Everybody, please know that Chaim is able to only address one brief comment/question per week; if you have any others, please save them for next week's show. Thank you for understanding this.
Shalom Chaim,
Please denounce in the strongest possible way that pseudo-pastor, Rick Whoren, and his Saddleback "megachurch" brothel in Irvine, CA (also home to the University of the Crescent and Islam, which I'm sure he just loves too). This leftist, filthy-rich fatso, who had both Obama and Hitlery Sodom (yimach schmam) speak at his Baal temple, is speaking at Obama's inauguration! Phonies like this fat pig, who looks like a pedophile with his sleazy mustache and goatee, are destroying Christianity. You'd think he could afford some liposuction, but I guess he doesn't care.
PS: Rick Whoren actually claims to be a Southern Baptist!
G-d bless you,