I believe there is one prediction that is positive. First off Chaim had mentioned in the past that every American President who had pressured Israel had something bad happen. For Lyndon Johnson it was Vietnam, Nixon - Watergate, Ford - his less than on term in office, Carter - the Iran crisis and the landslide loss to Reagan, Reagan didn't go against Israel so he is revered as one of the great presidents of our time by all except ultra left, Bush Sr. - the economy and his loss after only one term, Clinton - the Monica Lewinsky scandal and becoming the first President in history to be actually impeached, Bush W - being regarded as the worst president in history. Now we have Obama. I think Obama will go again Israel more aggressively than all the others. But while he is doing that I think that what is going to happen is that while he is pressuring Israel, he will run into a serious problem that is completely unrelated. What will happen is that he will push for illegal immigrants to become legal, push very aggressively for open borders, and push very agressively to give licenses and other benefits to illegal aliens. The unions, who give all Democrat candidates the support they need to get into office to begin with, will turn against him for this in a massive campaign across the country. They may go as far as to support the Republican incumbent, just to punish and make an example of Obama. Union officals and spokespersons will say that Obamas immigration policies have cut the legs from under all the upstanding unions across America, causing blue collared workers to loose their jobs and benefits to much cheaper illegal immigrant labor. The union don't care about being called racist, they only care about preserving the benefits of their members. This incident I believe will be given a name by the press and will seriously jeapordize or flat out cost Obama is election in 2012. I believe this will be Gods' doing to punish Obama for pressuring Israel.