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Anyone recognize this man?

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The video I put together is really addressed to other christians that support JTF. My feeling is that as a christian I have to put the well being of other christians in this organisation on just a slightly higher plain than everyone else. So if any talk whatsoever is being done here on this forum, or in any JTF related context, which speaks in a positive light about Mordechai Friedman I have a responsability to the other christians to let them know exactly what this guy preaches which is anti-christ hatred. When a christian preaches that without Christ there is only hell, he is saying it because he believes it to be true and to stay quiet would be akin to murder. So you may not agree with that, but you can see his motive is for your eternal safety, as he understands things. Friedman, on the other hand preaches holocaust & revenge and lies about history. I have no doubt that if my life were in Friedman's hands he would kill me if he could. A right motived christian and a revenge hungry mocking Rabbi can't be compared.       


--- Quote from: Allen-T on February 28, 2007, 05:11:17 PM ---

Then I guess you will have a different opinion about Friedman after I post the video I made. After all, according to him "ipso-facto" a good christian means being an anti-semite"[and he cites the scripture as proof, not even human behavior] and "all Irish-Catholic anti-semites should be time-machined back to the Irish potato famine because enough of them didn't die". It's all there and then some.  

--- End quote ---
He said anti-Semites, frankly I'd be happy if all anti-Semites dropped dead tomorrow. But that doesnt mean I have anything but love for righteous people.

When you watch him it is clear he means all Irish Catholics are anti-semites. He barely speaks correct english. I had to keep the video under 10 minutes. So I had to do some editing. He never makes distinctions. If he says ipso-facto all good christians are anti-semites then the previous quote can only be interpreted one way, that is all Irish Catholics are anti-semites who should be killed.

He's on T.V. in Queens he cracks me up ..but he does hate everyone especially Blacks and Poles

That's the thing, he is funny. He has that same comical/psychotic duality that Charles Manson has.

Until Shiloh Comes:

--- Quote from: Allen-T on February 28, 2007, 05:11:17 PM ---Then I guess you will have a different opinion about Friedman after I post the video I made.
--- End quote ---

Hello my friend, and good day to you.

What do you plan to accomplish by posting this video presumably to youtube?   You do understand the backlash will not be against that Rabbi, but against the Jewish people as a whole as this last clip proves   Located at that link is nothing short of virulent attacks on the Jewish people in the comments section, and I fear your video will only provoke the same reaction - only worse.

Rabbi Friedman makes general statements about Gentiles, which are true.   Chaim makes the same vitriolic statements about blacks, but he understands there are exceptions.   Rabbi Friedman is a knowledgeable Rabbi and is aware that there is a small remnant of 'righteous gentiles' on Earth or the 'pious amongst the nations' if you will, but doesn't vocalize that many times on his show.    That was kahaneloyalist's point -- as a non-Jew the show isn't really made for you, not because it's some big secret, but because a person unversed in Jewish concepts, Torah, and Talmud simply doesn't have the capacity to listen to Rabbi Friedman in the proper context.   Most Jews wouldn’t even understand Friedman, just like most Jews slandered the great Rabbi Kahane HY”D as a racist, and bigot.

I ask that you don't post that video to you tube, Allen.  If you want JTF'ers to see it might I suggest you upload it to yousendit, and post the link.


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