Author Topic: Teenaged Obama's Jew-Hate Poem  (Read 1051 times)

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Teenaged Obama's Jew-Hate Poem
« on: November 06, 2008, 02:08:45 AM »
Please comment on this interpretation of Obama ideology/"poetry"  Thank you.

Barack Hussein Obama is a Jew hater through and through.  As a teenager he befriended two Pakistani muslims, traveled with them to Pakistan in 1981 when travel to Pakistan was restricted as Pakistan was under strict sharia law and marshal law, and came back and published a poem which I claim to be virulently anti-Semitic.

While at Occidental college he became close friends with two Pakistanis, Mohammed Hasan Chandoo and Wahid Hamid. In 1981 he traveled with Mohammad Hasan Chandoo to Pakistan and stayed there for about three weeks. It is rather unusual for a less-than-wealthy college kid to choose far-away Pakistan as a summer break destination, but not necessarily suspicious. For some reason however, Obama has never publicly cited these relationships or his time in Pakistan. Why not?

In his book “Dreams from My Father,” Obama does talk of having a different Pakistani roommate when he later moved to New York, a man he calls Sadik who “had overstayed his tourist visa and now made a living in New York’s high-turnover, illegal immigrant work force, waiting on tables.” Strangely, Mr. Obama, the campaign and his publisher have not provided any details about the identity of Sadik.

…why all the secrecy about his travel to Pakistan in 1981? Why no mention of it before in public or in his two books about himself? Why the mystery about “Sadik”?”

Here is the POEM and Commentary from:
Please see site for easier reading (words in bold, color, underlined) but I have copied and pasted it below without the highlights.

Barack Hussein Obama Poem Distinctly Anti-Jewish Hate

Muslim Anti-Semitism frequently uses the term “ape” to describe Jews.  They frequently call for Israel to be driven into the sea.  Examples below.  Aside from the memoirs of obama, he has written exceedingly little:  Apparently only one short co-authored pro-abortion paper as a harvard law ‘editor’ and a couple poems.  Here is barack hussein obama’s poem, which I determined to be decidedly and unimaginitively anti-Jewish. It basically plagiarizes antisemitic arab muslim terrorists’ words, and we know plagiarism is something which obama is not a stranger to doing. Back to the poem:


    by: Barack Hussein Obama

    Under water grottos, caverns
    Filled with apes
    That eat figs.
    Stepping on the figs
    That the apes
    Eat, they crunch.The apes howl, bare
    Their fangs, dance…
    Tumble in the
    Rushing water,
    Musty, wet pelts
    Glistening in the blue.

As poorly written as it is, notice the portions I have emphasized in bold lettering such as:  underwater, figs, apes, fangs. Now, these words should immediately ring a bell for anyone who is familiar with antisemitism, anti-Israel or Islam in general.  The following is just a small sampling of the hateful anti-Jew, sometimes anti-Judeo Christian ways in which the words obama chose to use in his poem have been used hatefully against the Jews.


    We will throw Israel into the sea, there is no middle ground. Coexistence is total nonsense….The real means of dealing with Israel directly is those who blow themselves up. According to what I see in the battle arena, there is no other way but the pure, noble Palestinian bodies. This is the only Arab weapon there is, and anyone who says otherwise is a conspirator. [Egyptian psychiatrist Dr. Adel Sadeq on Iqra' Television (Saudi Arabia and Egypt), 24April 2002 (Arabic). See Memri 373, 30 April 2002.]


    “…with every blow struck by Al-Aqsa Intifadah, my conviction grows stronger that I, and those like-minded, have been right all along, and I am still right in my belief that the despised racist Jewish entity will be annihilated. Contrary to others, however, I am not ashamed to speak about driving them into the sea, to hell or to the trash heap where they belong….I maintain, and Allah is my witness, that the annihilation and defeat of the Israelis, after which there will be no resurrection, does not require all those things. All that is required is to concentrate on acts of martyrdom, or what is known as the “strategy of the balance of fear….” [Al-Usbu' (Egypt), 28 May 2001 (Arabic). See Memri 224, 4 June 2001.]


    The old stereotypes of classical European anti-Semitism have been copiously replicated in Arab and Muslim writings. Recent Arab-Muslim anti-Semitism has taken some new forms concurrent with the enhanced anti-Semitic mood in the West. The main strata of inspiration have not changed substantially, and include Muslim sources, such as calling Jews “descendants of apes and swine,” [Raphael Israeli, The New Muslim Anti-Semitism: Exploring Novel Avenues of Hatred]


    Quoting Surat Al-Maida, verse 60, the lesson explains that Jews and Christians have sinned by accepting polytheism and therefore incurred Allah’s wrath. To punish them, Allah has turned them into apes and pigs. [Brigitte Gabriel,]


    “claws of hatred dive into our Palestinian blood in search of oxygen-rich blood cells…our movement found in Netanyahu something it could not ignore which is the dismemberment of the agreement by the fangs of hatred and the chewing of the peace by the teeth of the Talmud…” — excerpts from a position paper issued by Yasser Arafat’s Fatah faction of the PLO and published in the official PA newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadeeda, October 18, 1997


    “The [Palestinian] Authority cannot do a thing, except protect its people and itself from an enemy which bares its Jewish fangs from the four corners of the earth… [--- from an article in the official PA newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadeeda, August 6, 1997]


    Historically, even in the days of Shakespeare, the term “fangs” was used in describing Jews.  Shakespeare was aware of this Antisemitism, and wrote in the Merchant of Venice, Shylock (the Jew) saying “beware my fangs.”


Do apes (monkeys, etc) eat figs?  Are apes associated with figs?  No, they are normally associated with eating bananas.  Which group of people eat figs as a major part of their diet?  That’s right, figs are a historic staple Jewish cuisine.,, Here’s an interesting recipe to try, or try Judith Pettigrew’s grilled fig recipe here.


Antisemitism quotes from

More Anti-Jewish Quotes from

Obama poems: a depiction of the extent of obama’s non-existent talent in writing; and a clear view of the twisted, hateful nature of barack hussein obama

Ayers likely ghost-wrote Barack Hussein Obama’s memoirs

And of course, this post has said nothing of Obama’s anti-Israel, anti-Jewish, anti-American mentors and friends.  (Does he have any other kind?)  And his Anti-Israel, Anti-Jew comments to this day.
aka Someone Else

Offline mord

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Re: Teenaged Obama's Jew-Hate Poem
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2008, 12:19:44 PM »
this is a good discovery :)
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Teenaged Obama's Jew-Hate Poem
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2008, 01:51:34 PM »
this is a good discovery :)

Depends - he is elected ...  :'(
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