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Anyone recognize this man?

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Fruit of thy loins:
Farrakhan Trashcan.   ;D  The only thing that annoyed me were the weak as urine comments by the leftist flakes underneath.

By the way, do you guys know that Rabbi Friedman had a cameo on Law and Order? 

Until Shiloh Comes:

--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on February 28, 2007, 12:00:44 AM ---Allen, be careful before you speak about a Jew who sacrificed much for the Jewish people, and Rabbi Kahane trusted him and gave him a position of leadership within the JDL. And do not forget that many Christian sects do wish to destroy the Jewish people, and have done their best to accomplish this goal. Do not forget that while Chaim follows the Meiri in regards to Christians there are many Jews who follow other Poskim who took a harder line.

Beyond which Chaim has praised Rabbi Friedman while saying he disagrees with him on the Christian issue.

--- End quote ---

Hello my friend, and good day to you.

I must say that I agree with you comments whole heartedly. 

--- Quote from: jdl4ever ---I met the Rabbi and I think he is a good man who has almost identical views to Chaim on everything except the Christan stuff.  He is also funnier than Chaim to listen too as he really knows how to make fun of people.
--- End quote ---

JDL4ever, I disagree here.   I think Friedman has clearly copied a lot of the gimmicks and parodies that Chaim's been using for at least a decade.   His choice of words have clearly been influenced by Ben Pesach as well. 

Ah well, to each his own I suppose.

If we are talking about the same show, all I recall Chaim saying about Friedman was that he disagreed with him because of his opinions of christians. I do not recall him saying anything praise worthy of Friedman. I will say this, If JTF ever aligned themselves with this man I would stop supporting JTF immediately. I have some free time next week. I am going to go through the approximately 5 hours of footage I have on Friedman and I am going to make a video showing exactly why no christian should EVER support ANYTHING this man is involved with. He regularly screams at the camera about THE REAL JEWISH MESSIAH and calls christians idolaters. He uses examples of Catholic history that have nothing to do with Jesus or the Bible and condemns christians across the board for it. I was afraid that my posting of that short clip would lead to this man getting attention. Also, my wife saw an episode of his show that unfortunatley I missed and she didn't tape. On it he was saying how in the future gentiles will marry plants and discussed how gentiles will have sex with plants. If you know this genius, could you get me a tape of that show, for it's sheer comedic element I would love to see it!!! My montage of his satanic rants about christians will be forthcoming. Certainly you must realise that someone who hates christians as much as this guy cannot be dismissed by us christians simply because he has helped his own people. I think it is important that christian JTFers know exactly what this guys deal is if even one Jewish JTFer thinks this guy should be taken seriously.         

Furthermore, within "christiandom" [e.g. religious people who follow ritual but have no faith and are biblically illiterate] there is much anti-semitism. Within christianity there is virtually no anti-semitism at all. Friedman makes no distinction between the two, and as someone on a public platform screaming about "christians" he has a responsability to know the difference, or shut up. Also, as my video will demonstrate his attacks are sometimes directed at Jesus directly.  :'(


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