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Churchill's attitude to Jews
Fruit of thy loins:
Churchill's constituency had an influential Jewish population, and I believe they lobbied him on the then-forthcoming Immigration Act. I cannot remember if they wanted him to be for or against it but he turned out to be for it. Despite the immigration restriction and the history about half of Britain's Jews are thoroughly assimilated. The blacks that have arrived since 1948 seem heeded for assimilation but at the cost of seriously damaging the prospects of many young white people. On the other hand no one has ever argued for restricting black immigration in the entire history of Britain!
Fruit of thy loins:
I apologize, I think it was the 1905 Aliens Act (against Jewish immigrants). I am digging up old university material. I wish I could still get access to my old uni's library.
Fruit of thy loins:
This is the 1905 Act that Churchill supported. It sums up very nicely the British mindset.
By 1905, sixty per cent of all ‘aliens’ (i.e. Jewish immigrants) lived in London, and tended to live close to each other so as to form their own distinct communities. By living close to others from the same background and in similar circumstances, the incentive to assimilate with the host population was thereby diminished. This created the impression of, so to speak, an ‘alien invasion’ detrimental to the indigenous population: it was argued that the aliens were able to pay higher rents (thus causing a general inflation of rent prices) because of their greater willingness to ‘crowd together’; as a consequence of this overcrowding, the presence of immigrants was associated with disease and squalor; it was argued that they were willing to work longer and for less pay, thereby driving down the conditions and wages for indigenous workers; and it was also argued that the aliens had customs, language, ways of dressing, religion, morals and mores which were incompatible with the British way of life. A further trait of these Jewish immigrants, perhaps unique to the circumstances of the time, was their perceived political persuasions; they tended to be of a socialist or anarchist disposition, values considered antithetical to traditional British ‘liberalism’, intensifying and consolidating the image of the immigrant as holding on to a cultural outlook irreconcilable with British customs. The culmination of all these factors, specifically, opposition from the working class on the grounds of competition in the labour market, opposition from the middle classes on political grounds, and the generally perceived differences of culture and way of life, were to see the 1905 Aliens Act put into place with the explicit purpose of restricting and controlling economic migration to the UK. In brief, a convergence of elite and working class opinion paved way for a tough stance on immigration.
Fruit of thy loins:
I believe that these Jewish immigrants numbered around 200,000 at the time. The British found their presence to be intolerable, not because of the stretch on resources, but because they were jealous of the Jewish culture and were antisemitic. London now has over THREE MILLION immigrants living in it (mostly from the Turd World) and it is presently illegal to protest about that. This is why I say that Britain is cursed for its antisemitism. It would not tolerate 200,000 Jews so it is now having to 'tolerate' the prospect of having 20 million immigrants living in its borders by 2050.
Fruit: "...Britain is cursed for its antisemitism..."
100% correct, Fruit!
Exactly as the same curse is descending with haste on the United States of America, as she turns from G-d, and chooses to support terrorists in exchange for an oil supply; betraying the Jews.
Each passing day sees further degeneration in every aspect of life in the watching the Fall Of Rome; "live and in living color".
I fully expect to soon see the Chinese Reds sail right into San Francisco, L.A., & New York, & take over without so much as firing a single shot.
Just think, Fruit...each and every morning at sunrise, 1950's style "squawk-box"-style horn & driver public address speakers, set 20 ft. high atop cheap rusty scaffolds, will begin blaring "The East Is Red"!...electronically amplified and transmitted directly from an original, well-worn, 78rpm shellac record; played with a 2lb brass tone arm tipped with a sharpened steel nail stylus.
Then follows the voice of the Commisar -- Comrade Colonel Ch'eng L'iau Pu: "YeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuUUU!!!!
Yan-keee Dogs!!!...Aaruu bow down Chya-Ma'N Mao!!!"
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