Author Topic: The solution to the “Palestinian” curse on Israel  (Read 3300 times)

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The solution to the “Palestinian” curse on Israel
« on: April 17, 2008, 03:19:27 PM »
I just finished talking to my brother who is in the IDF guarding the Jews in Hebron. He is over there being a lone soldier and I am in the State paying taxes that end up funding the terrorist that want to kill us. I got inspired and I decided to write a short essay that I am going to turn into a movie this month. I will post the first couple paragraphs here. You can read the rest at my blog if you are interested. Ideas on how I can change this into a movie would be appreciated.

" Israel since its founding has been attack by Arabs around them that don’t want any Jews to live in land they once controlled. It is against Islam to give up land that was previously under the control of Muslims. That is why the muslims created a fictitious people called the “Palestinians” , after Israel defeated the armies of the arab countries which out gunned and out number the Israelis. All of Israel’s major wars where won with the help of G-d, for this reason students of war strategy do not study the major Israelis wars (48, 67, and the yom kipper war). The  defeated the armies of the arab countries realized this and but they did not give up because it was a holly war to rid the land of the Jews because the Koran forbid them from living on previously controlled Islamic land.

As long as Israel doesn’t lose faith in G-d Israel will be protected. The muslims deiced to take lessons from their holy book the Qu’ran and copy how there profit Mohammed. In one of the major battles of the Qur’an Mohammed destroys the neighboring jewish tribes by destroying their faith in G-d by making false promises and deceit. That is what the arab countries did in creating the myth of the Palestinian people.

      There where very few Arabs living in Israel most of them where nomads. The zionist saying was “a land without people for a people with out a land.” When England controlled Israel the jews called themselves the Palestinians. However do to a great amount of reconstructing of facts and history funded by oil money and spread by anti semites, the world now believes there is such thing as the Palestinians who where refugees when Israel was founded. 

    There where more Jews kicked out of Arab lands then nomads and arabs that willing left what is now Israel. Before Israel was created the arabs didn’t call themselves Palestinians, they called themselves ”Southern Syrians”. The segment of land was divided into Jordan for the Muslims, and Israel for the jews. But after Israel started winning wars against the arab nations,  the Arab counties paid people and emptied their jails into what they called “refugee camps”. They purposely left them in a state of neglect and  didn’t let them into their counties. The arabs realized they would have no chance to defeat Israel on a military level so they created a class of people to try to break the will of the Israelis through Guerilla warfare. 

  Some jews love peace so much they are blinded by it. In their blinded state some jews and factions of the government that wanted political power tried to help out their unfortunate pali neighbors (I am now going to refer to ”Palestinians” as Pali). The more Israel gives or acknowledge the existence of the fictional palis the more power the palis gain and the more jews they end up killing.   Jordan got sick of the palis and killed thousands of them during black september but the world said nothing.  ”Palis” use children as human shieds and when one dies the media manipulation called Paliwood funded with oil money cause the world to cause condemnation.

     Israelis have a great value for human life and they respect the lives of even their enemies. This causes palliwood to have to make up deaths like the Al Dura tapes. Where the french media showed and caused world outrage on a fictional killing. If you look farther in the tape the boy is not dead and he gets up. It is just sick that the french media aired this piece of propaganda. The Al Dura tapes gave rise to the second intifada which took the lives of thousands of innocent jews. Al Queda in Iraq gave the Al Dura tapes as justification of beheading Daniel Pearl.

    The United States pressured Israel into giving the most historically Jewish regions in Israel over to the Palis which will use them as launching grounds to try to destroy Israel and to “push all the jews to the sea.” The anti semites at the state department give hundreds of millions of dollars and guns to the palis knowing full well that almost all of the money is going to be embezzled and used to buy weapons to kill jews, while keeping the average pali in a state of poverty. When foreign governments have given the “Pali” enough money to build every family a 2 story house with a pool. "

Read the rest here

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: The solution to the “PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi” curse on Israel
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2008, 03:33:14 PM »
There are no Jewish,Israeli Arabs!They need to leave !The Arab world has money and land!Why do they insist on Palistine. They hate Jews!No other reason!
Wayne Jude

Offline Taylor

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Re: The solution to the “PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi” curse on Israel
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2008, 04:28:34 PM »
In every generation they rise up to destroy us, but Hashem, Blessed Be He, saves us from their hands.

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: The solution to the “PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi” curse on Israel
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2008, 04:29:42 PM »

Offline Taylor

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Re: The solution to the “PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi” curse on Israel
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2008, 04:43:16 PM »
The thing that scares me is only 1/5 of the Jewish people left Egypt. I am going to do everything in my power to protect the Jewish people and the state of Israel and hopefully I will be in the 1/5 of Jews that get to leave this spiritual exile. But despite the evil of the Amalek that call themselves Palestinians it looks like our fellow jews are causing the most trouble for Israel and the Jewish people. The evilness of Olmert and self hating jewish thinkers like Noam Chomsky confuse me. It seems as if our greatest enemy are fellow Jews. I try to dismiss these thoughts by thinking they love peace so much that they are blinded by it but that answer doesn't quite suffice. Does anyone have a clue why this is?

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: The solution to the “PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi” curse on Israel
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2008, 04:52:40 PM »
The same reason fellow "Christian"White people destroy the USA.What reason?I dont know. :( :( :( :(