Muslim, how do you explain the following hadith:
Book 041, Number 6984:
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.
Judgment Day will not be established until the fight over the holy lands is put to an end. Aren't Muslims fighting against the Jews now in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict? 
So you are saying that Muslims don't even need a reason to fight Jews other than that it will bring about Judgment Day? That is even worse than I thought!
Your commentary on that hadith makes it sound even more sinister. Are you telling me a prerequisite of judgment day is that the JEws hides behind a tree or stone and then the tree or stone cries out that the Jews is hiding?
As I said earlier, can a Muslim have an argument without mentioning Israel? We are talking about Islam, yet you keep mentioning Israel.
When someone debates me on Judaism, I don't repeatedly talk about Saudi Arabia, because it is irrelevant to the argument, much like your repeated mentions of Israel.
Dude, the hadith is relevant to Israel because Israelis are Jews and Palestinian are Muslims. Both states are fighting. They have a reason to fight Jews, their land was stolen!
Yes, you see the truth... The Jews land was stolen by Muslims and Arabs who do not belong there. All Arabs must be moved out of Israel back to their homelands of Jordan and Syria... You do know that Jordan and Syria is the home of the 'palistikinan people'. Also there is no such thing as a Palestinkian people before the year 1967, it was made up by Arafat. These people are being held in refugree camps in Lebanon, by their own people. You do know that all the arab countries expelled their Jews during the 1948 creation of the state of Israel, don't you... Israel did not expell arabs as they should have. These arabs have stolen Jewish land....
The Jewish people have inhabited the land for over 3000 years... Over 2000 years longer than Islam even existed.
Allah SucksBar!
PS: Go to hell where you belong... The righteous of the world are tired of your iniquities and will destroy your people soon. You are treading on thin ice now. Retribution is at hand Despised Muslim... You will be punished for your transgression. Look out! Say your prayers before you meet your maker Evil Muslim! You have made your death bed, now sleep in it!