Maybe the ADL comes a close second. The Canadian B'Nai Brith is pleading to the federal government to give more funding to native indian groups. These are the aboriginal groups whose leaders are Jew haters and openly spout their hatred to their communities.
There are two things about this that need to be recognized:
First, the Jewish community is consistent in its desire to show how nice it is to other groups, so that maybe it will be loved by those other groups. This is a disgraceful form of pandering and grovelling. It's like their saying, "See how nice we are? We don't just care about Jewish interests. We seek to advance the causes of all minority groups." This is just pathetic.
Second, as if the first were not bad enough, once a group has made it clear that they are your enemies, YOU STOP HELPING THEM!!! You say "screw you, you are on your own. We're not helping you, in fact, stay the hell out of my way." (It doesn't have to be that coarse, but you get the idea).
This disgusting slave mentality has to end. The B'Nai Brith has got to go.