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This week show (3/05/07)
Din Rodef:
--- Quote from: Fruit of thy loins on March 08, 2007, 02:30:26 AM ---Well ... as much as I would like to, I have no right to live in Israel.
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Are you a Jew?
--- Quote ---Personally, I blame leftist egalitarianism and socialism for promoting secularism and moral relativism that has led to the rise in permiscuous sex in America. Marx could be blamed for egalitarianism..Marx was a Jew...Therefore, Jews could share blame too. But instead of blaming groups I prefer to blame simply the act of fornication itself for the current madness we see in women.
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I agree completely, Din Rodef.
One thing I would also like to add is that there is a tremendous amount of pressure on young women to shed their modesty and to go with lots of men. The author Wendy Shalit wrote all about it in her EXCELLENT book A Return to Modesty.
For one thing, since so many women do put by the third date, or sooner, many men see sex as a right. And such men will not want to go with an old fashioned girl, when they can get sex from another girl right off the bat. So that puts some young women in a bind -- either put out or be repeatedly rejected.
And this pressure doesn't just come from other young people either.
I remember one time (a long long time ago) going to this gynecologist. These doctors routinely ask women what they do in the way of birth control. So when I told the doctor that I had never been intimate with a man, he looked at me as though I had just cursed out his mother, and said "you're WHAT?!?!?"
So I guess what I'm getting at is that it's hard for women of all ages, as well as for men.
Maybe you guys need to volunteer for some good causes or go to right wing events as opposed to bars/pubs. There are guarantees, but at least you might find like minded friends.
Fruit of thy loins:
--- Quote from: Lisa on March 08, 2007, 10:02:18 PM ---I agree completely, Din Rodef.
One thing I would also like to add is that there is a tremendous amount of pressure on young women to shed their modesty and to go with lots of men. The author Wendy Shalit wrote all about it in her EXCELLENT book A Return to Modesty.
For one thing, since so many women do put by the third date, or sooner, many men see sex as a right. And such men will not want to go with an old fashioned girl, when they can get sex from another girl right off the bat. So that puts some young women in a bind -- either put out or be repeatedly rejected.
And this pressure doesn't just come from other young people either.
I remember one time (a long long time ago) going to this gynecologist. These doctors routinely ask women what they do in the way of birth control. So when I told the doctor that I had never been intimate with a man, he looked at me as though I had just cursed out his mother, and said "you're WHAT?!?!?"
So I guess what I'm getting at is that it's hard for women of all ages, as well as for men.
Maybe you guys need to volunteer for some good causes or go to right wing events as opposed to bars/pubs. There are guarantees, but at least you might find like minded friends.
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Whether or not women like sex, or whether they pretend to because the popular culture demands it (the popular culture demands people to say many stupid things in the course of the day just to get by), I don't know. If it is true that women like sex as much as men, then to not have sex for women is just as much of a repression as it is for men. And regardless of how salutary the intentions of the repression are, there is no hiding the fact that G-d made the sexual instinct the strongest instinct inside of us and the energy that demands release in sex will find other ways to manifest itself if one does not have sex.
All manner of neuroses, complexes, anxieties, are symptoms of a person not finding adequate sexual relief in their daily routine.
If however, as I suspect, women prefer sex for social rather than physical reasons, then that complicates matters greatly. It would really mean that the woman is the higher being spiritually. That would be the good news. The bad news it that it means our current situation, where women are sexualized from an early age, is really tragic - tragic as in civilization-ending, apocalyptically tragic.
I interpret the Noahide commandment for gentiles to be sexually moral as advocating birth control and I support it. However, careful sex which avoids unwanted pregnancy and disease cannot be considered bad for people who have no particular purpose in life.
Joe Gutfeld:
Hey Fruit! What does what you are posting on this post have to do with my first post on this topic, Why was Chaim standing up doing this week's shows?
lol Joe, its nearing sunday. Its the only way you'll get a decent answer. I'm sorry, i don't know why he was standing either, its rather odd? Maybe he just simply felt like it, who knows? :)
Maybe he'd fall asleep otherwise ;D
Or maybe it had something to do with him being slightly drunk-although he didnt seem to be.
There could be a million reasons, best ask him yourself.
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