Hello Fellow Patriot:
Thank you for contacting FreedomMarch!
http://freedommarch.org/The best way for you to help, this minute, is to spread the word about FreedomMarch.org.
Recruiting others is vital. Contacting other like-minded organizations so that we may form alliances is especially important. Tell friends, family, blog, church groups, veterans groups, etc.
I am hosting a radio show tonight,
http://www.plainsradio.com/Tues 11-11-08 from 6 – 8 PM Pacific. Please call in, chat live, etc here. I'm happy to answer questions, discuss current issues, and future plans.
One American can make a tremendous difference - FreedomMarch.org started with just one Patriot willing to work hard. We now number over 1000 – a number sufficient to get something done. We’re forming alliances with some large online publishers, and our numbers will soon grow by many thousands.
America needs you. We must move quickly.
Thank you,
FreedomMarch.org Founder