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This week show (3/05/07)
Fruit of thy loins:
--- Quote from: sarah.... on March 07, 2007, 05:09:01 PM ---Fruit you banana brain! :D I do like you, but in a mostly friendly way and yes, my "cyber" heart is broken?! I'm not stupid nor weak and i certainly don't come from Pakistan :o. I am not a muslim. If you go on moaning all your life, then no one will want you, but they could, if you have a little more positive outlook towards life!
Jabo i was not critiscising you in any way at all. You make great and interesting posts on JTF, and BELIEVE me, you do a mighty well lot more then i can show for it. I was agreeing with what you said about moving on in life and sometimes pushing hassles aside, to acheive an end goal.
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Maybe I do feel like I want to sleep with you.
Last summer I saw very young women I wanted to sleep with.
Din Rodef:
Fruit of thy loins
You have been "set up to fail" with women. It's not your fault. You're doing everything right. THe times that you are living in are "setting you up to fail." Don't listen to people that say you need to be "more positive" and other such BS. There is nothing wrong with you...there is something wrong with the world that promotes fornication.
The change you describe happening to girls in their mid-late teens is because THEY HAVE SEX OUT OF WEDLOCK. There is no other reason. They devolve from innocence.
Once a girl has sex outside of marriage she views all men in terms of pleasure. She only likes men who will take her and use her and she hates men that will respect her.
Chaim says, "Those who show mercy to evil, will be evil to the merciful." This statement relates perfectly to young women that fornicate. They enjoy men that fornicate with them, they no longer enjoy men that are righteous. They will lust for black ape behavior and despise righteous men.
Any man that will NOT fornicate must find himself a religious girl. Only a religious girl can understand. Don't worry about the rest of women in the world. They are lost. It's not your fault that you are living in horrible times.
Fruit of thy loins:
--- Quote from: Din Rodef on March 07, 2007, 11:18:25 PM ---Fruit of thy loins
You have been "set up to fail" with women. It's not your fault. You're doing everything right. THe times that you are living in are "setting you up to fail." Don't listen to people that say you need to be "more positive" and other such BS. There is nothing wrong with you...there is something wrong with the world that promotes fornication.
The change you describe happening to girls in their mid-late teens is because THEY HAVE SEX OUT OF WEDLOCK. There is no other reason. They devolve from innocence.
Once a girl has sex outside of marriage she views all men in terms of pleasure. She only likes men who will take her and use her and she hates men that will respect her.
Chaim says, "Those who show mercy to evil, will be evil to the merciful." This statement relates perfectly to young women that fornicate. They enjoy men that fornicate with them, they no longer enjoy men that are righteous. They will lust for black ape behavior and despise righteous men.
Any man that will NOT fornicate must find himself a religious girl. Only a religious girl can understand. Don't worry about the rest of women in the world. They are lost. It's not your fault that you are living in horrible times.
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I agree with you completely. This is it. It's sociological factors such as these changing attitudes which I think are the most important things we face.
The Anglo peoples have been permitting their young men to behave in such a fashion, - listening to rap, behaving in a wild and uninhibited way, etc - because they know that this is the only way their young men can compete effectively for women and therefore ensure the continuity of at least part of the Anglo race.
Those who don't behave appropriately are considered losers and are written off. The Anglos hope to inculcate their cultural values in immigrants and thereby keep up their numbers.
I've really changed my opinion on things recently. It's not the fault of immigrants. What we have is a horrendous Anglo-Saxon system imposing itself on the world. Rap is basically less a black phenomenon than it is a phenomenon of Anglo-induced slavery and oppression.
Being an Anglo is a cultural thing. The young white people can easily be saved from this fate, if only we could get into power and re-educate them, to make them righteous but strong individuals, - Noahides not Christians. Christianity is the religion of choice for Anglos primarily because it embodies most of their values, in particular, the theory that other people are to blame, or can effectively take the blame, for one's own sins.
Din Rodef:
Fruit of thy loins
There is validity in a lot of the points that you made...I myself am an Anglo-Saxon Protestant Christian American (maybe my username is deceptive...but I sure do love the concept of Din Rodef)
There is no need to overthink this...
Fornication is the reason women are behaving in this manner. The effect it has on the psyche of women is the same no matter what culture or religion they happen to be a member.
White America does not have a history of rampant fornication. In fact, our Christian history is the exact opposite. Personally, I blame leftist egalitarianism and socialism for promoting secularism and moral relativism that has led to the rise in permiscuous sex in America. Marx could be blamed for egalitarianism..Marx was a Jew...Therefore, Jews could share blame too. But instead of blaming groups I prefer to blame simply the act of fornication itself for the current madness we see in women.
Fornication is the problem...PERIOD
If you want a nice're going to have to find a religious girl. That is a difficult task nowadays. It might be easier if you were living in Israel in a religious community.
Fruit of thy loins:
--- Quote from: Din Rodef on March 08, 2007, 02:21:45 AM ---Fruit of thy loins
There is validity in a lot of the points that you made...I myself am an Anglo-Saxon Protestant Christian American (maybe my username is deceptive...but I sure do love the concept of Din Rodef)
There is no need to overthink this...
Fornication is the reason women are behaving in this manner. The effect it has on the psyche of women is the same no matter what culture or religion they happen to be a member.
White America does not have a history of rampant fornication. In fact, our Christian history is the exact opposite. Personally, I blame leftist egalitarianism and socialism for promoting secularism and moral relativism that has led to the rise in permiscuous sex in America. Marx could be blamed for egalitarianism..Marx was a Jew...Therefore, Jews could share blame too. But instead of blaming groups I prefer to blame simply the act of fornication itself for the current madness we see in women.
Fornication is the problem...PERIOD
If you want a nice're going to have to find a religious girl. That is a difficult task nowadays. It might be easier if you were living in Israel in a religious community.
--- End quote ---
Well ... as much as I would like to, I have no right to live in Israel.
I live in England, the alma mater of the Wasps ... if you want to see how far we've fallen from grace, too, read some of the stories about teen pregnancy on ... 12 and 14 year old girls with babies ... basically Britain has no future if these people start forming the majority.
And yes, I agree, their fornication spoils them forever. However the media and the educators don't advocate abstinence. The best they can do is hand out free condoms to children.
Anglo peoples are under a curse. I don't see these problems anywhere else. Other European countries like Scandinavia have been in a state of sexual immoral decay for a long time and it's the least of their problems.
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