Author Topic: It's time to face facts. Most Israelis ARE self-hating.  (Read 1090 times)

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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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It's time to face facts. Most Israelis ARE self-hating.
« on: December 08, 2008, 02:13:00 PM »
(all highlighting and in-text notes done by Chaimfan),7340,L-3634801,00.html

Quote from: Ynet
Poll: Netanyahu most likely to advance peace

War and Peace Index shows 31% of Kadima voters believe Netanyahu can promote peace while safeguarding Israel's interests. Most Israelis support establishment of Palestinian state

Ynet Published:  12.07.08, 18:54 / Israel News 

Which government will succeed in advancing the peace process while safeguarding Israel’s interests in the context of negotiations with the different Arab actors? According to the War and Peace Index published on Ynet, 35% of the public said a Netanyahu-led government was best fit for the job.

Poll: 84% of Israelis will vote in next general election  / Ynet 
War and Peace Index says vast majority of Israelis intend on exercising right to vote come February 10; most say will base vote on party's ideology, stand on security
Full Story
A government headed by Kadima Chairwoman Tzipi Livni got the vote of 25% of the public, while only 6% opted for a Barak-headed government as the one that would best succeed in fulfilling this task.

Among the rest, 15% said all the possibilities were “the same” in their eyes and 20% responded that they did not know or had no clear position on the matter.

The researchers that conducted the poll said that despite the economic situation, foreign and defense issues continued to determine which party the Israeli Jewish public will decide to vote for.

A segmentation of the answers to this question revealed that Likud Chairman Benjamin Netanyahu has a clear advantage among voters for Likud (65%), Shas (71%), Yisrael Beiteinu (65%), the National Religious Party (44%), and Torah Judaism (42%). In addition, he has not inconsiderable support (31%) among Kadima voters.

Tzipi Livni mainly has support from voters for Kadima (41%), Labor (40%), Meretz (65%), and the Pensioners (50%).

As for Labor Chairman Ehud Barak, even in his own party his rate of support is no higher than 19%, primarily because of the “defection” of Labor voters to Kadima (as noted, 40%). It should be emphasized, though, that the survey was conducted two days before the Labor Party’s internal elections and the list that was elected could change this picture.
58% support Palestinian state
The index further showed a solid majority among the Jewish public of 58% (vs. 36%) who support the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, and a slightly larger majority (61% vs. 35%) who see the Palestinians’ claim to an independent state of their own as justified.

Moreover, a clear majority, though a bit smaller - 53% compared to 38% - also say that in the framework of a peace agreement with the Palestinians, Israel could allow itself to agree to an independent Palestinian state’s creation.

This structure of positions among the Jewish public is important and interesting in light of the widespread suspicion of the Palestinians’ intentions.

About two-thirds (63%) expressed agreement with the statement that “In reality, most of the Palestinians do not accept the existence of the State of Israel and would destroy it if they could, despite the fact that the PLO leadership is conducting peace negotiations with Israel.” Only 20% disagreed with the claim. (So why do they think the Arabs are morally entitled to yet another state in the heartland of Israel? Have you ever known such an insane people?)

Elections Ahead 
Survey: Likud growing in strength, Labor collapsing / Ynet 
Benjamin Netanyahu's list of prominent recruits, including former MKs Begin, Meridor, former IDF chief and former police commissioner, apparently boosting Likud's popularity 
Full Story
A segmentation of the answers to this question with the question on personal support or opposition to establishing an independent Palestinian state reveals, as expected, that among those who agree that the Palestinians would eradicate Israel if they could, the rate of those favoring a Palestinian state is lower than among those who disagree with that claim.

Most of the Jewish public is prepared to accept the idea of an independent Palestinian state while, at the same time, assuming that the Palestinians’ intentions toward Israel are not to accept its existence but rather to destroy it.

The survey also showed that the public is split almost exactly down the middle - 46% on each side -regarding the rightness of the statement that any government that is formed after the elections will eventually reach a final settlement with the Palestinians.

On the other hand, a 57% majority was found who disagree with the statement that any government that is formed after the elections will eventually agree to a compromise with the Palestinians on the issue of Jerusalem.
The War and Peace Index is funded by the Tami Steinmetz Center for Peace Research and the Evens Program in Mediation and Conflict Resolution of Tel Aviv University. The telephone interviews were conducted by the B. I. Cohen Institute of Tel Aviv University on 1-3 December 2008 and included 598 interviewees who represent the adult population of Israel (including the territories and the kibbutzim). The sampling error for a sample of this size is 4.5%.

How schizoid can a nation be? The vast majority of Israelis know the Arabs want to kill them all, but still feel like they deserve yet another nation, carved out of the heart of tiny Israel? I have to wonder at times whether JTF/Hayamin's strategy is the correct one. It seems a lot of Israelis know that what we say is true already, and either don't care or, out of a perverse sense of "justice" and ideals, think that they need to lavish love on their enemies anyway.

Yes, War and Peace Index is a leftist establishment polling organization. Yet their results have been remarkably accurate and consistent. In July, they accurately reported that 62% of Israelis favored the Kuntar-release deal, but opposed, by a 75/25 margin, surrendering the Golan Heights. The latter finding certainly is not something that they were hoping for, and yet they did report it. Just like in America, where all of the major polling organizations are profoundly left-wing but yet were accurate about Obama's win and margin of victory within a half of a percentage point, Israel's Bolshevik pollsters have nonetheless reflected the public mood accurately. Do we really think that they are happy that 63% of Israelis realize the Arab Nazis want to kill us all? No, but they have to acknowledge the results of their own polling. We need to stop pretending things aren't as bad as they are and adjust our strategy accordingly.

Most Israelis' hearts are not with the 200 heroic activists who struggled against the entire apparatus of the Israeli state at the House of Peace. Why were there only 200? Regardless of what he or she thinks of the rightful ownership of the house, the average Israeli sees them as embarrassing religious nuts/militants. I think we all know that if the IDF (not that average Israeli soldiers would ever go along with such an order, even if by some miracle a future prime minister did actually order it) were preparing to kick a neighborhood of Arabs out in order to allow Jews to occupy their homes, a whole lot more than 200 Jews would come to resist with their bodies. Israelis might not be as nuts as schvartze-worshipping American Jews, but that is hardly a big accomplishment. When push comes to shove, Israel is a secular, relativist nation that values its "rights" to violate Shabbat, strut around in bikinis, and eat non-kosher food over and above its very survival. This was the nation's attitude when HaRav Meir Kahane (zt"l) was banned, and this is its attitude now.

Chaim, you accurately framed the House of Peace struggle as "200 activists against the state of Israel." You corrected yourself quickly to say "the apparatus of the state of Israel," but you were right the first time. What is the point I am trying to make? Obviously I don't want us to give up, and we can't give up. We are reaching people--but at the same time, most people already seem to know the truth of our message, and do not care. What do I propose that you and we do? I say we need to take a more moral and prophetic approach, as opposed to just an instructory one. All of the lecturing about the Muslim Nazi threat in the world will not do us beans if the people receiving the message are relativists/postmodernists who think they deserve everything they ask for anyway. Chaim, I want you to speak in a prophetic voice to the nation of Israel directly against its sins. You are so good at this. You are a voice for truth and G-dliness like none other in our generation. Israel needs to come back to G-d more than anything else. Israelis favoring "peace" (meaning surrender) to the Muslim Nazis is a symptom of its secularness, not the problem in and of itself. Israelis tolerate Nazi mass murderers at heart not because they are brainwashed (which they are, as people with no faith and values will fall for anything), but because without G-d in their lives, they have lost a true understanding of what good and evil are. Israel will know what to do with the Arab Nazis all on its own once it returns to the Bible. The Torah is the only cure for Israel's leftism, and for its Muslim Nazi problem.

Chaim, I so look forward to seeing you making some prophetic videos. This is such a gifting that you have, and I think that any such videos would turn out great. Please consider it.


Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: It's time to face facts. Most Israelis ARE self-hating.
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2008, 02:19:22 PM »
have u bothered even going to israel and to meet and get know a variety of israelis? i would refrain from passing judgement on 6 million or more jews from israel otherwise.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: It's time to face facts. Most Israelis ARE self-hating.
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2008, 02:46:31 PM »
Just to set the record straight.

These polls are skewed and biased.   They tap into as many leftists as they can find to bolster the #'s.   They get the numbers they desire.   They probably poll in the heart of Tel Aviv.    Furthermore, most people when asked "do you support peace" will not say no!   Peace (real peace) is inherently a good thing.   But that means very different things to different people.     

All of Bibi's faults aside, when a poll shows that 2/3 of the public thinks that the historically nationalist party (Likud) will do the best job of establishing "peace" than any of the other (more)leftist parties, that shows that people want a strong central government and that they recognize that only by cracking down against the terrorists will there be any rest at all from the growing 5th column.     What would really be scary would be if the results of this poll were in favor of Labor......

598 interviewees "including the territories" yeah I'm sure about 2 of them from there were polled. 

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: It's time to face facts. Most Israelis ARE self-hating.
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2008, 04:57:16 PM »
Yeah, it's a leftist poll. Yeah, I doubt seriously that a proper attempt was made to canvas the territories. But some of the territories (such as the Golan) are actually left-wing. And we didn't even need this poll to tell us that most Israelis are secular and favor a PLO state.

Whatever the explanation is, we have a problem, and the only solution is to bring the nation of Israel back to faith and repentance.

Once Israel has values and morality again (or, for the modern state, for the first time), it won't need us to tell them how to handle the Muslim Nazi threat to its existence. All the knowledge of how dangerous Islam is in the world won't matter as long as Israelis are relativistic.

Chaim should preach directly to Israel about turning to G-d. All else will fall into place when that takes place.


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Re: It's time to face facts. Most Israelis ARE self-hating.
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2008, 08:19:46 PM »
Most Israelis are wrong or misguided according to that poll, but I don't think most are self-hating.

Offline q_q_

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Re: It's time to face facts. Most Israelis ARE self-hating.
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2008, 10:39:20 PM »
some related polls
April 2008
A total of 76 percent of Israeli Jews give some degree of support to transferring Israeli Arabs to a future Palestinian state, a poll commissioned by the Knesset Channel revealed, Monday.
(date was 2002 according to other posts of that article)
More Israeli Jews favor transfer of Palestinians, Israeli Arabs - poll finds
By Amnon Barzilai

Some 46 percent of Israel's Jewish citizens favor transferring Palestinians out of the territories, while 31 percent favor transferring Israeli Arabs out of the country, according to the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies' annual national security public opinion poll.
When the question of transfer was posed in a more roundabout way, 60
percent of respondents said that they were in favor of encouraging
Israeli Arabs to leave the country.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: It's time to face facts. Most Israelis ARE self-hating.
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2008, 01:37:38 AM »
some related polls
April 2008
A total of 76 percent of Israeli Jews give some degree of support to transferring Israeli Arabs to a future Palestinian state, a poll commissioned by the Knesset Channel revealed, Monday.
(date was 2002 according to other posts of that article)
More Israeli Jews favor transfer of Palestinians, Israeli Arabs - poll finds
By Amnon Barzilai

Some 46 percent of Israel's Jewish citizens favor transferring Palestinians out of the territories, while 31 percent favor transferring Israeli Arabs out of the country, according to the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies' annual national security public opinion poll.
When the question of transfer was posed in a more roundabout way, 60
percent of respondents said that they were in favor of encouraging
Israeli Arabs to leave the country.
Which only goes to prove Israelis are so crazy. On the one hand they would prefer that Arabs leave, and even the leftists admit that they all know that the Arabs want to kill them all, and yet they have no problem with them having a state.

The problem is that they are secular and have lost their values.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: It's time to face facts. Most Israelis ARE self-hating.
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2008, 01:55:27 AM »
ONce again, CF, take the time to travel all over Israel and live there and get to know Israelis from all walks of life before you pass judgement on all of them or the majority of them.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Offline q_q_

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Re: It's time to face facts. Most Israelis ARE self-hating.
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2008, 02:18:41 AM »
ONce again, CF, take the time to travel all over Israel and live there and get to know Israelis from all walks of life before you pass judgement on all of them or the majority of them.

American jews can be crazy. Why not israelis?

I wouldn't say self hating though.  It's an oversimplification. Some are proud to be israeli and don't think of themselves as jewish.  And you have this situation of the jews vs "the israelis". 

There is an idea of giving them a state and saying that is it, that's the final thing.  The idea won't solve the problem, since they want all of it. But it would put the ball in their court.  It is possible to give them so much that even the left say they're not giving any more. So Israelis can tujrn around and say "look, we've given you everything we can, now leave us alone".

Really the big threat is a nuclear iran.   The "palestinians" are still just a thorn in the side .

When they can't beg anymore the palestinians would be worried.. When even the world says "you've got all you can possibly want", then they would be worried, because they thrive on getting world sympathy.

It's like a child harassing a parent saying "more, more". And the parent says "take this and go away". The child goes away , comes back and says "more, more".   If the parent gives them all they are willing to, all they can, and the child still pesters, then the parent has to take other measures to deal with the child .   

Guilt is the problem.. Most Israelis/Jews feel guilty .. I must say that psychologically, if they gave all they are willing to give, then that guilt may be satisfied.

The sane thing would for them not to be guilty at all, and just get rid of them.

if israel now said "that's it you aren't getting any more". The palestinans would go to war, Israel could deal with it.  Over and done with..
If Israel does give them all they are willing to give, then guilt or no guilt, they are going to have to say that. And if that's what it takes then , I hate to say it, but it's better sooner than later.

The problem is that you have good righteous sane jews that are living there.. And this is a serious thing not a game. If all the jews were sane like that we wouldn't have this problem at all.  It's the guilt that the leftists have that puts us in this mess.

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Re: It's time to face facts. Most Israelis ARE self-hating.
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2008, 02:52:01 AM »
I think the wasp majority of voters in this polls assume, that if the Arabs get their own state, the Arabs from the Jewish parts of Israel will be transferred to the Arab parts. But this is obviously not the plan of the leftists. Perhaps they will grant the so called expelled Arabs in foreign countries the right of return to the Jewish parts of Israel too. In a long turn this would be the end of Israel. Lets pray, that at least Likud will win the elections. After Olmerts commentaries in this year, you can exspect from Kadima only bad things. I mean really bad things.

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Re: It's time to face facts. Most Israelis ARE self-hating.
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2008, 05:09:31 AM »
Considering most American voted Obama as Presdient, maybe you should put the shoe on the other foot C.F.
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Re: It's time to face facts. Most Israelis ARE self-hating.
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2008, 06:46:29 AM »
those statistics if true,are disappointing..

O people of Israel, do not loose hope.. an Army of millions of Hindu Nationalists are always looking forward to help and support you.

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Re: It's time to face facts. Most Israelis ARE self-hating.
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2008, 07:46:59 AM »
Yeah, it's a leftist poll. Yeah, I doubt seriously that a proper attempt was made to canvas the territories. But some of the territories (such as the Golan) are actually left-wing. And we didn't even need this poll to tell us that most Israelis are secular and favor a PLO state.

Whatever the explanation is, we have a problem, and the only solution is to bring the nation of Israel back to faith and repentance.

Once Israel has values and morality again (or, for the modern state, for the first time), it won't need us to tell them how to handle the Muslim Nazi threat to its existence. All the knowledge of how dangerous Islam is in the world won't matter as long as Israelis are relativistic.

Chaim should preach directly to Israel about turning to G-d. All else will fall into place when that takes place.

  I 100% AGREE with the ABOVE statement, the most important statement.
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Re: It's time to face facts. Most Israelis ARE self-hating.
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2008, 07:52:24 AM »
The thing is, Israelis are more unified when they have enemies knocking on their door.  Otherwise, there would be a civil war.  Some groups demands that their opinion is right and the rest are wrong and are strong about it.

If the majority of Israelis want peace, it's because they are sick and tired of fighting and sending their children out to the army and being at risk for a terrorist attack.  That's where the problem lies. 

But that's not self-hatred..that's a natural inclination to want to be left alone and justifiably so.  Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way in today's world.  Jews will always have enemies and cannot rely on other nations.  Israel needs to rely on herself and Gd to help her while she dwells alone.  The world will never love Jews as long as jealousy exists between nations.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein