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So you are censoring us from statements that offend Christians?
JSullivan, whatever your feelings on Christianity the fact remains that Jesus was at best a Kopher and countless Jews have been murdered, spiritually and physically, by Christians be they Protestant, Orthodox, or Catholic. If you wish us to work together that is your choice but ignoring the long and brutal historical record will accomplish nothing positive.
--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on March 18, 2007, 03:27:24 PM ---So you are censoring us from statements that offend Christians?
JSullivan, whatever your feelings on Christianity the fact remains that Jesus was at best a Kopher and countless Jews have been murdered, spiritually and physically, by Christians be they Protestant, Orthodox, or Catholic. If you wish us to work together that is your choice but ignoring the long and brutal historical record will accomplish nothing positive.
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kahaneloyalist, are you blaming the Christian members of JTF for the past persecution of the Jews? There is no question that for 2,000 years terrible things were done to the Jewish people, often in the name of Christianity. But when you blame the Bible-believing Christians in America for what took place, I disagree with you. There is a real movement of tens of millions of Christians in this country who genuinely support Israel and the Jewish people. In fact, the Bible Belt Christians are more pro-Israel than the Jews.
I am not concerned about being offended, only being limited in my ability to dismantle arguments that put ANY Jewish blood on Jesus's hands.
Christian Zionist:
--- Quote from: jsullivan on March 18, 2007, 03:18:17 PM ---I agree with Allen-T. People should not be permitted to offend our many loyal Christian members. We have to create an atmosphere that will enable us to work together with mutual respect.
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Shalom Jimmy!
I think this sticky thread is unnecessary!
True Christians supporters of JTF should be distinguished from groups like Jews for Jesus. Many sincere Christians know that the activities of groups like Jews for Jesus have caused more damage to the cause of Christianity than good.
The word missionary in Latin means apostle in Greek which means one who is sent forth. Jesus commissioned His apostles to preach Christianity to people who have NEVER heard the message of Christianity. I am sure all Jewish members of this forum and even Chaim himself know the message of Christianity. They all know what are our Christian beliefs about Jesus, Trinity, New Testament etc. Likewise I am certain that most of the Christian posters here (if not all of them) know something about Judaism and why Jews reject Jesus as their Messiah. Therefore both Jews and Christians have been preached to about each others beliefs.
I have read and heard about becoming an Orthodox Jew is a process that requires rigorous discipline, commitment and dedication. They do not want shaky converts to corrupt their religious institution. Similarly according to the New Testament becoming a Christian requires discipline and dedication. Missionising is different and the act of conversion is different according to the New Testament. The real conversion process is performed by Ruah HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit and NOT by a human being. Jews for Jesus and other similar groups think they can convert people by their own efforts. They assume the role of Ruah HaKodesh which trivializes the deeper meaning of Christianity.
The problem with this subject is that it usually leads to Jews and Christians fighting each other instead of fighting their common enemies. And their common enemies are not only the Muslims. The enemies of the Jews and the Christians are also the traitors in America and Israel who destroying both countries.
JTF believes that we can fight together for a common cause despite our different beliefs. kahaneloyalist, in my opinion, you agree with JTF's general principles on Israel, but you disagree with JTF on working with the Christians. There are Jews on this forum who disagree with Chaim and JTF on this issue. But that is JTF's policy. This is nothing new. When Chaim ran the JDL in the 1980s, 50% of the members were Gentiles, and most of the Gentiles were Christians.
I understand your strong feelings. But starting fights between Jews and Christians on this forum only plays into the hands of our enemies.
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