I am not surprised about this because imputing psychosis and other disorders to outsider people is very common. Human beings instinctively avoid pity because pity is like a parasite on them. They sometimes overcompensate by being intensely vicious to helpless people. However I don't care and I will simply say that I notice more and more white women with men of colour every single day. The majority of white males are scarcely worth the air they breathe. The white race is a parasitic cancer on the face of this planet and its days are numbered thank G-d.
Fortunately for you and Israel....the White Race isn't going anywhere.
The current immigration crisis will force all White Christian Nations of the Northern Hemisphere to unite in solidarity against the 3rd world.
The Christian West is also learning that it cannot defend it's own existence unless it simultaneously defends the existence of a Jewish State in the heart of biblical Israel.
The White Race will survive and prosper by expelling the 3rd world barbarians that have invaded Western lands...just as the Jews will survive and prosper by expelling the Arab barbarians that have invaded the Land of Israel.