Author Topic: Just how stupid is this retard. Judge the Mulims by what they build?????  (Read 857 times)

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Obama to Muslims: You Are Judged on What you Build, not Destroy

These Retards don't build anything except Mosques and Bombs

by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

( President Barack Obama advised Muslims in his inaugural speech Tuesday "to seek a new way forward based on mutual respect." Without specifically referring to terrorists, he warned Muslim leaders that "your people will judge you on what you can build and not what you destroy."


His only reference to Jews was that the United States is a nation "of Christians, and Muslims, Jews and Hindus and non-believers."


Speaking to approximately one million flag-waving spectators in frigid weather under mostly sunny skies, President Obama added that the U.S. will not agree "to suffering outside our borders" and that the "world has changed and we must change with it."


He did not refer to any specific foreign or domestic issues except for the current financial crisis, Iraq and a vague mention of the nuclear threat, without mentioning Iran or North Korea. "We will remain the strongest country on earth," said the president. "Our capacity remains undiminished and... starting today, we must dust ourselves off and begin the work of remaking America."
We will remain the strongest country on earth.


His speech was laced with patriotism and the belief that the U.S. will strengthen and lead the world.


"There is work to be done," he continued. "The state of our economy calls for action, strong and swift… We will restore science to its rightful place…we will harness the sun…to fuel our cars and run our factories."


Concerning American leadership in the world, he addressed "all the other people and governments who are watching, know American is a friend of each nation" wanting peace and "we are ready to lead once more."


He said that his government "will return Iraq to its people" and overcome nuclear threat.
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

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Re: Just how stupid is this retard. Judge the Mulims by what they build?????
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2009, 02:54:42 PM »
while i know it's all just empty rhetoric, coming from b. hussein obama, I actually appreciate the idea of being judged on what you create/achieve/build rather than what you fly the airplane built by someone else into.

"your people will judge you on what you can build and not what you destroy."

but islam is a evil cult of destruction and no, obama, the muslim people do not judge their leaders by what they build and not what they destroy: witness the massive celebrations after 9/11.

all i can hope for is that b. hussein obama is tied down and people do not give him the power to do what he wants.  after all, he is just the head of one of the three branches of government.  Moreover the military isn't all that happy about his dhimmi/taqiyya/jihadi ways...
aka Someone Else

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Re: Just how stupid is this retard. Judge the Mulims by what they build?????
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2009, 05:53:16 PM »
It is so much easier to judge them by what they destroy since that is the only thing they do.  In SF (and other cities) the Philistines and other Arabs are committing silent acts of terrorism.  They own liquor stores, head shops and adult books stores.  All destroy societies and they know it.
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