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Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on March 18, 2007, 03:27:24 PM ---countless Jews have been murdered, spiritually and physically, by Christians be they Protestant, Orthodox, or Catholic.
--- End quote ---
It is certainly true that we all MUST confront this abominable legacy and not try to deny it, but I will, again, categorically deny that the monsters who participated in pogroms and inquisitions in Jesus' name practiced any form of real Christianity.
Heyyyy but the Topic states simply that missioning -to convert-is prohibited but there was no suggestion or discouraging of the relationship between Christians and Jews on JTF. Think about it this way, did righteous gentiles kill Jews? No. Did JTF Christian members kill Jews? No- well I don't think so. Did the medieval unknowledgable people who enjoyed aggression and happened to be Christians, kill Jews? Yes. Theres a big difference and the murders where certainly not based on religious principles.
JTF is the " Jewish Task Force", which has its policies about world issues and situations. Missionizing will draw the attention away from such policies and bring new and possibly not very good consequences.
Plus its quite pestering.
I feel that it is a very good policy for JTF not to tolerate any Missionary actions by Jews for Jesus, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Moslems and most certainly Socialists/Communists/Secular Humanist Judenrot scum. Any and all of the aforementioned will know, if they are thinking people, that JTF is open for discussion and debate but not missionary work.....
In any case, my response to them is:
Hillel (ca. 50 BCE-10 CE) so nicely stated: "What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor: that is the whole Torah; all the rest of it is commentary. Go learn it."
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