Ok, this is getting a bit silly.
JTF is unique because it says what it says in the way that it says it. Yes, JTF used to say things crudely...often true, but often misunderstood. Since then, more explanation and logic has been given with some of this misunderstood thoughts. I believe we can improve it a little more, but not for respectability, but for PRESENTIBILITY. We aren't scumbag low class shmucks. We are a real movement with real logical righteous intentions. We cannot act like the animals we hate by sounding hateful and stupid and crude. we have to be presentible..and I don't mean being nice...Presentible doesn't mean nice or respectable or respecting. It means explaining our points of view as eloquently as Rabbi Kahane did rather than sounding like a bunch of uneducated racist shmucks.
If you want to be sound like a racist shmuck, form your own movement. If you want to be presentable and learn how to be presentable, stick around and share your ideals. We are a great movement filled wtih educated and intelligent people and we need to learn how to sound that way.