Thank you for this, they are righteous. Who are all of the imposters so that Christians on this forum see??
Todd Bentley, a total fake, fraud and phoney, definately a wolf...
Rick Warren, prosperity mammonite who is a wolf in sheep's clothing...
Those are two that come to mind.....
Joel Osteen is a bit wishy washy.....I sometimes like his messages tho, BUT he is one of those prosperity preachers....and had made millions off his books.
I'm trying to think who else...
Those are 3 right there that come to mind.
Also, Rich talks alot about the church's that are acting more like country clubs than anything else and care more about MONEY than people....just into making MONEY off the gospel, not really caring about people....he calls them clippy, clappy, cake bake mammonites, or something.....who are preaching delusional doctrine....

No talking about sin and living righteous lives, but just interested in compromising to bring in the MONEY....and LINE their pockets, etc.
There seem to be alot of those.
He has mentioned more names over the years, but I have a hard time remembering everyone, lol.
We were against Todd Bentley from the very beginning and Todd Bentley got removed from the ministry....he really blew it big time.