Q: What do you call a taliban that owns a camel and a goat?
A: Bisexual.
Q. What do you call a Taliban who owns six goats?
A. A pimp.
Q: Why doesnt Afghanistan have WalMart?
A: Because they have a Target on every corner!!!!
Q: What do you call a piece of sandpaper in Afghanistan?
A: A map.
Q: How does Osama bin Laden practice safe sex?
A: He marks the camels that kick.
Q. Why do the Taliban wear robes?
A. A goat can hear a zipper a mile away.
Q: How do you play Taliban bingo?
A: B-52...F-16...B-1...
Q: Why doesn't the Taliban have drivers ed and sex ed classes on the same day?
A: Because the camels can't handle it.
Q. Why do they call the camel "the ship of the desert?"
A. Because it's full of Arab semen!
Q. What's the difference between an American BBQ and an Islamic BBQ?
A. In America, Humans roast animals over a fire. In Islam, it's the other way around.
Q. What do you say to a Muslim with his arm all the way up a camel's rump?
A. "Having car trouble?"
Q: How do you get a Muslim woman pregnant?
A: Dress her up as a goat.