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Jesus remins "found"

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Joe Gutfeld:
Jesus remins were found in a documentury today.  Do you think that this could be real?  What are your views on this?

What documentary...please tell me what channel and when was it on...and the name of the documentary

This is a good thing. It proves Jebus did not ascend to heaven.

Joe Gutfeld:
I heard it's on the Discovery channel

Don't allow yourselves to be deceived by ridiculous propaganda.

This "story" is pure BS from start to finish.

It was first released a full year ago; with National Geographic giving it complete coverage.

Every archaeologist & historian who have examined the burial tomb & the sarcophagus have concluded that there is nothing at all notable about such a find.

The burial arrangements and plot are those of a quite wealthy person; which by itself would exclude Jesus & his family.

Every other Jew during the time of the Roman Occupation had the names Yeshua, Yochanon, Miriam, Yosef, Chaim, etc... , which are the names inscribed on the burial site.

This "non-event" could have never been "announced" as a "sensation", were it not for the millions of people who think that the names Yosef, Yeshua, Yochanon, Miriam, were the exclusive names of only three individuals in all of history; which just happened to be the ones in the New Testament Gospels.

Last, but not least; I find it personally offensive to mock the beliefs of others who are as equally sincere in their faith, as are we in ours.

If you don't want the story of Pesach ridiculed by secular moderns as "having never happened", then don't ridicule the miracles which underly the faith and righteous behavior of our Christian friends and neighbors.


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