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Jesus remins "found"
Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
I am highly skeptical.
I am a christian and I agree with MassuhDGoodName. I would also like to state that we christians are seriously limited in our ability to respond to such nonsense here on this forum. Be certain that if that were not the case there is at least one christian right here that would gladly debate this quite successfully. But since we are in effect incapable of offering any response that would debunk this without crossing over that line of proselytising, I don't think such topics should be tolerated here. That's not what this is about. ???
Christian Zionist:
The Ahamdia muslim sect founder Mirza Gulam Ahamed and his followers would be scared to hear this news.
They have one tomb in Kashmir, India which they claim as the grave site of Jesus. Ahamadia sect believes that Jesus came to Kashmir and died. Mirza Gulam Ahamed instructed his followers to prove that it was indeed Jesus' tomb to deny His resurrection and also said "If we prove Jesus had died and did not rise again we can drive Christianity out of the Earth". Therefore Ahamadia muslim fervently argue and try to prove that the tomb of Jesus is in Kashmir. They have all "historical proofs" about Jesus visiting and dying in Kashmir. Ahamadia sect is considered a non muslim minority in Pakistan.
MassuhDGoodName I agree with you 100%. You are one of the most knowledgeable posters in this forum with great understanding (in all areas)
Joe Gutfeld:
I guess none of you have read the divinci code
Actually I attended an all day seminar on how the DaVinci code contradicts itself from start to finish, it was almost laughable. If you are interested I can try to get the person's name who gave the presentation, I am pretty sure he has a book that is basically what he presented in the seminar. UPDATE; I just called my church and got the info. The man's name is Darrell Bock and the book that the seminar was based on is called Breaking The DaVinci Code.
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