I have been very sick ever since the night of Jan 1st. I am eating DayQuil and NyQuil all day and night.
My name is David ben Sara Rivkah
are you crazy..
that's for a cold.
you are incredibly silly
people get the cold and the flu often, some even get it once a year, you may FEEL very ill but you'll much better in a week or two. Your body is fighting it.
you have to use your brain too when you are ill, don't just rate it on how you feel. Know what the problem is.
Yes, when you have a bad cold, or flu if you are worried that it will last or not go away, then you should worry. But flu does go away. Unless you're really old. Really old people can be in serious trouble from the flu. You will be fine.
Rest and Stay warm..
Drink, And I suppose you should eat properly too, so your body can fight it better. But it will fight it. This is a standard thing.
On a side note- I wouldn't have medication unnecessarily.. I don't know about your one, but it's people taking anti-bacterial treatments frequently for little things like colds or flu, that caused the national problem of some viruses (not colds) mutatating and becoming more powerful and now we have the flesh eating viruses going around like the superbug that are resistant.