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Should I attend this pro-Israel rally?

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It's being sponsored by an arm of the establishment in the spirit of "emphasizing the pluralistic and democratic nature of Israel and her respect of human rights and freedoms."

One part of me wants to go because my friends will be there and it will be covered by the media outlets. It's a serious demonstration.

The other part of me wants to not participate because they don't have the same vision for Israel that I do. Also, if I went and promoted JTF, I risk being shunned and ridiculed by my peers. It may be easy for one of you to say that I shouldn't care what they think- but I'm not yet willing to remove the comfortable cloak of anonymity covering my JTF activities. 

Fruit of thy loins:
If you like feeling incensed, repressed, ignored, isolated, and annoyed - sure, why not go?

or can't just you make use of the situation to socialize :)

Din Rodef:

--- Quote from: Jabo on March 13, 2007, 02:05:28 PM ---It's being sponsored by an arm of the establishment in the spirit of "emphasizing the pluralistic and democratic nature of Israel and her respect of human rights and freedoms." 

--- End quote ---

ooh...that statement seems dangerous cuz it sounds pro-secular state which usually translates into anti-Zionist

This group probably has a New World Order vision of Israel...instead of a Zionist vision.

Heck yeah...go there and promote JTF...


--- Quote --- I got up and yelled Jews Should Not Expel Jews after the Israeli Consul-General was done speaking in a speech that was favorable to Ehud Smolmert.

--- End quote ---

Yacov........i can imagine that haha.....
If you are doubtful about the aim of the demonstration then going just to join in, will just add the assumed numbers of supporters. Borrow Allen-T's t-shirt....... ;D

The last time i went to a demonstration, naked people came out of no where.....i vowed never to attend again.

why dont you bring a table and a few other guys and have your own Jewish Solution booth. Pass out kahanist material books, DVDs etc. Maybe myself and a few others can help you if your interested.


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