The mulatto in chierf crackhead was only elected through the white guilt that has been driven through the heads of white children being indoctrinated by liberal, commie, anti white, self hating, anti semetic and anti American former hippies. As anyone knows, who has gone to college, a degree in education, sociology, urban studies, africana studies, african history, women studies and gay studies (alternative lifestyle studies) are nothing more than 'give away' degrees to people that are so stupid that they cannot get degrees in any of the hard sciences, such as engineering, math, physics, chemistry or biology. Have you ever noticed how many darkies go into 'political science', or african studies? I do believe that the crackhead in chief, the half white hater (he done luved that white slut he was shacking up with) majored in 'polysci'. As the little white kids go into public schools that are staffed by these left wing nitwits, these 'babes in the woods' are stuffed with the myths of michael, the deviat, king, rosa (america's mammie) and malcolm excrement!.That is why they embrace 'black kulture' so much. What is interesting to note, is that none of the white trash that voter for this mulattl don't live anywhere near a black ghetto, nor do there little tots go to school with any one that looks like the 'jena siix'. They live in a dream world where they can make up a world that doesn't exist. The real world is what I see when I ride the subways, read the papers, watch the news and hear speeches by farafart, sharpton, and jesse jerkson. That is real 'black' activists. That is reality. I hope this mulatto turns out to be worse than dunkin' dunkins, marion ( the b____ set me up) barry, gus savage and cynthia mckinney. Then, and only then, will the self hating white trash learn, if they don't they have no one to blame but themselves.