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Should I attend this pro-Israel rally?

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--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on March 13, 2007, 05:44:32 PM ---why dont you bring a table and a few other guys and have your own Jewish Solution booth. Pass out kahanist material books, DVDs etc. Maybe myself and a few others can help you if your interested.

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Eh. I couldn't really consider myself a Kahanist because I practice 'conservative' Judaism. However, I do support the Kahanists and the religious Zionists because I believe they are the only ones who can save the state of Israel from the bolshevik elite and the Arabs. Most of my friends know that I am on the fringe right when it comes to Israel anyway...I will have to tell them about JTF someday.

i say jsut do it god will bless you 4 suporting israel!

Jabo, you know most of the members of the Kach party were not religious? You can disagree with specific points of our ideology while still supporting us.

And if you want help with Kahane DVDs to pass out or show at the rally let me know.


--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on March 13, 2007, 07:48:39 PM ---Jabo, you know most of the members of the Kach party were not religious? You can disagree with specific points of our ideology while still supporting us.

And if you want help with Kahane DVDs to pass out or show at the rally let me know.

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Thanks for the offer but I'll have to take you up another time.


--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on March 13, 2007, 08:08:37 PM ---Are you a Conservative Jew or are you just not observant? There is a difference. I'm not completely observant but I call myself Orthodox because I believe in Judaism 100%. I don't believe in Conservative Judaism and I only go to Orthodox synagogues.

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I attended Jewish day school as a youth and my family belongs to a Conservative shul. Over the last few years, my observance of Judaism has declined significantly. I'm not what that makes me.


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