Author Topic: Jewish Traitors - How to deal? What questions to ask re: Israel/'Palestine'?  (Read 4852 times)

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Me and some Jewish associates attended a discussion forum on 'Palestine' hosted by a bunch of communists at our local university.

The discussion was led by a woman called Esther Sassaman, an atheist who considers herself to be 'culturally Jewish' and the 'revolutionary socialist'.

I asked a number of challenging questions:

"Where are the secular nationalists in 'Palestine'?"

"Why are the secular nationalists in Palestine corrupt?"

"Is international involvement really helping the situation, or is it merely promoting the agenda of outside economic interests?"

"When did 'Palestine' come into existence and who created 'Palestine'"?

"Is there a democracy in Israel?"

"Would the introdution of right-wing discourse into the debate, and the abolition of anti-free speech laws in Israel contribute towards the debate?"

I think that these are the right questions to be asking.

Towards the end of the discussion, I was pointed in the direction of Dr Mustapha Barghouthi, of the Palestinian National Initiative:

Could it ever be of value to promote discussion between revisionist Zionists and secular Arab nationalists like Dr Barghouthi?

How do we regard Barghouthi? As a potential political counterpart?

Offline kahaneloyalist

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No, he is a murderer from a family of murderers. We will never make deals with our enemies the only thing we want for them is death. Even Secular Nationalist Arabs are extreme racists who look at all non-Arabs (with the exception of Germans) as being inferior especially Jews. For many years our main enemies were Arab Nationalists where the Islam was, at least publicly secondary.
"For it is through the mercy of fools that all Justice is lost"

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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sat_chit_anand asks:  "...How do we regard Barghouthi? As a potential political counterpart?..."

With all due respect, sat_chit_anand, any and all rational discussion with the likes of "palestinian types" is useless, and a waste of time.

They mask their "movement" behind various "fronts"; such as "secular Arab nationalist", "political wing" (as opposed to) "military wing" of Hamas, "democratic secular Arab nationalist", "Marxist Front for the Liberation of Palestine", etc. etc. etc... ad nauseum various versions of the same goal; that ONE GOAL always being the extermination of all Jews worldwide.

Their refusal to ever recognize the legitimate national liberation movement of The Jewish People; which is their inherent right to national sovereignty over ALL of the Biblical Land of Israel, is not only their sole means; but also their sole ends of their so-called "movement".

Make no mistake about it...were every Jew in Israel this very minute to pack their bags, leave their homes and possessions, and depart from the Middle East, no "Palestine" would ever be established as a replacement for Israel...

The greatest barbaric sacking of civilization since the Huns swept Europe would scourge every centimeter of Israeli land.  Then the so called "Palestinians" would turn on each other...murdering, maiming, killing, burning, raping,...splitting off into factions; each declaring "jihad" against all others...

and then Egypt, Syria, Hezbollah, Jordan, Iran, and Iraq would all invade the Land of Israel to wage mechanized Arab-on-Arab blood lust and death worship; each against all.

The leftist-UN-Islamic "issue" has NOTHING whatsoever to do with any notions of a land belonging to any people other than the Jews....

it has for its agenda the liquidation of all Jews first, followed by the killing or conversion to Islam of the entire Western world.


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Massuh, I am mostly in agreement with you, but...

No, he is a murderer from a family of murderers. We will never make deals with our enemies the only thing we want for them is death. Even Secular Nationalist Arabs are extreme racists who look at all non-Arabs (with the exception of Germans) as being inferior especially Jews. For many years our main enemies were Arab Nationalists where the Islam was, at least publicly secondary.

Yes, but as a lesser evil, could it ever be of benefit? Is it necessary to be so absolutist?

Is it not possible that the Arab countries and perhaps, the Muslim world, if encouraged, could undergo a reformation?

An associate of mine recently informed me that Muhammar Gaddafi's mother is Jewish. I was astounded by this, but then, it made a lot of sense. Libya is the most decent Arab country. Is it not possible to create positive change?

Offline jsullivan

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Massuh, I am mostly in agreement with you, but...

No, he is a murderer from a family of murderers. We will never make deals with our enemies the only thing we want for them is death. Even Secular Nationalist Arabs are extreme racists who look at all non-Arabs (with the exception of Germans) as being inferior especially Jews. For many years our main enemies were Arab Nationalists where the Islam was, at least publicly secondary.

Yes, but as a lesser evil, could it ever be of benefit? Is it necessary to be so absolutist?

Is it not possible that the Arab countries and perhaps, the Muslim world, if encouraged, could undergo a reformation?

An associate of mine recently informed me that Muhammar Gaddafi's mother is Jewish. I was astounded by this, but then, it made a lot of sense. Libya is the most decent Arab country. Is it not possible to create positive change?

Gaddafi's mother is certainly NOT Jewish. Gaddafi is a Muslim terrorist mass murderer and a madman.

Libya is a decent country?! Are you kidding?


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Gaddafi's mother is certainly NOT Jewish. Gaddafi is a Muslim terrorist mass murderer and a madman.

Libya is a decent country?! Are you kidding?

Please do not be unfair, I did not say that.

I explained that Libya was a comparatively decent Arab country.

But, ok, Gaddafi's mother is not Jewish, but she was. She converted to Islam at age nine.

There could be a connection.