John McCain, acting as chairman of the International Republican Institute in the 90's, gave a $500,000 grant to the Center for Palestine Research and Studies, which Khalidi co-founded. is this forgotten about? According to the Times' description of the piece it ran six months ago, "speakers expressed anger at Israel and at U.S. foreign policy,
but that Obama in his comments called for finding common ground." Note: what does "finding common ground" mean exactly Pres. Elect Obama? Nothing especially shocking in that, one might think. So why can't we all see what's on the tape? [this last comment i think is the journalist who wrote the piece.]
The newspaper's intransigence had led many on the right to presume that Obama sat in silence or approval as the worst type of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic rhetoric was loosed in his presence. Therefore, goes this logic, he's a covert sympathizer with the PLO who's just waiting to get elected before he invites AIPAC and American Jewry to join Jeremiah Wright and his white grandmother under what has got be the most merciless bus since Speed.