Because of my English knowledge (thanks JTF) he says I could sell for him different commodities, like oil, diesel, currencies etc.
If I understood it rightly, he explained me, that there is a "provider", who wants to sell this commodities.
Now he has to find a customer.
First he looks now for an agent. If I understood correctly this businessman is an agent of this agent.
This means, that I would be the agent of the agent of the agent.

He said if a contact I would find would bring a contract I would get paid a provision.
But I have some serious questions about this business.
Why did the provider didn't bring his commodities to a normal stock/commodity exchange?
Why did the "master" agent didn't employ i.e. ten people, that work regulary for him?
I asked him this questions too, but he said only, that this is not possible.
Althrough I know the guy personally I think here is something fishy.
Do you can give me an advise and explain this whole business modell to me?