Author Topic: 52% of teen girls having unprotected sex, loosing virginity by 15  (Read 2268 times)

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By Laura T. Coffey contributor
updated 9:04 a.m. ET, Fri., Nov. 14, 2008

Parents, brace yourselves: The survey results are in, and you may not like what they reveal about girls and sex.

More than 10,000 teenage girls and young women took part in an anonymous survey over the summer on, the Web site of “The Tyra Banks Show.” Survey questions focused on sexuality, sexually transmitted diseases and teen pregnancy, as well as drinking, drugs and violence among females. Here are some findings from the survey:

    * On average, girls are losing their virginity at 15 years of age.
    * 14 percent of teens who are having sex say they’re doing it at school.
    * 52 percent of survey respondents say they do not use protection when having sex.
    * One in three says she fears having a sexually transmitted disease.
    * 24 percent of teens with STDs say they still have unprotected sex.
    * One in five girls says she wants to be a teen mom.
    * About 50 percent acknowledge that they’ve hit someone.
    * One out of three teens has tried drugs.

“What surprised me most on the survey is that the girls were so honest, and I think the reason why they were so honest is because the survey was anonymous,” retired model and daytime TV host Tyra Banks told TODAY co-anchor Matt Lauer on Friday. But when some of girls surveyed came onto her show and described their sexual activities, “I was shocked again,” she added. "I don’t think they were trying to be sensational. I really do believe that they were telling the truth.”

Open talk about diseases, pregnancies
On “The Tyra Banks Show” airing Friday, eight girls ranging in age from 14 to 17 discuss the survey findings and share their own personal experiences. Seven of the eight say they are sexually active; of those seven, just one says she uses protection when having sex.

“A lot of the guys, if I didn’t have unprotected sex with them, they would get mad at me and I still wanted that closeness with them,” one girl says during the show. “I was afraid if I didn’t do what they wanted, they wouldn’t be my friend.”

The same girl talks about how she tested positive for chlamydia twice and also contracted genital herpes.

“I’m ashamed that I have it, but it’s something I want other people to be aware of,” she says.

Another girl, a 17-year-old mother of a 7-month-old boy, says she lost her virginity on a school lunch break and deliberately planned her pregnancy by monitoring her menstrual cycle.

“I had helped teach a sex-ed class to a class of freshmen my sophomore year,” she explains. “We taught how … there’s a week [in] the month you are more likely to get pregnant than any other time of the month. I had calculated that out and I decided on two days I was most likely to get pregnant.”

Girls on the show also talk about experimenting with the drugs salvia and Ecstasy and getting into violent fights with other girls.

‘Adolescents need help’
Dr. Elizabeth Schroeder, executive director of Answer, a teen sex education program based at Rutgers University, said the survey results sound plausible and are consistent with other research on teen sexuality.

“This so clearly points to the need for comprehensive sexual education for kids,” Schroeder said. “An adolescent … is supposed to be making poor decisions. Developmentally this is the way they’re supposed to be behaving. They need help ....

“Parents need help talking with their kids about sexuality, and schools need to be talking to kids about sexuality.”

Banks told Lauer that this kind of communication simply isn't happening for many teens.

“They are not talking to their parents; they’re embarrassed to talk to their parents,” Banks said. “And more than them being embarrassed to talk to their parents, their parents are embarrassed to talk to them. So they're finding all [about] sex education with their friends, with their peers.

“I asked one of the girls, ‘Where are you doing it?’ ” Banks added. “She said, ‘In the bathroom, and the janitor caught us.’ ”

But Schroeder said it’s important to keep the issue of teens actually having sex at school in perspective. “If 14 percent of teens are having sex in school, that means 86 percent are not having sex in school,” she says. “People have to hear the statistics and hear that it’s not everybody.”

Banks also told TODAY that girls appear to be more sexually active than ever before. A 16-year-old girl interviewed on “The Tyra Banks Show” says she had sex for the first time at 13. Since then, she has had nine sex partners and has contracted sexually transmitted diseases, including genital herpes.

“When they told me I was crying really bad … because it was something I have to live with for the rest of my life,” the girl says during the episode.

The girl also says she’s never addressed the issue with the boy who gave her herpes.

“I never confronted him about it,” she says. “I’ve always been scared.”

“It hurts me, because my mission in life is to raise the self-esteem of young girls,” Banks told Lauer on TODAY. “But I didn’t know that it was that low.”

Offline P J C

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Re: 52% of teen girls having unprotected sex, loosing virginity by 15
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2008, 06:28:59 AM »
This is terrible news.
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2

Offline nessuno

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Re: 52% of teen girls having unprotected sex, loosing virginity by 15
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2008, 07:11:20 AM »
It is very frightening news.
Can young people even hear, the moral message, over all the noise in their lives?
Parents have to compete with peers, the internet, TV and print media.

I just pray I'm LOUDER then all that and the my message is getting through.
Sometimes it feels like you're up against a brick wall.   :throw:
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Offline takebackourtemple

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Re: 52% of teen girls having unprotected sex, loosing virginity by 15
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2008, 07:19:36 AM »
   I wish it was not true. I remember working out once in the JCC and hearing a bunch of little girls congratulate one of them for losing her virginity. She had just joined their club. There were Jewish girls. Not third world savages, however, I don't know who they lost their virginity to.
Does it bother you that you have to face the dome and the rock to say the sh'ma?

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Re: 52% of teen girls having unprotected sex, loosing virginity by 15
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2008, 08:08:48 AM »
When I was in Jr. High, which was a good many years ago now, part of the reason I was outcasted was that I was nerdy enough to tell kids that they weren't supposed to do that until they got married. They always used to talk about sex and how good it felt, etc. I think some of them were bluffing to fit in, but some of them weren't.

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Re: 52% of teen girls having unprotected sex, loosing virginity by 15
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2008, 01:20:26 PM »
Doesn't suprise me. To think I was the moral one in High School. Really makes you think doesn't it
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

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Re: 52% of teen girls having unprotected sex, loosing virginity by 15
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2008, 01:30:09 PM »
This is sad news, but not surprising.

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Re: 52% of teen girls having unprotected sex, loosing virginity by 15
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2008, 02:23:14 PM »
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Offline White Israelite

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Re: 52% of teen girls having unprotected sex, loosing virginity by 15
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2008, 02:31:43 PM »
Not surprised, when I was in middle school, about 60 percent of the Mexican girls walked around the gym pregnant at 12-13 years old, no I'm not kidding.

Anyways, most kids in my class in highschool were having sex at 15-16. I had a girlfriend at that age as well.

Offline SavetheWest

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Re: 52% of teen girls having unprotected sex, loosing virginity by 15
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2008, 02:36:33 PM »
It's been like this for many years now.  52% are having unprotected sex..never mind sex at all.  What if the "protection" fails?

And my older relatives wonder why I'm not married at 31.  I prefer not to marry a woman who's slept with 1000 guys and might have a disease. 

Offline White Israelite

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Re: 52% of teen girls having unprotected sex, loosing virginity by 15
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2008, 02:41:26 PM »
It's been like this for many years now.  52% are having unprotected sex..never mind sex at all.  What if the "protection" fails?

And my older relatives wonder why I'm not married at 31.  I prefer not to marry a woman who's slept with 1000 guys and might have a disease. 

Unfortunately it's almost impossible to find women nowadays that are virgins after 25, sure they exist, it's just very uncommon. It's all about the one night stands.

As for protection, well that's probably why so many teens have diseases is because they don't use any protection like a condom, then again, most religions prohibit birth control if I remember correctly as it's wasting the seed.

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Re: 52% of teen girls having unprotected sex, loosing virginity by 15
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2008, 02:55:26 PM »
I've given up on finding a virgin but now I have a difficult time finding women who have slept with only a few guys.  Women who go out at night and always have one night stands are hideous creatures.  Guys are scum of the earth too.  I think with other ethnic groups in the mix too, practices like having sex younger and having more partners has become more common too. 


Offline White Israelite

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Re: 52% of teen girls having unprotected sex, loosing virginity by 15
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2008, 03:12:33 PM »
I've given up on finding a virgin but now I have a difficult time finding women who have slept with only a few guys.  Women who go out at night and always have one night stands are hideous creatures.  Guys are scum of the earth too.  I think with other ethnic groups in the mix too, practices like having sex younger and having more partners has become more common too. 


It's pretty much like a game, at least when i was in highschool, guys wanted to get the trust of girls and they felt they had to achieve the highschool by being able to sleep with the girl so they could brag about it. It's pretty much a status type of thing. Inflates their ego.

With girls, well girls that sleep around a lot are seen as whores or sluts which is kind of weird because if guys do it, society says that's acceptable.

There are also girls who purposely act like sluts, we refer to these women as "attention" whores.

Of course me being a teenager at the time with uncontrolled hormones, how do you think the rest of my peers were? It had little to do with television but rather just how things were, I don't think much has changed from say the 50's, I just think that it was less talked about. I'm curious what the statistics were at that time for people under 18 who had kids in the 50's, 60's, etc.

I think a big problem though is that whites are having less kids in general, the issue is that most of these large families and pregnancies are by people from the 3rd world, mexicans, blacks, etc. Mexicans have huge families.

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Re: 52% of teen girls having unprotected sex, loosing virginity by 15
« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2008, 03:12:44 PM »
I'm 23 and only a Frum Girl would fit me. The Secular makes me sick
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

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Re: 52% of teen girls having unprotected sex, loosing virginity by 15
« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2008, 03:22:34 PM »
I've given up on finding a virgin but now I have a difficult time finding women who have slept with only a few guys.  Women who go out at night and always have one night stands are hideous creatures.  Guys are scum of the earth too.  I think with other ethnic groups in the mix too, practices like having sex younger and having more partners has become more common too. 


It's pretty much like a game, at least when i was in highschool, guys wanted to get the trust of girls and they felt they had to achieve the highschool by being able to sleep with the girl so they could brag about it. It's pretty much a status type of thing. Inflates their ego.

With girls, well girls that sleep around a lot are seen as whores or sluts which is kind of weird because if guys do it, society says that's acceptable.

There are also girls who purposely act like sluts, we refer to these women as "attention" whores.

Of course me being a teenager at the time with uncontrolled hormones, how do you think the rest of my peers were? It had little to do with television but rather just how things were, I don't think much has changed from say the 50's, I just think that it was less talked about. I'm curious what the statistics were at that time for people under 18 who had kids in the 50's, 60's, etc.

I think a big problem though is that whites are having less kids in general, the issue is that most of these large families and pregnancies are by people from the 3rd world, mexicans, blacks, etc. Mexicans have huge families.

People were more moral in the past.  Even in the 1970's and early 1980's there were plenty of women who did not sleep around.  I know plenty of people in their 40's, 50's and up who said tons of people did not sleep around.  If you were a female who got pregnant out of wedlock, it was actually looked down upon, not celebrated like it is today.  They made it really hard to be a single mom, not easy with government programs like it is today.  Also, if you look at the statistics from the 1950's and before and compare them to today, it's staggering how decadent we have become. 
    Women have always held up being more moral than men.  Men in the past were always trying to sleep with women but women gave themselves value because they would not sleep with them.  That's why courting was so importnat in the past to find a potential wife.  Even animals are selective with who they let father their offspring because they want a good potential outcome.  Humans don't even do that anymore.

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Re: 52% of teen girls having unprotected sex, loosing virginity by 15
« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2008, 03:24:14 PM »
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2

Offline SavetheWest

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Re: 52% of teen girls having unprotected sex, loosing virginity by 15
« Reply #16 on: November 18, 2008, 03:27:59 PM »
I'm 23 and only a Frum Girl would fit me. The Secular makes me sick

That makes the most sense