I shouldn't expect this to be resolved here, since I've dealt with it all my life, but anyway, here goes...
I'm almost 50, and ever since my teen years I have struggled with what is called "whitecoat hypertension". This means my blood pressure is normal to low at home when I take it (or whereever it gets taken outside of a dr's office), but when I go to a doctor...ANY doctor...it shoots way up (something like 140/90-160/100), when at home its always in the 110/68-125/70 range.)
I have been very thin, then heavy, and now average size again, and my weight never had any bearing on my BP. I exercise for an hour daily, moderate to intense, have done this 5 days/wk for 8 years now, I was a runner in my teens (got heavy from age 23-41), but regardless, the BP situation stayed the same.
When I go to the Red Cross to donate blood, my BP is normal. When I take it at home with this (very expensive) digital BP machine I have, its normal. It ONLY goes high when I go to a doctor!! ARGH!!!!
Because of this, I stuck with the same dr for 20 something years because she is familiar with my weird situation. But recently I changed doctors because she is just too far away now. My new dr checked my BP, had me write down my BP at home, taking it twice or three times a day, then bring it in. Then he took my BP with his machine, and then with mine, and we compared it. Same reading, so we know my machine is working correctly.
He also sent me for an echocardiogram to see what my heart looks like. It shows no damage (he said the lower chamber would have shown damage if I truly did have uncontrolled hypertension all these years.)
SO WHY AM I CONVINCED I STILL HAVE SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME??? EVERY time I get a headache, or feel dizzy, I immeidately think I have hypertension! Right now I am sick with a bad cold, and my inner ear vertigo problem is acting up, so WHY do I ALWAYS blame the hypertension I might not really have?
Could I be going crazy like this because my mom died last year (after I took care of her for a year), and having seen everything she suffered (including hypertension), I assume its going to "get me" now?
I'm also concerned because I have been stressed on a DAILY basis due to Obama!