Author Topic: Japan, being Intelligent, DISLIKES OBAMA  (Read 8757 times)

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Re: Japan, being Intelligent, DISLIKES OBAMA
« Reply #25 on: November 18, 2008, 08:12:51 PM »
The main problem Japan is facing population-wise is the decline in the number of children being born.  If Japanese parents do not start having more children, Japan may be forced to relax their immigration policies.

It would make me cry if that were to happen, even though I have no connection to them. I don't even know anyone Japanese as far as I know. I hope they realize what's going on and the government gives them incentives to have more children.

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Re: Japan, being Intelligent, DISLIKES OBAMA
« Reply #26 on: November 18, 2008, 08:14:36 PM »

I've often said Japan is one of the places I'd consider living. This is just more confirmation.

If you're not of Japanese heritage please don't. Homogeneity is one key to peace and prosperity among a civilized nation.

There is some truth to that, but I think there are some cultures that can coexist without too much difficulty.  Caucasians and Asians seem to do pretty well together.  But that's about it.

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Re: Japan, being Intelligent, DISLIKES OBAMA
« Reply #27 on: November 18, 2008, 08:15:02 PM »

China is a backwards third world country.  No respect for rule of law, complete dictatorship, forced abortions, piracy, communism, slavery, poisonous exports, etc etc etc.

This is a thread about the excellent country of JAPAN.

Are people confused about the differences?  Let's put it into perspective members here may understand.  
Here is an analogy:  Japan is like Israel.  China is like Saudi Arabia or Egypt.
aka Someone Else

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Re: Japan, being Intelligent, DISLIKES OBAMA
« Reply #28 on: November 18, 2008, 08:18:53 PM »
hmm, what other famous leader in history made such statements like that?

Evil people or good people can speak the truth, but the truth doesn't change.

Behavior is 0% genetic, 100% the environment you are raised in.  I don't know why you are so obsessed with people being "racially pure"

Being part of a people is nearly 100% genetic. You can't call yourself Japanese just because you live there.

Anyway I disagree with you about behavior. I think behavior is influenced, but not determined, by someone's genes. Genes do matter. However, someone can choose to behave morally and in a good productive way.

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Japan, being Intelligent, DISLIKES OBAMA
« Reply #29 on: November 18, 2008, 08:20:27 PM »
The racial thing bothers me. If a white Jew wants to marry a black Jew, G-d bless them. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. I happen to really like darker skin like the Yemenite Jewish girls. It's not about what race someone is or what color someone is, G-d created these varieties in His ultimate wisdom... it's about what these groups of people do that matters.

The difference there to me Shlomo would be that both of you would be Jewish, that is, part of the same people. Jewish people are different in that way, in that even though they are very different from one another and made up of many colors and races, they are still one people.

That's why I don't think the same rules apply in that situation.

Offline q_q_

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Re: Japan, being Intelligent, DISLIKES OBAMA
« Reply #30 on: November 18, 2008, 08:26:03 PM »
hmm, what other famous leader in history made such statements like that?

Behavior is 0% genetic, 100% the environment you are raised in.  I don't know why you are so obsessed with people being "racially pure"

Genetics has alot to do with it.

For example, in prisons, most people there have a low IQ. That is largely genetic.

I saw a program on some years ago where they studied school children that caused trouble, and they found that many of them had trouble recognising facial expressions. They thought people were against them when they were not. They were a bit thick like that.

A bunch of people can be in the same school environment, a bad environment, but some are good and some are bad.  Not purely down to parents. People can really inherent genes that make them decent people, and inherit genes that make then wicked people.   Environment can play a part in changing people. But often genetics can be strong enough that regardless of environment, people will turn out how they will turn out.  Just like you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. some people have personality traits that are very much genetic.

Offline briann

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Re: Japan, being Intelligent, DISLIKES OBAMA
« Reply #31 on: November 18, 2008, 08:28:05 PM »
Before you compliment Japan, they have been in an extraordinarily long economic slump...  and while theyve been able to maintain employment due to their culture of hard work and education... every other economic indicator has been in the dumps. 

Just to give you some perspective..... The Nikkei is at 8,244.87.  (Which is similar to the DJIA)  BUT its high was in 1989 when it reached 38,957.44!!!!!!!!!!

Also its growth (which was spectacular in the 60s and 70s) is dismal for the last couple decades.

Finally.. the per capita GDP (adjusted for Purchasing Power) is 22nd in the world.   That is lower than the majority of developed countries (US, UK, Denmark, Australia... etc etc)

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Re: Japan, being Intelligent, DISLIKES OBAMA
« Reply #32 on: November 18, 2008, 08:30:42 PM »

Offline q_q_

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Re: Japan, being Intelligent, DISLIKES OBAMA
« Reply #33 on: November 18, 2008, 08:40:15 PM »

China is a backwards third world country.  No respect for rule of law, complete dictatorship, forced abortions, piracy, communism, slavery, poisonous exports, etc etc etc.

This is a thread about the excellent country of JAPAN.

Are people confused about the differences?  Let's put it into perspective members here may understand.  
Here is an analogy:  Japan is like Israel.  China is like Saudi Arabia or Egypt.

are the people that different or is it just the govts that differ?

in terms of attitude towards jews is there much difference?

Japan allied with the nazis in WW2.

China was good to jews, and the Mir Yeshiva relocated there from Poland, during WW2 , and thus survived.  (infact, according to wikipedia, when relocating to many places, they tried japan but jews were expelled from there so they fled there too. Eventually settling in china until it was safe)

I doubt that people in China are that different to the Japanese. Both are great people with similar work ethics and intelligence.. and decency. As far as jews are concerned, Japan has a worse history.  And as far as te allies are concerned too. 

These days though, Japan has the better govt


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Re: Japan, being Intelligent, DISLIKES OBAMA
« Reply #34 on: November 18, 2008, 08:42:13 PM »
Hey Bebop and Rocksteady,
        what was your username previously?

Blastaway, my friend.

Blastway, Bobby,  right on!

Offline t_h_j

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Re: Japan, being Intelligent, DISLIKES OBAMA
« Reply #35 on: November 18, 2008, 08:59:15 PM »

China is a backwards third world country.  No respect for rule of law, complete dictatorship, forced abortions, piracy, communism, slavery, poisonous exports, etc etc etc.

This is a thread about the excellent country of JAPAN.

Are people confused about the differences?  Let's put it into perspective members here may understand.  
Here is an analogy:  Japan is like Israel.  China is like Saudi Arabia or Egypt.

are the people that different or is it just the govts that differ?

in terms of attitude towards jews is there much difference?

Japan allied with the nazis in WW2.

China was good to jews, and the Mir Yeshiva relocated there from Poland, during WW2 , and thus survived.  (infact, according to wikipedia, when relocating to many places, they tried japan but jews were expelled from there so they fled there too. Eventually settling in china until it was safe)

I doubt that people in China are that different to the Japanese. Both are great people with similar work ethics and intelligence.. and decency. As far as jews are concerned, Japan has a worse history.  And as far as te allies are concerned too. 

These days though, Japan has the better govt


they are very different.  Calling a chinese person japanese would insult them.  Look up the "Rape of Nanking" to see why.

Offline q_q_

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Re: Japan, being Intelligent, DISLIKES OBAMA
« Reply #36 on: November 18, 2008, 09:03:18 PM »

China is a backwards third world country.  No respect for rule of law, complete dictatorship, forced abortions, piracy, communism, slavery, poisonous exports, etc etc etc.

This is a thread about the excellent country of JAPAN.

Are people confused about the differences?  Let's put it into perspective members here may understand.  
Here is an analogy:  Japan is like Israel.  China is like Saudi Arabia or Egypt.

are the people that different or is it just the govts that differ?

in terms of attitude towards jews is there much difference?

Japan allied with the nazis in WW2.

China was good to jews, and the Mir Yeshiva relocated there from Poland, during WW2 , and thus survived.  (infact, according to wikipedia, when relocating to many places, they tried japan but jews were expelled from there so they fled there too. Eventually settling in china until it was safe)

I doubt that people in China are that different to the Japanese. Both are great people with similar work ethics and intelligence.. and decency. As far as jews are concerned, Japan has a worse history.  And as far as te allies are concerned too. 

These days though, Japan has the better govt


they are very different.  Calling a chinese person japanese would insult them.  Look up the "Rape of Nanking" to see why.

indeed, the japanese military during WW2 were -very- evil..
the govt siding with the nazis..

and their atrocities.. I heard from an old english gent, that the japanese were very bad. Infact, in a local synagogue there was a guy that was completely mentally deranged , people said he was a POW, tortured by the japanese during the war.

Offline Xoce

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Re: Japan, being Intelligent, DISLIKES OBAMA
« Reply #37 on: November 18, 2008, 09:09:40 PM »
Have JTF-ers heard about the Japanese Schindler?

from the NYT

Chiune Sugihara, and in recent years he has come to be known as the "Japanese Schindler." During the summer of 1940, at the cost of his job and years of humiliation for disobeying his government, Mr. Sugihara, a consul for Japan in Kaunas, Lithuania, signed more than 2,100 visas for Jews fleeing Eastern Europe. It is estimated that the visas enabled 8,000 to 10,000 people to escape.

Mr. Sugihara died in 1986, soon after being honored at Yad Vashem, the Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem. His story was virtually unknown until "The Fugu Plan," a book by Rabbi Marvin Tokayer about the Japanese and the Jews in World War II, was published in 1979.

Now a new book, "Visas for Life," written by Mr. Sugihara's widow, Yukiko, and translated by his son, Hiroki, tells the story in more detail. Dr. Kadish, a New Rochelle resident, was in the audience recently when Hiroki Sugihara addressed the Friday Men's Club of Y.M.-Y.W.H.A. of Mid-Westchester here.

Also attending, along with more than 300 other people -- including a group of students from Keio Academy in Purchase -- were several people Mr. Sugihara's father had saved. One was Lilly Singer of White Plains, Dr. Kadish's aunt, who was 16 when she and 10 other members of her family -- including Dr. Kadish's mother -- waited in Kaunas for transit visas through Russia and Japan. The Soviets had given permission to let the Jews through, but the Japanese Government, whom Mr. Sugihara asked three times, refused.

He signed the visas anyway, writing so many in such a short time that his hands became cramped. In a talk illustrated by slides, Hiroki Sugihara described how his mother massaged his father's hands, and how he, as a boy of 5, was impressed by the plight of Jews converging at the consulate. "I remember seeing the frightened eyes of the children at the gate and telling my father he must do something to save those children," Mr. Sugihara said. For the next few years, Chiune Sugihara, a linguist who spoke six languages, was transferred to different European posts. At the end of the war, the Sugiharas spent 18 months in a Russian internment camp in Romania under harsh conditions, his son said. Then, upon his return to Japan in 1947, he was forced to resign from the Japanese Foreign Ministry. The reason was clear: his disobedience to his country in 1940.

"My younger brother, who was born in Kaunas, died, and we lived in relative poverty," Hiroki Sugihara said. "The worst part was a deep humiliation my father had to endure by being publicly dismissed. But he never expressed regret over what he did."

At the same time, his father also never spoke about what he did, because his actions had brought pain to his family, his son said. It was only 28 years later, when his father met one of the survivors, that he began to understand the significance of his actions. Then, learning that he had made life possible for so many, "he experienced a great joy," Mr. Sugihara said. "It enabled him to be reborn, and any humiliation was cleansed from his mind and soul."

Besides receiving the Righteous Among the Nations award from Israel in 1985, Chiune Sugihara posthumously received the Courage to Care award from the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, the Raoul Wallenberg award from the Shaare Zedek Hospital of Jerusalem and the Nagasaki Peace Prize.
aka Someone Else

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Re: Japan, being Intelligent, DISLIKES OBAMA
« Reply #38 on: November 18, 2008, 09:18:53 PM »

China is a backwards third world country.  No respect for rule of law, complete dictatorship, forced abortions, piracy, communism, slavery, poisonous exports, etc etc etc.

This is a thread about the excellent country of JAPAN.

Are people confused about the differences?  Let's put it into perspective members here may understand.  
Here is an analogy:  Japan is like Israel.  China is like Saudi Arabia or Egypt.

are the people that different or is it just the govts that differ?

in terms of attitude towards jews is there much difference?

Japan allied with the nazis in WW2.

China was good to jews, and the Mir Yeshiva relocated there from Poland, during WW2 , and thus survived.  (infact, according to wikipedia, when relocating to many places, they tried japan but jews were expelled from there so they fled there too. Eventually settling in china until it was safe)

One famous Orthodox Jewish institution that was saved this way was the Lithuanian Haredi Mir yeshiva. The Japanese government and people offered the Jews temporary shelter, medical services, food, transportation, and gifts, but preferred that they move on to reside in Japanese-occupied Shanghai.

Again, this is probably because Japan is ultra-strict with regards to immigration/homogeneity, NOT due to some sort of anti-semitism.

Throughout the war, the Japanese government continually rejected requests from the German government to establish anti-Semitic policies. (wikipedia)


I doubt that people in China are that different to the Japanese. Both are great people with similar work ethics and intelligence.. and decency. As far as jews are concerned, Japan has a worse history.  And as far as te allies are concerned too. 

These days though, Japan has the better govt

aka Someone Else

Offline t_h_j

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Re: Japan, being Intelligent, DISLIKES OBAMA
« Reply #39 on: November 18, 2008, 09:24:05 PM »

China is a backwards third world country.  No respect for rule of law, complete dictatorship, forced abortions, piracy, communism, slavery, poisonous exports, etc etc etc.

This is a thread about the excellent country of JAPAN.

Are people confused about the differences?  Let's put it into perspective members here may understand.  
Here is an analogy:  Japan is like Israel.  China is like Saudi Arabia or Egypt.

are the people that different or is it just the govts that differ?

in terms of attitude towards jews is there much difference?

Japan allied with the nazis in WW2.

China was good to jews, and the Mir Yeshiva relocated there from Poland, during WW2 , and thus survived.  (infact, according to wikipedia, when relocating to many places, they tried japan but jews were expelled from there so they fled there too. Eventually settling in china until it was safe)

One famous Orthodox Jewish institution that was saved this way was the Lithuanian Haredi Mir yeshiva. The Japanese government and people offered the Jews temporary shelter, medical services, food, transportation, and gifts, but preferred that they move on to reside in Japanese-occupied Shanghai.

Again, this is probably because Japan is ultra-strict with regards to immigration/homogeneity, NOT due to some sort of anti-semitism.

Throughout the war, the Japanese government continually rejected requests from the German government to establish anti-Semitic policies. (wikipedia)


I doubt that people in China are that different to the Japanese. Both are great people with similar work ethics and intelligence.. and decency. As far as jews are concerned, Japan has a worse history.  And as far as te allies are concerned too. 

These days though, Japan has the better govt

yet they treated the chinese like subhumans.

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Re: Japan, being Intelligent, DISLIKES OBAMA
« Reply #40 on: November 18, 2008, 09:31:15 PM »
the Chinese treat the Chinese like subhumans.
aka Someone Else

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Re: Japan, being Intelligent, DISLIKES OBAMA
« Reply #41 on: November 18, 2008, 09:31:58 PM »
Japan, along with Israel and Italy are my favorite country! I genuinely like and respect Japanese.
Hayot Araviot Masrihot

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Re: Japan, being Intelligent, DISLIKES OBAMA
« Reply #42 on: November 18, 2008, 09:37:08 PM »
yet they treated the chinese like subhumans.

e.g. rapes and looting. You are referring to the japanese military during WW2 .  Not the entire population.

similarly, when xoce mentions that chinese treat each other inhumanely. I think it is only the chinese govt that treats its citizens like that.

it seems to me that the people are similar.. decent people.

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Re: Japan, being Intelligent, DISLIKES OBAMA
« Reply #43 on: November 18, 2008, 09:49:39 PM »
There's a Chinese guy I work with. He's very intelligent and has great work ethic. He's studying to be an engineer.

Chinese and Japanese and Koreans are very similar to one another in genetic makeup, but not the same culturally in that they draw sharp distinctions between one another and would NOT want to be confused with the others.  ;D

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: Japan, being Intelligent, DISLIKES OBAMA
« Reply #44 on: November 18, 2008, 09:52:07 PM »
My best friend is a Jap. He's convinced that Japs are superior to all other Asians. He likes to call himself the 'beast from the east' and has a definite pecking order of Asian people and their worth. On his scale Koreans occupy the lowest rung. Chinese people get a good grade.

He'd like to think Japs are the 'master race', so I'm compelled to remind him what a beating the American gaijings put on Japan during WWII.

He doesn't like being reminded that the Jewish developed A-bomb nearly incinerated his mom who was in Hiroshima when it was nuked, but survived.

Japs can be really xenophobic, but overall I admire their culture and think they're a fine people.

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Re: Japan, being Intelligent, DISLIKES OBAMA
« Reply #45 on: November 18, 2008, 09:52:42 PM »
There's a Chinese guy I work with. He's very intelligent and has great work ethic. He's studying to be an engineer.

Chinese and Japanese and Koreans are very similar to one another in genetic makeup, but not the same culturally in that they draw sharp distinctions between one another and would NOT want to be confused with the others.  ;D

they don't like being confused but they are similar.

it's not like Indian and Pakistani though. Where religion makes them poles apart, even though they look similar.
I can even tell looking at somebody if they are indian or pakistani!
pakinstanis tend to be muslim, and look angrier.

though another thing is that if they are very dark then they have to be indian , south india is quite dark. Pakistan doesn't go that far south, they are not that dark.

But with chinese and japanese.. they really are similar.. even though they don't like getting mixed up!

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Re: Japan, being Intelligent, DISLIKES OBAMA
« Reply #46 on: November 18, 2008, 09:56:33 PM »
A lot of horrendous inexcusable things happen during war.
What people forget is that China was in civil turmoil itself during that time, civil war.  Many atrocities were committed then by the warring Chinese factions against each other.  And ever since, to this very day, the Chinese government has waged war against its own people.  How many people did Chinese communist Mao ALONE kill?  about 40 million of his own people. is an excellent website which compares scholarly works on # of people killed by different people.  (A Source List and Detailed Death Tolls for the Twentieth Century Hemoclysm)

Also, I would expect JTF-ers to be very skeptical of Chinese propaganda.
Japan is an open society, a democracy which allows freedom of speech and thought, and values intellectual curiosity.  China is the communist state which requires an "enemy" to hate in order to deflect criticism for its own historical and current wrong doing.
JTF-ers are very skeptical of the US media and it's bias.  Why wouldn't JTFers be skeptical of the exaggerated claims of atrocities by the thoroughly biased COMMUNIST censorship filled party dictated chinese media?

But again, I'm not saying horrific things don't happen during wars.  I'm saying check the sources of information.  I don't expect people here to believe that "nobody is suffering more than the Palestinian people" as barack hussein obama said.
aka Someone Else

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Re: Japan, being Intelligent, DISLIKES OBAMA
« Reply #47 on: November 18, 2008, 10:06:01 PM »
it's not like Indian and Pakistani though. Where religion makes them poles apart, even though they look similar.
I can even tell looking at somebody if they are indian or pakistani!
pakinstanis tend to be muslim, and look angrier.

There's also a Pakistani Muslim guy named Salman that I work with. He's very Americanized and behaves like a nice person but I wish he'd give up his religion one day. I guess he follows it because his parents do and they came over to America. He said he's been here since he was little. I'm assuming that's why he comes off as so "normal". Sometimes I get a little uncomfortable about the fact that he's Muslim, but thankfully he doesn't shove his religion in anyone's face. As nice as he behaves, unfortunately I'll never be able to trust him completely.

though another thing is that if they are very dark then they have to be indian , south india is quite dark. Pakistan doesn't go that far south, they are not that dark.

I thought Indians varied a lot in how dark or light they were.

But with chinese and japanese.. they really are similar.. even though they don't like getting mixed up!

Their faces look a little different. I can tell usually (not always) if I see them side by side but if I saw just one I probably couldn't tell you which he was. I think Japanese on the whole are also more advanced culturally as they're the ones producing the latest robotics and other innovations. Chinese could probably do it if they didn't have an oppressive and evil government though and the same for the Koreans who have an oppressive and evil government.

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Re: Japan, being Intelligent, DISLIKES OBAMA
« Reply #48 on: November 18, 2008, 10:06:18 PM »
My best friend is a Jap. He's convinced that Japs are superior to all other Asians. He likes to call himself the 'beast from the east' and has a definite pecking order of Asian people and their worth. On his scale Koreans occupy the lowest rung. Chinese people get a good grade.

He'd like to think Japs are the 'master race', so I'm compelled to remind him what a beating the American gaijings put on Japan during WWII.

He doesn't like being reminded that the Jewish developed A-bomb nearly incinerated his mom who was in Hiroshima when it was nuked, but survived.

Japs can be really xenophobic, but overall I admire their culture and think they're a fine people.

If your mom was nearly incinerated by the Nazi gas chamber, would you like to be reminded of it?
For the civilians who were nuked in Hiroshima- how is that a sign of their inferiority to anyone.  Much less the rest of Asia.  Your friend is claiming the Japanese are superior to the rest of Asia.  Well, from the looks of things, they are.

The Jews were attacked and sent to concentration camps.  Does that mean Jews are inferior to the Nazi's who sent them there?

No.  Peoples/cultures are to be judged by the advances they provide to humanity.  Advances in medicine, technology, etc etc.  It seems to me that the Jewish culture is high up on the hierarchy, and so is Japanese culture, among others.
aka Someone Else

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Re: Japan, being Intelligent, DISLIKES OBAMA
« Reply #49 on: November 18, 2008, 10:48:08 PM »
Yes... Japanese are the Germans of Asia.... which is why Hitler refered to them as the 'Aryans of the East'.... whatever that means.

But honestly.... They are NO LONGER the dominant country in East-Asia.  Again... Singapore is economically vastly superior.... even in spite of their Islamic influence.  Also... Hong Kong is on the verge of passing them as well.  Both these countries are far more economically progressive and are growing at much higher rates.... and Hong Kong also has the highest IQ in the world (For a Nation.. not a race)

I have a feeling that people give Japan (along with Germany) a reputation that it doesnt deserve.

But yes... Japanese people are very nice, decent people.  (My step mom is japanese)  :)