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Offline ~Hanna~

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Miracles are happening in Israel....!!!!
« on: January 21, 2009, 01:51:55 AM »
Hi, someone sent this to me, I wanted to share it with all of you......... ;D

By Dena Gewanter, M.D.
 Kiriat Yam, Israel

While the media in the West are lambasting Israel for killing women and children, and are saturating their viewers with horrific photos of bloodied corpses, Israel as a nation is undergoing an astonishing spiritual awakening as a result of this conflict. It is a pity that the world is unable to be witness to the miracles that are occurring here daily. Even the most jaded person would be amazed at the transformation of the people in this country. After many years of feeling the underdog and fearful of the approbation of the outside world, Israel is undergoing an absolute renaissance on a personal and national level.

Israel as a nation has finally decided to throw aside the fear of being rejected by the nations and embrace its sovereign right to defend it's citizens from terrorist attacks. What is so astonishing, for those Jews are all joining together in prayer and supplication to the Almighty for salvation, protection and victory over our enemies. There are calls to prayer everywhere, regardless of denomination or ethnic background, everyone is united in looking towards the G-d of Israel to keep our soldiers safe and help us win against an evil enemy who has sworn never to stop until Israel as a nation is destroyed.

The soldiers themselves seem to have a huge spiritual hunger, and are unified in not only asking for prayer but also praying themselves, wearing tzitzit (prayer tassles) into battle and carrying the book of Psalms with them. Soldiers who never attended synagogue are now praying with tefillim. They have reason to cry out to G-d, since everyone is aware of the years of preparation of the bloodthirsty Hamas militants, their desire to kill, maim or kidnap Israeli soldiers is greater than their desire to live; they have been financed by Iran and supported by Syria and Hezbollah. Yet, we are defeating them.

There are reports daily of amazing miracles of protection and Divine direction during the battle. The following are just a few examples: A Hamas map was found, with booby-traps, landmines and sniper positions clearly spelled out. The IDF was able to counter each installation due to the information given. A large platoon of soldiers not realizing they were resting in a school that was booby-trapped, (discovered by a soldier relieving himself in the night), disarmed the bombs with no one hurt. A single soldier successfully fought off several Hamas terrorists trying to drag him into a tunnel, and all were captured. Hundreds of tunnels, hidden in homes under beds and kitchen cabinets, all full of live explosives and ammunition, yet none have exploded with IDF soldiers inside.

While there have been soldiers wounded, there are miracles there as well. A young man who moved here alone from England less than 2 years ago to serve in the army was in an explosion, and thrown into the air. After being carried off the field by other soldiers and transported on a tractor to helicopter and then to hospital, the doctors were utterly stunned when they saw that a piece of shrapnel that went completely through his neck, missed the carotid artery, the jugular vein and the spinal cord by millimeters. After they removed it, he needed only stitches. Another soldier was shot through the back but the bullet missed his spinal cord and exited from the front. A young newlywed, in grave condition, inexplicably turned for the better and will re cover to go home to his wife.

On the ground level, bombs may continue to fall, but here again, miracle after miracle is reported even on the local news. One hears the word "nes" (miracle) over and over by the reporters and the bystanders. A bomb heading toward 4 apartment buildings goes into a sewer pipe and explodes underground, damaging nothing above ground. An elderly woman caught in an apartment completely demolished by a bomb, walks out with scratches on her ankle.

The mayor of Beersheva felt he should cancel school one day, and a rocket completely destroys an empty kindergarten. The elder housing complex that was hit in Nahariya had the sleeping quarters destroyed, but everyone had just gone to breakfast, so no one injured. A man leaves his car with his young daughter, and the car is blown up moments later after they entered a bomb shelter. If they had taken a few more seconds, he and his daughter would have been burned to a crisp. He was televised saying again and again it was a miracle.

Similar stories like these were heard during the second Lebanon war, reported on Israeli radio and television, but no one in the west ever heard; only negative propaganda from the terrorists was reported, whose aim was to malign Israel and make us look like a nation of bloodthirsty killers. One has to grieve over the terrible destruction of the cities in Gaza and the horrific human tragedy going on there, but the responsibility for the suffering and death is directly on the doorstep of the Hamas leadership. These deluded people think that their G-d, Allah, will give them victory, and have entered into a battle with the true G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that they will never win. We are literally living in times like those of the scripture, when the Lord to ld Elisha all the plans of the enemy, until they began to wonder if there was a spy in their ranks.

There is hope here, not despair and unity of resolve. Even the parents of Yoni Natanel, killed by friendly fire, were quoted as saying that their son died "for the sanctification of G-d's name", and forgave and blessed those who accidently fired at his unit. There is such heroism and courage here, one wishes that the world could see it, but as one of our journalists said, the media have left their brains at the door of Ben Gurion Airport.

They are many miles away from the actual battle, wear flak jackets and helmets for the cameras, and then take them off to have cappuccino at the local restaurant!

Fortunately, Israelis are accustomed to being misunderstood and maligned by the outside world. At this point, everyone knows we have a job to do, and we are becoming more and more aware that there is a greater Power than us is on our side. We are fulfilling our commission to be a "Light to the Nations". Israel learned from the failure of the Lebanon war, and prepared well to fight the terrorists who clearly said they wanted to destroy us.

The rest of the nations have not remembered the threats of Hitler, and how the Jewish people were almost wiped out because no one wanted to believe he actually meant what he said. Contrary to those who want to hide their heads in the sands of political correctness, there is a right and a wrong side in this conflict. It is a battle between darkness and light. Fortunately, we have a G-d who was never wishy-washy about defending Israel against her enemies, when His People cried out to Him for help. The outside world is missing the miracle of a righteous G-d who hears the prayers of the humble, and defends what is His.

"If My people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
" Chronicles 7:14
« Last Edit: April 30, 2009, 07:39:33 PM by ~Hanna~ »
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Offline ~Hanna~

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Re: Miracles are happening in Israel....!!!!
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2009, 11:19:25 AM »
 :dance:   bump
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Offline Debbie Shafer

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Re: Miricles are happening in Israel....!!!!
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2009, 12:27:03 PM »
I am overjoyed to hear this, it is God's hand. There are definitely miracles going on.  Christians United for Israel and has a video called Against All Odds

The introduction to the video says.  If there are miracles, Israel itself has to be one.  Born out of the ashes of the Holocaust, it was just one day when it was attacked by twelve armies that the world fully expected would annihilate it. Israel didn't even have an army.  There was one tank and five cannons with which to fight back an Armada against them. And yet Israel won.

Given the circumstances surrounding Israel's birth as a nation, and the odds against its survival, Israel should not exist as a nation today.  Yet it not only exists, but seems to thrive in spite of its adversaries and in the face of circumstances that defy logic and reason.  This unique docudrama experience goes beneath the facts of Israel's survival to explore the reasons Israelis themselves believe they have survived.

Not all attribute their military victories to Divine assistance, but everyone agrees that the odds for Israel's survival through the turbulent twentieth century have defied all reasonable logic.

I was particularly moved by the story from the IDF, or previous army members, who said they were going back to their homes, the moon was bright, and they came into a huge field of mines.  There was no way they could back up or pass through without hitting a mine. Suddenly a strong wind came out of nowhere taking off many inches of top soil and exposing the mines. They were able to avoid every one, and They said they didn't realize what had happened until they all came back Alive.

It also told of Nixons plan and dedication to help Gold Mier, (sp) when he was President.  He said his mother told him, at some time in your Presidency you will be asked to help the Jewish Nation.  It is profound. 

Offline ~Hanna~

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Re: Miricles are happening in Israel....!!!!
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2009, 05:35:52 PM »
If this trend continues with Jews embracing Jewish values, there will soon be new leaders and the final redemption.  The G-d of the Jews is the Creator of the universe.  G-d WILL fight for the Jews if they do things on G-d's terms.

yes and Amen...
שמע ישראל

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Re: Miricles are happening in Israel....!!!!
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2009, 02:24:36 PM »
If this trend continues with Jews embracing Jewish values, there will soon be new leaders and the final redemption.  The G-d of the Jews is the Creator of the universe.  G-d WILL fight for the Jews if they do things on G-d's terms.

I agree 100% Israeli have rejected the Left
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

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Re: Miricles are happening in Israel....!!!!
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2009, 07:23:42 PM »
Yes, all these occurrences listed in this are miracles.
And, these miracles happen for a reason.
Hashem has a greater plan for Israel and the Jewish people.
I truly believe this to be true.

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Re: Miracles are happening in Israel....!!!!
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2009, 07:51:32 PM »
Baruch Hashem! :dance:

Learning of this news, combined with Obama being usurper in this country, makes me think maybe I need to seriously consider aliyah now.

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Offline Debbie Shafer

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Re: Miracles are happening in Israel....!!!!
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2009, 11:03:18 AM »
My God, my prayers have been answered at the Prayer wall, that Israel would once against know their God, and become spiritual. This is your answer to defeating Islam.  God rewards his people for their allegiance to his word.

 I am so happy to hear this!  There are alot of Gentile friends in your corner, its the government that expired!

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Re: Miracles are happening in Israel....!!!!
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2009, 10:26:06 PM »
I will stand with israel and support her people always...i really have such a deep love in this matter! 

 believe in miracles and have seen many myself! :o
I am in love with Light as it has brought the curtains back from the darkness...i will always be free with the truth i now know and my heart is forever changed...I thank G-d for the light! <3 Always

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Re: Miracles are happening in Israel....!!!!
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2009, 03:15:22 PM »
Amazing. G-d has not abandoned Israel - directly because the Jews have not abandoned G-d.
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Re: Miracles are happening in Israel....!!!!
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2009, 03:29:16 PM »
Baruch Hashem! :dance:

Learning of this news, combined with Obama being usurper in this country, makes me think maybe I need to seriously consider aliyah now.
This may be an unfair and unrealistic question, but should the decision on whether or not to make Aliyah necessarily derive from a cost-benefit analysis? Chaim has often said that all Jews should make Aliyah.

Offline Madmarv

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Re: Miricles are happening in Israel....!!!!
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2009, 04:23:28 PM »
If this trend continues with Jews embracing Jewish values, there will soon be new leaders and the final redemption.  The G-d of the Jews is the Creator of the universe.  G-d WILL fight for the Jews if they do things on G-d's terms.

Do you really think that god "needs" to fight to achieve anything? and that its your god only and not all other human beings?


Offline ~Hanna~

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Re: Miricles are happening in Israel....!!!!
« Reply #12 on: July 27, 2009, 05:04:15 PM »

If this trend continues with Jews embracing Jewish values, there will soon be new leaders and the final redemption.  The G-d of the Jews is the Creator of the universe.  G-d WILL fight for the Jews if they do things on G-d's terms.

Do you really think that G-d "needs" to fight to achieve anything? and that its your G-d only and not all other human beings?

I didn't say "needs to", I said WILL.  G-d has fought for the Jewish people before against the Egyptians, and if you read Ezekiel 38 and 39 you will see how G-d will fight for the Jews at the end of time.  The Jews are the people chosen to be a light to the world.  G-d also created non-Jews and wants them to be righteous.  I myself am a non-Jew.  If non-Jews want to attach themselves to the G-d of the universe they will be on the side of the Jews and in line with the Torah's teachings for all mankind.
שמע ישראל

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Re: Miricles are happening in Israel....!!!!
« Reply #13 on: July 27, 2009, 05:08:04 PM »
If this trend continues with Jews embracing Jewish values, there will soon be new leaders and the final redemption.  The G-d of the Jews is the Creator of the universe.  G-d WILL fight for the Jews if they do things on G-d's terms.

Do you really think that G-d "needs" to fight to achieve anything? and that its your G-d only and not all other human beings?

I didn't say "needs to", I said WILL.  G-d has fought for the Jewish people before against the Egyptians, and if you read Ezekiel 38 and 39 you will see how G-d will fight for the Jews at the end of time.  The Jews are the people chosen to be a light to the world.  G-d also created non-Jews and wants them to be righteous.  I myself am a non-Jew.  If non-Jews want to attach themselves to the G-d of the universe they will be on the side of the Jews and in line with the Torah's teachings for all mankind.

I know exactly what you mean, and by me saying "need to" I mean that, do you really think that, god, the almighty, have to "fight" to achieve something with humans? don't you think this is a little bit -- awkward? I don't know where you got the idea of god fighting for the jewish people against egyptians, i hope you don't mean Moses here, because god didn't really fight there, if you believe in all the stories told in the turan, and believe that Moses have splitted the sea in two, then god surely didnt fight there, god have helped Moses and its people to escape from their doom. Otherwise, could you please help me find those verses in the torah saying where god will fight for the jews or where did he ever fight for them? I'd like you to shed some light on that matter, as I'm not a jew myself, I'm christian, but I hardly ever read anything in the old nor new testimony for I am not sure what exactly to believe, but there is a creator for sure, and Islam is such a cancer, that's for sure as well. Thanks.


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Re: Miracles are happening in Israel....!!!!
« Reply #14 on: July 27, 2009, 05:56:37 PM »
YES!!!  :dance:
שמע ישראל

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Re: Miricles are happening in Israel....!!!!
« Reply #15 on: July 27, 2009, 06:14:24 PM »
If this trend continues with Jews embracing Jewish values, there will soon be new leaders and the final redemption.  The G-d of the Jews is the Creator of the universe.  G-d WILL fight for the Jews if they do things on G-d's terms.

Do you really think that G-d "needs" to fight to achieve anything? and that its your G-d only and not all other human beings?

I didn't say "needs to", I said WILL.  G-d has fought for the Jewish people before against the Egyptians, and if you read Ezekiel 38 and 39 you will see how G-d will fight for the Jews at the end of time.  The Jews are the people chosen to be a light to the world.  G-d also created non-Jews and wants them to be righteous.  I myself am a non-Jew.  If non-Jews want to attach themselves to the G-d of the universe they will be on the side of the Jews and in line with the Torah's teachings for all mankind.

I know exactly what you mean, and by me saying "need to" I mean that, do you really think that, G-d, the almighty, have to "fight" to achieve something with humans? don't you think this is a little bit -- awkward? I don't know where you got the idea of G-d fighting for the jewish people against egyptians, i hope you don't mean Moses here, because G-d didn't really fight there, if you believe in all the stories told in the turan, and believe that Moses have splitted the sea in two, then G-d surely didnt fight there, G-d have helped Moses and its people to escape from their doom. Otherwise, could you please help me find those verses in the torah saying where G-d will fight for the jews or where did he ever fight for them? I'd like you to shed some light on that matter, as I'm not a jew myself, I'm christian, but I hardly ever read anything in the old nor new testimony for I am not sure what exactly to believe, but there is a creator for sure, and Islam is such a cancer, that's for sure as well. Thanks.

Obviously Moses didn't fight on his own here, it was through G-d that he split the sea and did all those other miracles which freed the Jewish people from bondage. 

Exodus 14:14  The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.

Deuteronomy 1:30  The LORD your G-d, who is going before you, will fight for you, as he did for you in Egypt, before your very eyes,

Deuteronomy 3:22  Do not be afraid of them; the LORD your G-d himself will fight for you.

Deuteronomy 20:4  For the LORD your G-d is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.

Sorry, no offense, but this resembles the violence in Islam to me. Muslims believe that in the redemption day, there will be a great war between muslims and jews and they will win with god's help... You now tell me that jews believe the same thing will happen, but for their favor? ...


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Re: Miracles are happening in Israel....!!!!
« Reply #16 on: July 27, 2009, 06:56:21 PM »
Alright :)


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Re: Miracles are happening in Israel....!!!!
« Reply #17 on: July 27, 2009, 07:27:59 PM »
I'd like to add to this as well.  

In the Torah (the Tanach) there were instances where G-d told the Israelites to kill certain populations, such as the Cananites.  Those were events that happened.  However, the difference between the violence in the Torah and the Koran (from what I understand) is that in the case of the Jews, the command to kill was never codified into Jewish law.  

In the Koran, there are verses that say kill the unbelievers wherever you find them.  Jews don't care about converting or subduing non-Jews.  We just want to be left alone to practice our religion and live in peace.  Here's a a link to a blog which explains the difference between the violence in the Torah (the Tanach) and the Koran:


Tanach violence is an interesting case in point. G-d clearly ordered the Hebrews to annihilate the Canaanites and surrounding peoples. Such violence is therefore an expression of God’s will, for good or ill. Regardless, all the historic violence committed by the Hebrews and recorded in the Tanach is just that—history. It happened; God commanded it. But it revolved around a specific time and place and was directed against a specific people. At no time did such violence go on to become standardized or codified into Jewish law (i.e., the Halakha).

This is where Islamic violence is unique. Though similar to the violence of the Tanach—commanded by God and manifested in history—certain aspects of Islamic violence have become standardized in Islamic law (i.e., Sharia) and apply at all times. Thus while the violence found in the Koran is in fact historical, its ultimate significance is theological, or, more specifically, doctrinal. Consider the following Koranic verses, better known as the “sword-verses”:

Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the pagans wherever you find them—take them [captive], besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due [i.e. submit to Islam], then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful (K 9:5).

Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger [i.e. do not adhere to Islamic law], nor acknowledge the religion of Truth [i.e. Islam], from the people of the book [i.e. Jews and Christians], until they pay tribute with willing submission, and feel themselves utterly subdued (K 9:29).

As with Tanach verses where G-d commanded the Hebrews to attack and slay their neighbors, the sword-verses also have a historical context. Allah first issued these commandments after the Muslims under Muhammad’s leadership had grown sufficiently strong enough to invade their Christian and pagan neighbors. But unlike the bellicose verses and anecdotes of the Tanach, the sword-verses became fundamental to Islam’s subsequent relationship to both the “people of the book” (Christians and Jews) and the “pagans” (Hindus, Buddhists, animists, etc). For instance, based on 9:5, Islamic law mandates that pagans and polytheists must either convert to Islam or be killed, while 9:29 is the primary source of Islam’s well-known discriminatory practices against Christians and Jews.

In fact, based on the sword-verses (as well as countless other Koranic verses and oral traditions attributed to Muhammad), Islam’s scholars, sheikhs, muftis, imams, and qadis throughout the ages have all reached the consensus—binding on the entire Muslim community—that Islam is to be at perpetual war with the non-Muslim world until the former subsumes the latter. (It is widely held by Muslim scholars that since the sword-verses are among the final revelations on the topic of Islam’s relationship to non-Muslims, that they alone have abrogated some 200 of the Koran’s earlier and more tolerant verses, such as “there is no coercion in religion” 2:256.) Famous Muslim scholar Ibn Khaldun, who is revered in the West for his “progressive” insights, also puts to rest the notion that jihad is “defensive” warfare:

In the Muslim community, the holy war [jihad] is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the Muslim mission and the obligation to convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force...The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defense... They are merely required to establish their religion among their own people. That is why the Israeilites after Moses and Joshua remained unconcerned with royal authority [e.g. a “caliphate”]. Their only concern was to establish their religion [not spread it to the nations]… But Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations (The Muqudimmah, vol. 1 pg. 473).

Perhaps what is most unique about the sword-verses is the fact that when juxtaposed to their Tanach counterparts, they are especially distinct for using language that transcends time and space, inciting believers to attack and slay non-believers today no less than yesterday. Hashem commanded the Hebrews to kill Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites—all specific peoples rooted to a specific time and place. At no time did Hashem give an open-ended command for the Hebrews, and by extension their descendants the Jews, to fight and kill gentiles. On the other hand, though Islam’s original enemies were, like Judaism’s, historical (e.g., Christian Byzantines and pagan Persians), the Koran rarely singles them out by their proper names. Instead, Muslims were (and are) commanded to fight the people of the book—“until they pay tribute with willing submission and feel themselves utterly subdued” (Koran 9:29) and to “slay the pagans wherever you find them” (Koran 9:5).


Hope that answers your question.  

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Re: Miracles are happening in Israel....!!!!
« Reply #18 on: July 27, 2009, 07:56:52 PM »
Wow Lisa, I totally agree and you couldn't be more clear on that matter for sure, thanks! :)


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Re: Miricles are happening in Israel....!!!!
« Reply #19 on: July 28, 2009, 12:22:42 AM »
I am overjoyed to hear this, it is G-d's hand. There are definitely miracles going on.  Christians United for Israel and has a video called Against All Odds

The introduction to the video says.  If there are miracles, Israel itself has to be one.  Born out of the ashes of the Holocaust, it was just one day when it was attacked by twelve armies that the world fully expected would annihilate it. Israel didn't even have an army.  There was one tank and five cannons with which to fight back an Armada against them. And yet Israel won.

Given the circumstances surrounding Israel's birth as a nation, and the odds against its survival, Israel should not exist as a nation today.  Yet it not only exists, but seems to thrive in spite of its adversaries and in the face of circumstances that defy logic and reason.  This unique docudrama experience goes beneath the facts of Israel's survival to explore the reasons Israelis themselves believe they have survived.

Not all attribute their military victories to Divine assistance, but everyone agrees that the odds for Israel's survival through the turbulent twentieth century have defied all reasonable logic.

I was particularly moved by the story from the IDF, or previous army members, who said they were going back to their homes, the moon was bright, and they came into a huge field of mines.  There was no way they could back up or pass through without hitting a mine. Suddenly a strong wind came out of nowhere taking off many inches of top soil and exposing the mines. They were able to avoid every one, and They said they didn't realize what had happened until they all came back Alive.

It also told of Nixons plan and dedication to help Gold Mier, (sp) when he was President.  He said his mother told him, at some time in your Presidency you will be asked to help the Jewish Nation.  It is profound. 

Yes, Yes, . . . I was going to post something about CUFI AND Against All Odds. That segment about Richard Nixon and the story of the mines being uncovered by the wind are my two absolute favorites!!

Thanks for posting this Debbie.
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Re: Miricles are happening in Israel....!!!!
« Reply #20 on: July 28, 2009, 12:23:33 AM »
If this trend continues with Jews embracing Jewish values, there will soon be new leaders and the final redemption.  The G-d of the Jews is the Creator of the universe.  G-d WILL fight for the Jews if they do things on G-d's terms.

« Last Edit: July 28, 2009, 12:29:16 AM by Moijea »
The Price of Freedom, . . . . courage.

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Re: Miricles are happening in Israel....!!!!
« Reply #21 on: July 28, 2009, 12:25:52 AM »
If this trend continues with Jews embracing Jewish values, there will soon be new leaders and the final redemption.  The G-d of the Jews is the Creator of the universe.  G-d WILL fight for the Jews if they do things on G-d's terms.

Do you really think that G-d "needs" to fight to achieve anything? and that its your G-d only and not all other human beings?

I didn't say "needs to", I said WILL.  G-d has fought for the Jewish people before against the Egyptians, and if you read Ezekiel 38 and 39 you will see how G-d will fight for the Jews at the end of time.  The Jews are the people chosen to be a light to the world.  G-d also created non-Jews and wants them to be righteous.  I myself am a non-Jew.  If non-Jews want to attach themselves to the G-d of the universe they will be on the side of the Jews and in line with the Torah's teachings for all mankind.

Absolutely Dan, ABSOLUTELY!
The Price of Freedom, . . . . courage.

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Re: Miricles are happening in Israel....!!!!
« Reply #22 on: July 28, 2009, 12:27:29 AM »
If this trend continues with Jews embracing Jewish values, there will soon be new leaders and the final redemption.  The G-d of the Jews is the Creator of the universe.  G-d WILL fight for the Jews if they do things on G-d's terms.

Do you really think that G-d "needs" to fight to achieve anything? and that its your G-d only and not all other human beings?

I didn't say "needs to", I said WILL.  G-d has fought for the Jewish people before against the Egyptians, and if you read Ezekiel 38 and 39 you will see how G-d will fight for the Jews at the end of time.  The Jews are the people chosen to be a light to the world.  G-d also created non-Jews and wants them to be righteous.  I myself am a non-Jew.  If non-Jews want to attach themselves to the G-d of the universe they will be on the side of the Jews and in line with the Torah's teachings for all mankind.

I know exactly what you mean, and by me saying "need to" I mean that, do you really think that, G-d, the almighty, have to "fight" to achieve something with humans? don't you think this is a little bit -- awkward? I don't know where you got the idea of G-d fighting for the jewish people against egyptians, i hope you don't mean Moses here, because G-d didn't really fight there, if you believe in all the stories told in the turan, and believe that Moses have splitted the sea in two, then G-d surely didnt fight there, G-d have helped Moses and its people to escape from their doom. Otherwise, could you please help me find those verses in the torah saying where G-d will fight for the jews or where did he ever fight for them? I'd like you to shed some light on that matter, as I'm not a jew myself, I'm christian, but I hardly ever read anything in the old nor new testimony for I am not sure what exactly to believe, but there is a creator for sure, and Islam is such a cancer, that's for sure as well. Thanks.

Obviously Moses didn't fight on his own here, it was through G-d that he split the sea and did all those other miracles which freed the Jewish people from bondage. 

Exodus 14:14  The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.

Deuteronomy 1:30  The LORD your G-d, who is going before you, will fight for you, as he did for you in Egypt, before your very eyes,

Deuteronomy 3:22  Do not be afraid of them; the LORD your G-d himself will fight for you.

Deuteronomy 20:4  For the LORD your G-d is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.

You got that right!!    :dance:
The Price of Freedom, . . . . courage.

Offline therealyemini

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Re: Miracles are happening in Israel....!!!!
« Reply #23 on: July 29, 2009, 05:41:31 PM »
this makes me happy !
no one can stop us
we will keep fighting the terrorists and keep protecting our nation

Offline Yaacov Ben Yehuda

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Re: Miracles are happening in Israel....!!!!
« Reply #24 on: August 19, 2009, 11:40:37 PM »
Baruch Hashem! :dance:

Learning of this news, combined with Obama being usurper in this country, makes me think maybe I need to seriously consider aliyah now.

make Aliyah my brother! one of the biggest mitzvahs!
plus USA is in its last days in my view