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Anyone recognize this man?

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Notice a picture of the Rabbi behind him

YES I DO.  I KNOW HIM PERSONALLY.  He is Rabbi Mordechai Friedman, an Orthodox Kahanist Rabbi that Chaim also knows.  Last time I spoke to him, he had a cable tv show.  I think he still has one so you should watch it as he is very entertaining and actually speaks the truth like Chaim.

That is outrageous that you would compare Friedman to Chaim. That video I posted. Someone downloaded it and reposted it. The original posting is on the SamanthaTheCat channel at Youtube. I started watching that man because yes, he is amusing because he is so stupid and hateful. This guy hates all christians and if you watch his show he basically regulary calls for the extermination of everybody except some jews he agrees with. I posted that clip because I thought the message in that clip was correct and very funny. But that is in no way someone that is of any value whatsoever. Chaim was recently asked about this psycho on Ask JTF. Chaim said he doesn't agree with this guy and in particular because of his retarded views on christians, who he apparently believes are all catholics anyway. I have about 8 of his shows on tape and can back up all my claims. This man is certainly going to hell. 

Allen, be careful before you speak about a Jew who sacrificed much for the Jewish people, and Rabbi Kahane trusted him and gave him a position of leadership within the JDL. And do not forget that many Christian sects do wish to destroy the Jewish people, and have done their best to accomplish this goal. Do not forget that while Chaim follows the Meiri in regards to Christians there are many Jews who follow other Poskim who took a harder line.

Beyond which Chaim has praised Rabbi Friedman while saying he disagrees with him on the Christian issue.

Allen, I heard the show where Chaim talked about Friedman.  He said that he knew Friedman and he was a good jew but disagreed with him on the Christan issue.  He didn't say anything bad about him.  Rabbi Friedman told me personally that he didn't like that Chaim catered his shows to Christians. I met the Rabbi and I think he is a good man who has almost identical views to Chaim on everything except the Christan stuff.  He is also funnier than Chaim to listen too as he really knows how to make fun of people.  He is also a Rabbi and well versed in the Torah and knows how to speak like a real Rabbi. When I spoke to him I didn't get the impression that he hated all non Jews so show me the clip where he said that.  His shows are aimed for Jews unlike Chaim who's shows are aimed for Gentiles and Jews so the focus is entirely different.  He does have a more negative opinion of Chistans than Chaim and I understand where he is coming from since sadly many do hate Jews and he reacts to them like Chaim reacts to the blacks; since the majority are evil, he categorizes the group as evil.  If you don't like him that's fine.  Everyone has there own opinion.  Personally, I think that gentiles have changed in the last few generations and many more are rightous than used to be so I agree with Chaim's perspective.  Rightous gentiles are our greatest ally and we should work together.  Next time I see him, I'll talk to him more about this stuff.


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