I am ANGRY Bob, b/c he is EVIL.
Jewish people believe that he is the EVIL that The Moshiach MUST come and rid us of, Christians call him OUTRIGHT the anti-Chrst. I believe BOTH, and this man will not EVER turn away from his wicked ways.
DO NOT PRAY for this EVIL man,
pray for the redemption of the children of the ALMIGHTY that they will be SPARED from the upcoming doom, b/c IF PEOPLE cannot SEE that this is EVIL personified, with all of the paraphanalia, and trinkets etc, then you are LOST. LOST. LOST.
It takes a RIGHTEOUS person to stand and say:
NO NO NO NO NO! HE IS BLASPHEMOUS!!!!!!!!!!! ![](http://empire.team.net/1997/Buladelah_NSW_AU/no-way.sr.gif)