Author Topic: Why the US does not support a Kurdish State, but Supports a Palestinian state  (Read 999 times)

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Why the US does not support an Independent Kurdish State, but Supports the establishment of the Palestinian state 
Dana Berzinjy
As you know the population of Palestine is very small in comparison with the population of the Kurds. Kurds have been living in the Middles East thousands of years before the arrival of Arabs as you like (Muslims) under the manner of Islam. The Kurds never acted terrorist activities against the United States of America and no American solders ever were hurt by the Kurds.

Kurds received the Jewish faith in the 1st century, and in the past the Kurds had supported the Jewish people against Roman invasion. During Islam incursion to the Kurdish homeland and Jewish, our people were forced to convert to Islam and they were forced to leave their land for the Arab Muslims.   

Jewish and the Kurdish people were forced by their oppressors to pay tax to Muslims. According to a new research that has done by a group of scientists which consisted of Israelis, Germans and Indians proved that the Kurds, Armenians and Jewish people have a closer genetic relationship to populations in the northern Mediterranean than other nationalities.

The population of the Arabs in Palestine was 1,135,269 in 1947 and it was 1,380,000 in 1948 but the Jewish population was 650,000 in 1947. The general population of the Kurds is over 40,000,000 million, but still the Kurds are struggling for their rights to be recognized by their oppressors. Even the United Nation has not played any role in order to protect the Kurds in these countries, for instance, Iran, Syria, Turkey, Lebanon and Armenia. Kurds in some countries are not recognized as a first citizen, for example in Syria Kurdish lands have been occupied by Arabs and forced them to leave the cities and live somewhere else. In addition to that, the Syrian Government still calls them foreigners, and they are not entitled to buy or sell lands, they can not travel, and they are not granted Syrian Citizenship or Passport.

I would like to provide another example in regard to this issue, for instance in Turkey there are more than 25 million Kurds which live in Turkey, but the Turkish Government still calls them ?Turkish Kurds? even this term can not be found in a dictionary. The authorities try to brain wash the Kurds and make them exclude themselves to be called Kurds, for instance the Turkish fabrication has made any possible attempt to call Kurds bad names, for instance, they are told if you live in a village you are a Kurd, but if you move to a city you will become Turkish. For centuries the Kurdish parents are not allowed to name their children Kurdish names, the names have to be Turkish or Islamic names, even some of the Kurds are not Muslim they are Yazidis, but the Turkish or Islamic names are their fate. They are enforced to use them, and they have to attend a court if you named your children Kurdish names, according to the Turkish authorities, it means that they have committed crimes against the sovereignty of the Turkish state. This is the ?Democratic System? of Turkey if you like to call it. The sweet Kurdish mother tongue is not allowed to be used in education system as well. Which rights do the Kurds have in the Middle East under the power of the Islamic or undemocratic countries?

The Kurdish fate is getting worse in Iran under the rule of the Iranian Republic of Islamic regime. Their rights are not recognized by any meaning, for instance they are not allowed to have their representatives in the Iranian Parliament, and the Kurdish language is not allowed to be taught and be used in education system or in public sector. Two months ago the Iranian regime tried to band the Kurdish people from watching Kurdish channels which broadcast from Europe and from Kurdistan of Iraq. Iranian government does not want Iranian people to see the different world except the Imams, and the regime?s men tried to confiscate their satellite dishes. Is it this strange behavior and the harassment by the Iranian government is the only way to run a country of over 60,000,000 million people?

The Kurdish way of living is not better than the other states that Kurds live in it. The population of the Kurds in Lebanon is about 500,000 but their rights are not recognized either, and they have not got a single member of the parliament to represent theses people. Why the United Nation keeps a blind eye on this important issue, even George Bush the President of the United States of America can not see this matter as a vital issue in the Middle East besides the Palestinian issue. The President of the United States George Bush tries hard to establish a state for the Palestinian Arabs next to the Israel?s State. I feel sorry for Mr. President of the United States of America, because he follows the steps of the Arabic leaders in the Middle East. He listens to the Arabic countries, so that is why he does not allow to establish a state for the homeless Kurdish people in their lands, to become a refugee in your own country is terrible. Is that not a big disaster for the humanity dear Mr. George Bush? For how many centuries do the Kurdish people have to be abused by the Arab countries and their rights to be jeopardized? Why the Kurdish children have to sing and admire their oppressors?

I was wondering for how long our land has to be kept and to be occupied, and our resources like gold, oil, steal, water, gases, cements and many more have to be stolen by our occupiers, and to be sold locally, and in the international markets. The capitals from these viable resources have to be used against our wishes. Our oppressors use these powerful economic to buy tanks, artillery, war air crafts to destroy our villages, country towns, cities and kill our people. These recourses have not been used for the welfare of the people. Our land has billions of barrels of oil reserves, not just the Arabic countries have oil. We want to use this significant resource to develop and build our country, and to share it with the Western World in order to make and have a better Global Economic World, and for the welfare of our nation, and the welfare of the other nationalities, in order to have a better World.

The Kurdish oil fields in Syria have been used by the Syrian authority to kill innocent people in Kurdistan and in Iraq. The explosions in Kirkuk a few weeks ago can prove my argument, because the US army, Iraqi Army, and the local Kurdish Police Stations had captured a group of terrorist that had linked with Syrian government, and all the supports were given by Syrian authority. I want to ask the US government this, who has sent arms and other explosions in the past and now to Lebanon to assassinate Lebanese politicians such as the former Prime Minister Rafik Al-Hariri? Except Syria. Who sends guns and other explosions to Lebanon to support the terrorist Islamic party to attack on Israel, and Lebanese government to kill innocent people? Who sends road side bombs to Iraq to kill US soldiers? Your government is well aware of these games and knows that the Iranian government supports and supplies these groups by everything in order to jeopardize the democratic system that the US government tries hard to achieve. Despite all the negative factors that I have mentioned, your government still supports to create another state for Palestinian Arabs, but the Kurdish people are still not entitled to have an independent Kurdish State. Is this not a ?Hypocrisy? of the American Policy if you like, or you can call it ?Double Standard Policy? I believe the reality and the truth should be part of the White House?s political arena.

I deeply believe the ?American Policy? should be on the bases of the equality not on the bases of favoritism. I want to tell even the party of Hamas that won the election sometime ago is a terrorist organization according to the United States, and the other countries. Even Hamas?s leadership sometime ago committed crimes against humanity, and the people of Israel by sending suicide bombers to Israel to kill innocent Jewish people. The United States of America knows that Hamas?s organization has been supported by Syria and Iran, financially, politically, emotionally and they have also supplied guns and other explosions that this terrorist organization needs it.

Even in Lebanon the Fetih Allah of Islamic party gets support from Syria and Iran to attack the Israel, and Lebanese Government in order to jeopardize the sovereignty of those countries, and to stop the peace process in those countries. I want to know who killed the former Prime Minister of Lebanon Mr. Rafik Al-Hariri, and the other members of the Lebanese Parliament, and some of the Christian Lebanese journalists. I want to know who was behind the assassination of the Kurdish spiritual and national leader Mr. Shekh Maashooq in Syria, except the Syrian regime. Are these undemocratic governments and the terrorist states are supportive for the democratic system in the Middle East, and for the rights of other nationalities? Of course not. They are just obstacles in the way that democratic proceeds and they are against the rights of people, and creating chaos in the Middle East. The population of Egypt is more than 80,000,000 million people according to the old census, and more than 20% of this population is Christians and this country is not originally Arabs, but they are approximately (Pharaonic). What rights do this people have under the Egyptian regime? Do the Christian people have had a state? Does the government of Egypt have an opposition leader or it does have a democratic system? The answer of all these questions is not. So if this is the case, it means that the people are not free and there is no freedom in Egypt such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of movement, and freedom of association. When Husnni Moobarek elects himself for an election for the head of the government for sure he will get 99% of the votes. So Mr. President, this is the type of democratic system that you support in the Arabic countries. Look at (Algeria) my dear president George Bush, its population is about 33,333,216 million people, they are not all Arabs, almost half of Algeria?s population is Berber in origin, but the rights of these people are jeopardized, because they are not Arabs. This people live mostly in the mountains region of Kablie east of Algeria.

The Berbers lived in North Africa long time before the arrival of the Arabs, and their culture possibly dated back to more than 4,000 years. Berber states known as Mauritania and Numidia existed in classical times. Between the 11th and 13th centuries, two large Berber rulers the Almoravids and the Almohads which controlled big parts of Spain, as well as north -west Africa. There are significant Berber populations in Morocco and Algeria, plus smaller numbers in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt. In Morocco, about 40% recognize a Berber identity, though many more have Berber heritage. Berbers are well-known primarily by language, but also by traditional customs, and culture, for instance the distinguishing music and

Morocco regards the Berbers as backward people, mainly because their culture is very strong in the rural areas. Many of the children in these areas are dropped out of school because they are taught in a foreign language like Arabic. The language remained is the biggest barrier for this people particularly when they are dealing with administrative system. Berber is not formally recognized in Morocco. Berber belongs to the Afro-Asiatic group, and has many dialects. The three main dialects are Tachelhit, Tamazight and Tarifit in Morocco. Berber is still basically a spoken language, and it needs to be accepted for a written form. Berber Alphabet probably originates from the olden Punic writing. The Berber language has existed for more than 2,500 years. The olden Berber culture is extremely rich and assorted, with a diversity of musical styles.It is also in Turkey, the rights of these nationalities for instance Kurds, Armenians, Greeks, Arabs are not recognized partially. What is the reason behind the American policy? Is it just because Turkey is a strong ally of the United States of America, and a member of the NATO? What can you tell these nationalities in Turkey, and the world about the Turkish abuse to human rights? Did the United States of America get help from Turkey during the liberation of Iraq? Did your Government get support from Turkey against the terrorist organization of al-Qaeda in Iraq, or in any other countries? If the answer is not for all these above questions, so why Mr. President do you sacrifice all the nationalities for the Turkish government?s sake? Is it fair to people, the way they were treated by the Turkish government? The American strategy in the Middle East needs to be reviewed to give a better chance to these nationalities to enjoy the rights of freedom and democracy.

Do you think the USA and the NATO have to tolerate the Turkish aggressive and hostile behavior to kill the innocent Kurdish villagers, and destroy their villages, because the Turkish government has got a strong tie politically with the USA and a member of NATO? I believe this is discrimination in your policy against these people, and indirectly your government is participating and supporting this crime against humanity.

The Jewish people also in the past during the occupation of Islam had been genocide and 800 families from the tribe of (Baniy Kooreiyze) at that time were slaughtered. The Muslims dug a big hole in the front of the shops in the middle of the city, and all the men were forced to come around the hole, then one by one, they were beheaded, and threw them in the hole, and afterward the Arab Muslims put soil on the top of the hole. Then, their assets, wives, and their children were taken by the Arab Muslim leaders. One of the most beautiful women among the Jewish women was given to the Prophet Mohamed; her name was (Rihana). Unfortunately, after the genocide of the Jewish people by the Muslims nothing was left for her only the way to marry him, because her parents, brothers, sisters and her husband were included in the genocide.

In the same way in year 1987-1988 200,000 men, women and children were slaughtered by the regime?s of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, and some of these captured women from this group were taken by the Iraqi leaders, and the majority of these women raped. It was also some of these women which were forced and sent to the Arab countries including Egypt, and they were forced to work in night clubs. The ages of some of the girls were about 9, 12, 14, 18 and etc. Their relatives have been waiting for almost 20 years to see these girls; there is still no trace of these people. The Egyptian government is also not willing to co-operate and return these abducted girls to their families. During those dark days that the Kurds faced, the Arab Muslim countries did not condemn this genocide of the Kurdish civilians. They were telling us that the Kurds are the agents of the West and Israel. The point is because; we are asking for our rights to be recognized as human beings. Do you think Mr. President these countries deserve to have another state? I want you to be honest, the honorable Mr. President George Bush, who deserves to have an independent state, the Kurds or the Palestinians? Despite all the negative aspects and behavior by the Arab countries towards Israel, European and the United States of America, they were rewarded by the American government for instance Egypt will be given millions of $US and the Palestinians was given hundreds of million $US. Don?t you think Mr. President this financial support might fall directly or indirectly in Hamas?s hand, and it will be used later on against the state of Israel? Saudi Arabia will get US aircrafts, helicopters tanks and army ocupments. In addition to that, Saudi will also get 40 million $US. What ever you give to the Arab rich countries still they call America is Imperialism, and unbelievers. In 1994 Taliban did rise by support from Saudi and Pakistan, the majority of Taliban?s fighters were Arabs from all the Arabic countries, but despite all this support from Saudi to Taliban extremist Islamist fighters, still Saudi Arabia is very popular by the United States of America. The American government always put pressure on Israel for more rights and for an independent state for Palestinian, but you never asked Turkish, Iranian, Syrian dictators for a Kurdish independent state.

Your government does not support that Iraq should be split in to three states within the Iraqi Federal Government; even the people of Iraq would like to have three states to share the power instead to have a central government. As you know at the moment there is a civil war between Shiite and Sunni Muslims, because they can not live together any more. Sunnis are the supporters for the Arab Bath Socialist Party and the former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. Sunnis still want to rule Iraq by themselves, but this is not going to happen, because Kurds and Shiites have had enough of the Sunni Muslims. In addition to that, the US government supports the Jordanian government as well, and in the past the Jordanian government has received millions of American Dollars.

The Jewish and Kurdish nations were genocide in the past, according to the Muslim leaders that these nations are unbelievers. We are still facing the same matter even in the 21st century. For example the Arab countries are still against the State of Israel, and still Israel is not recognized officially by the Arab countries as a state of Israel. Israel was attacked many times in the past by the Arab countries for instance, in 1948, 1967 and 1974. We are still subject to be killed and to be beheaded by the radical extremist. For instance, so many Kurds were killed by the suicide bombers in Mandely, Tuz Khoormatoo, Mosul and the other provinces in Iraq. Again on Tuesday 14th August in the Kurdish villages of Sheikh Khidir and Beaasheqe in Shingal around the province of Mosul 500 innocent civilians were killed, and almost 400 people were injured by the Arab Muslims. Even in the past many innocent citizens from Israel were killed by the Arab suicide bombers. I still remember Mr. President that you said; you will deliver democracy to the darkest corner of the world. Do not you think these nationalities are still live in the darkest corners of the Middle East? Do not they deserve to have their own states and to enjoy the freedom of democracy, like the American citizens? Do we have to wait to be wiped off again by our hostiles in the surrounded countries, such as the Turkish government? Because Kurds were slaughtered in the past by the Ottoman Empire. These years 1915-1918, 1925, 1930, and 1937-1938, Kurds were genocide savagely by the Turks and the governments used poison gas, bombardment which ended in a tragedy by slaughtering many hundred thousands of Kurds in Turkey. This aggressive behavior extended beyond the Kurds, and then the shattered Ottoman Army used Armenian revolution as an excuse to attack on Armenians in 1915. The consequences of this genocide, and the massacre, over 1 million Armenians were killed, and their cities and villages were destroyed.

The Hamas and Palestinian Fetih need to recognize Israel as an official state for the Jewish people before they ask for an independent Palestinian state. Finally, I want to say that Mr. President you should never listen to the Arab leaders, or follow their foot prints, because they never want to recognize Israel as an Independent Jewish state. Arabs still think that they lived in Middle East before the existent of the Jewish and the Kurds, but they are wrong. The Kurds and the Jewish people lived and existed in the Middle East thousands of years before the arrival of the Arabs and the Muslims. In addition to that they never want the Kurds to have an independent state, because they think we are going to take their lands, but they should know very well that they are occupiers of our lands, and they have taken our lands, and our independence and freedom. How much do they hate Israel, and hate the Kurds as well? The Arab educated writers and politicians during the Kurdish genocide in 1987 and 1988, never spoke out against the former brutal Iraqi president, and never wrote a word against all the sufferings that the Kurds faced in the past, they must have been deaf or blind. Although the Kurds were betrayed in 1975 by the American government by supporting the Algerian treatment, which involved Algeria, Iran and Iraq, in order to stop the Iraqi former government to be collapsed. Our Kurdish national Leader Barzani under this savage conspiracy, he was forced to give an order to the Kurdish Armed Peshmerge forces to stop the struggle against the former Iraqi dictator. But despite this, the entire Kurdish nation is still supporting the coalitional forces, especially the American Army in Iraq. They have started fighting hand in hand since 21st March 2003 and toppled the former Iraqi dictatorship until now. We call America the best friend for Kurds. We appreciate what the American Army has done to liberate the Iraq, and the Iraqi Kurdistan. We call American soldiers are liberators, and they brought smiles to the faces of orphan children. The American soldiers indeed will stay in the hearts of the Kurdish people for ever for supporting to liberate the Iraqi Kurdistan, and to keep the Kurdish people united.

The American martyrs are very much appreciated by our nation. The collapse of the Iraqi former dictator was impossible without the American and coalitional forces. But the American responsibilities are not finished yet; the American mission is long, difficult and needs more sacrifice and patient by American people in order to bring the democracy to the Middle East, and to protect our nation from the hostile, atrocious, and inhumanity countries that occupied our homeland. The American government and the American people have to be proud of what the American and coalition forces have achieved so far in Iraq and especially in Iraqi Kurdistan. The American Army has done a lot and worked very hard to discover a place that was welcomed by the indigenous Kurdish people. I believe that only the place in the Middle East that the people have opened their arms to hug the American Army, freedom, liberation and the democracy. God bless our forces in their battle in order to deliver their mission to Middle Eastern people and for the entire humanity.

Offline spiritus_persona

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I asked a question like this one time.
Me: Muslims get offended too easily.
Muslim: What!?  That is an outrage!  Take that back or I kill you!

Offline syyuge

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Obviously Kurdish have a lot of justifications against their tormentors and oppressors. Kurd seem to be getting united in Iran, Iraq and Syria to Turkey and must be waiting for a ripening opportunity for Kurdistan.

There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

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In my limited experience, the Turks tend to refer to the Kurds as "Kurds" rather than "Turks". It is certainly acceptable to refer to London-based drug wars between "Turkish" gangs and "Kurdish" gangs. However, woe betide the Turkish Kurds if they ask for independence. Still, we should not get too worked up. I would not like to be a Turkish conscript captured by the Kurds, or an ordinary holiday maker caught up in one of their terrorist atrocities.

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because the islamic nations use the pals as a weapon against israel. it is in the us's interest to keep the peace and thats why they are focused on them more than kurds
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Because it's cool to hate Jews and do everything that will harm them. Plus OIL!