Cert
that it is in the Hawaiian Department of Health.

Ok so he has a Birth Certificate in Hawaii but if you parse the comments

None of the workers said that the BC indicates he was born in Hawaii ....
A law on the books permitted registering the birth in Hawaii
even though the country of birth was Foreign....

All they had to say was HE WAS BORN IN HAWAII ...AND CASE CLOSED.

There is a Country field on the BC .........unless
the BC is released it is reasonable to speculate that
that the country field contains "KENYA"

Offline Aviva

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Why don't we just call Foxnews and report Linda Lingle's gay status! :P
kepp posting about Linda Lingle , may be she will tha release Obama's birth certificate!
he was born in Kenya!

Offline dvir

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To answer Chad: my friend - most definitely "on the same page" as JTF - spoke to a lawyer from Berg's firm and that is where she heard that Broke Insane admitted, after the election, having been born in Kenya. I apologize that there is no real source.

They think Insane (Arutz Sheva sometimes refers to Insane by his middle name [helps to remind us we're contending with a lunatic mussie]) was born in Kenya; then Dunham rushed to Hawaii to get a birth certificate. If that is the case, then Insane Osama is NOT natural born and NOT eligible to be president, since Dunham was only 18. She would have had to have been 21.
My friend also said that, according to the Berg people, there is a very serious question of whether Osama Sr. was actually the father.

At any rate, we have a person who presented a forged COLB on his "official" campaign website. Isn't there enough of an integrity question in that alone for the sensible majority of 300 million citizens to demand he be prevented from the office of Chief Executive of the United States of America? Of course, the Osammunist idiots think he is going to be "king of the U.S.": Y'MACH SHMO V'ZICRO!   
It's very encouraging that there are hundreds of "impeach Osama" groups springing up on the internet on Facebook and other group websites.

Chaim has already said the U.S. is now like a "third world nation". I agree completely. There IS a "third world" within the U.S. at present. What will it be like if we don't prevent this insanity? May it not be!

Offline Roadwarrior

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The other outside chance chance possibility is that the Father's race says ARAB .... and that he actually was born in Hawaii ...

The father may have wanted to proclaim is Arab/Muslim heritage.
It is only a speculative theory on my part wouldnt have
disqualified him but had it been disclosed would have been
a political nightmare .....

But the real show-stopper is that the COUNTRY field says KENYA.
If that is the case and it is disclosed, we have a constitutional crisis
of major proportions and the whole process was undermined
by a sham.

No Judge in the US would order the Birth Cert ...out of fear for their life.

Berg needs to produce proof .....Where is that tape of
Grandma Sara with a translation.  It needs to be produced NOW.
Allegedly Souter had it .....