We're NOT that stupid you know 
it's pretty obvious that JTF is behind these fake videos
I think I know why, but it's still a bad idea in my opinion.
smart people who see the "forgiving" nature of these videos towards the movement
as well as JTF's efforts to plug each and everyone of them as stickies (no less),
will think twice about the integrity of this movement, which in the end will leave you
only with a handful of well meaning morons who can't put 2 and 2 together, is this what we really want?
My suggestion is to drop this silly dog and pony show,
and go back to the meaningful and inspiring 10 minute info-clips, that's my 2 cents anyway
Here we go with the conspiracy kooks. How ridiculous.
It's interesting though that these videos are so ineffective that someone would actually suggest that JTF would do videos against itself.
If we are going to go through the trouble of making videos, we will make videos that promote our movement. Not videos that deliberately distort what we are saying.
While I believe that these videos give us needed publicity, they have not yet helped or hurt our movement. As far as I know, not one person has left JTF or Hayamin Haamiti in response to these videos. But on the flip side, despite the extra publicity, as far as I know not one person has joined JTF or Hayamin Haamiti as a result of these videos. So the videos so far are having no real effect.
You know what Chaim? out of respect for you and the cause,
I won't prove you wrong publicly, even though you did a sloppy job, leaving tale tell signs.
just to make it clear, we're all on the same side here - I thought I'd advice you to avoid from using
such childish and obvious tricks, because doing so reflects badly on all kahanists...
But hey, it's your party- knock yourself out...
for this movement's sake I hope some of the moderators are in the loop
and are just pretending to think these videos are really made by Peace Now..
If you don't tell us what your "tell tale" signs are, I'm going to ban you.
And don't insult our intelligence by saying how much you respect me and the cause. Or by pretending that you are a Kahanist.
I won't have time to respond to you today, but I can't wait to see your "proofs".
Ok Chaim go ahead, ban me,
All I tried to do is help, but fine - obviously
I'm an inconvenience to you and your little false flag games,
so I won't say another word about it - my intention was pure,
and by the way I am a kahanist for 20 years now,
that's why I felt the need to advice you against these videos,
perhaps I was wrong to do this in a public manner,
but I did so because I feel it's a debate worth having among JTFers.
anyway I'll get out of your hair guys, I seem to have overstayed my welcome here,
so feel free to ban me, delete my account and messages or whatever else that suits your desire
but just know this, when people will catch on (and they will) it will be a devastating blow
to an otherwise important kahanist movement that is on the rise, this is an historical junction
and to "blow it" because of these silly videos would be nothing less than a tragedy.