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Author Topic: Ask JTF For February 15, 2009  (Read 11938 times)

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Offline Jorje15

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Ask JTF For February 15, 2009
« on: February 04, 2009, 10:32:41 PM »
Dear Chaim.

What are your thoughts on the United Kingdom (UK)? What do you think of the good parts of YouTube? What do you think of all the countrys in Asia? Also what are your thoughts on Presidents Day?
« Last Edit: February 14, 2009, 06:54:54 PM by Jorje15 »

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Re: Ask JTF For February 15, 2009
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2009, 11:57:34 PM »
Shalom Chaim,

Recently I did a little opposition reading on Fa'agetz.com in regards to Operation Cast Lead and was horrified by what I saw. I knew that this is an extremely sick self-hating organization, but I didn't know how bad it was! Tell me Chaim, did Joseph Goebbels found Fa'agetz? Is it a part of StørmFrønt? The blood libels that this rag prints make Al-Jazeera look moderate. Is it possible that Fa'agetz is co-owned and run by David Duke and Sheik Nasrallah, using Hebrew pseudonyms?

Yimach schmam vezichram to the employees of Fa'agetz!

« Last Edit: February 14, 2009, 10:39:07 PM by C.F. »

Offline judeanoncapta

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Re: Ask JTF For February 15, 2009
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2009, 01:44:40 AM »
Dear Chayim,

According to the polls, Kadima and Labor Parties are losing seats to the fake right ie Bibi and Leiberman.

Why is that? I thought that this little war would give us a Prime Minister Barak.
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Re: Ask JTF For February 15, 2009
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2009, 02:18:36 AM »
Dear Chaim,

I heard that learning the Torah or the Talmud without assistance from a scholar is dangerous.  Actually, I believe the word I heard was 'perilous'.  Is this so?  Isn't the risk really that one might not get a full appreciation of the many significances of the text.  That isn't dangerous though.  What about Torah or Talmud is 'dangerous'?

Maybe I'm mixed up.  Is it perhaps the Kabalah that is dangerous to the unlearned individual?



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Re: Ask JTF For February 15, 2009
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2009, 03:42:28 PM »
Dear Chaim, what is your opinion on the late comedian  Richard Pryor?
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Re: Ask JTF For February 15, 2009
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2009, 04:09:41 PM »
Greetings Chaim. From what I've been able to gather, Y"SV seems to be a very powerful curse and a very serious one. How do you know when it's appropriate to use it on someone? How do you know who is so irredeemably evil as to deserve its application? My tendency is usually to hope that someone will decide to change their life and act better.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2009, 08:40:41 PM by Rubystars »

Offline Kylefromomaha

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Re: Ask JTF For February 15, 2009
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2009, 11:33:10 PM »
Shalom Chaim, this week rather than ask, I'd like to comment about some things you have said over the years. Hopefully there is time for it.

1# I disagree with your remark that government should be involved in social programs even though there is a lack of charity. It is the sole duty of Chruches, synagogues and other religious institutions to distribute assistance to the poor and disabled. Government should however mandate they do so by denying their tax exemption status and penalizing them if they won't do their job.

2# 300 was about as accurate as the actors painted on abs. The Persians were neither black nor white. This is just like what you had with the movie Esther when they were portrayed as white Roman centurions. Though the Spartans may have faced black conscript regiments. THe movie also ignored a major naval engagement by the Athenian navy that really did win the war in Greece's favor than Thermopyle.

3# French fries and mayonaise are not just popular among overweight urbanites like Brazillia. *MMMHHMM!* I used to work at a McDonalds in a small Maine Fishing town and customers of all walks would order it. I like it too. You're a health nut and avoid such establishments so that is why you never heard of it. Barbaque sauce and Ranch dressing can also be good with Fries and Nuggets.

4# The kids in Oakland who laughed at Schindler's list were not racist, they were only immature. At my school when we saw it we also laughed at the violent parts. We laughed particularly at the scene where the enginering studen's head flops back after being shot and the scene where Amon Goth Gets hanged after saluting Hitler YmachShmo. We also laughed at T2 when Sarah Connor was Nuked, at Scanners when the guy's head explodes and at the Tales from the Crypt Episode when Michael Douglas is shot by a firing squad.* It was because violence was taboo and we were just kids.

5#GMT means Greenwich meantime. Its the time based at the Royal observation center of Greenwich London.

6#I have heard a lot of negativity about Africa from your shows. Despite what you may think Chaim, Africa is on the verge of a civilized awakening. Christian missionaries are planting seeds of revival that could mean that Africa in 100 years will be as powerful as the US is now while we will be reduced to a third world cesspool ourselves. Many have never seen walls much less walls of a classroom, but they are becoming brilliant and are starting to advance better than our kids. Despite Marxism, tribal wars, plagues, famines, apartheid, ETC. They are doing better. Meanwhile minority kids in our country with every advantage and with welfare, government education and programs are doing worse.

7# a massive cigarette tax will not discourage people from smoking. They will resort to black market tactics. It should be high but not too high.

I hope There is enough time for you to respond to these comments. Just thought I would critique some of what you said.

*If Mike Douglas were shot by a firing squad in real life, I would still laugh out hard, especially since he hates the 2nd amendment.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2009, 09:42:20 PM by Kylefromomaha »

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Re: Ask JTF For February 15, 2009
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2009, 10:42:56 AM »
shalom chaim

Unfortnately many of the immigrants from the Soviet Union, as a result of the actions of the JDL to free them, has brought many bad qualities to Israel's current society such as russian mafia crime, prostitution, drugs, pork and unkosher meats, and other terrible evil un-Jewish things on Israeli street corners;  Israeli society doesn't seem to be as clean as it used to be.  Do you think that Israeli society has gotten like this as a result of some of these Russian immigrants or the evil aspects of Western culture that originated from Black worship?

  IN other words, who's fault is itl?  Evil Russian immigrants or black worship?

Thank you
Dr. Dan
« Last Edit: February 10, 2009, 01:02:45 PM by Dr. Dan »
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Offline harel156

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Re: Ask JTF For February 15, 2009
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2009, 11:05:50 AM »
Dear Chaim.
What is your opinion on the latest stimulus package, were is the $700B that Bush gave away? Do you approve of the new giveaway? do you know who will get the $780B? I would love to get some of the money to help me pay my expenses!

Offline JTFFan

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Re: Ask JTF For February 15, 2009
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2009, 02:48:30 PM »
Shalom Chaim,

Why do Nazis and other Anti-Semetic Socialists always say the Jews control all of the media and the world? This is a Nazi lie. However, I do agree that most of the media is now being controlled by Arab muSSlim Nazis and some self-hating Jews, who are pro-Fakistine and want the Jews exterminated, G-d forbid. The Arab muSSlim Nazis are taking over more of the media than the self-hating Jews who run part of it. The Arab muSSlim Nazis can chug all of their oil down over time and bathe in it with their fat Arab muSSlim Nazi rich prince's' and their evil culture.

The fact is Jews are the ones that have contributed to all of America, Israel and Western Civilizations' greatest and best accomplishments including Europe and beyond that, yet most of the world hates them for their brilliant accomplishments and they are jealous of them. If not for the Jews in Europe and their old righteous historical accomplishments like Einstein made and so forth, Europe would be backwards nowadays. "I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee" the world is in a lot of problems nowadays for hating and going against the Jews. If the world was righteous and believed in Kahanism, we wouldn't have all these Nazis claiming that the Jews control all the media and the world. We certainly wouldn't have "Islam" as well as their "Jihad Nazi Conquest."

G-d Bless,



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Re: Ask JTF For February 15, 2009
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2009, 05:49:39 PM »
Dear Chaim,

Recently, I was looking at a book about American Jewish history by Howard Sachar. The book briefly mentioned Rabbi Kahane and the JDL. It said that Rabbi Kahane's followers in the United States were mostly uneducated working class Jews. Is there any truth to that, or did the author most likely just write that because he has a left wing, elitist bias? I could tell the author disliked Rabbi Kahane because he wrote that Rabbi Kahane went on to a career of political demagoguery in Israel after forming the JDL in the United States.

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Re: Ask JTF For February 15, 2009
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2009, 03:57:50 AM »
Shalom Chaim,

Offline ✡ Hindu Zionist ॐ

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Re: Ask JTF For February 15, 2009
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2009, 08:10:52 AM »
Shalom Chaim,

Do you think India is really a third world country?,like how the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty made it out to be.

Thank You.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2009, 11:29:53 AM by ✡ Hindu Zionist ॐ »

Offline chicagojew

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Re: Ask JTF For February 15, 2009
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2009, 10:42:39 AM »
Shalom Chaim. what is your opinion of Michael Steele, the new chairman of the Republican Party?

Offline Ulli

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Re: Ask JTF For February 15, 2009
« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2009, 03:33:22 PM »
Dear Mr. ben Pessach,

I have posted on the forum an article about a woman in Germany, who is now sentenced to twelve years in prison.


She lived together with a former member of the "Foreign Legion" and she moved together with him in her parents house.

After a while she became pregnant. As she realized she told her "partner" that she is pregnant. His response was: "Abort it!"

She waited until he sleeps and then she shoots him with his gun twice. One time in his chest and one time in his shoulder. He died.

What is your oppinion about this case?


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Re: Ask JTF For February 15, 2009
« Reply #15 on: February 09, 2009, 07:18:51 PM »
Shalom Chaim,

If you had a daughter, would you disown her if she got the Jungle fever and ran off with a niggran, even if he was a Jew?

God Bless,

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Offline Daleksfearme

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Re: Ask JTF For February 15, 2009
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2009, 10:58:01 PM »
Shalom Chaim,

Are there any circumstances when one of the 613 Mitzvot may no longer apply due to advances in technology? For example with modern agriculture it is no longer necessary to allow ground to lie unused every 7 years. Should Jews still follow this commandment to comply with Jewish law?

Also, although Jews would not be able to live in outer space, can resources from space be used here on Earth? For example asteroid mining, comet capture etc are being seriously considered by researchers as ways to improve life on Earth.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2009, 08:06:33 PM by Daleksfearme »
"You must not have looked in the new dictionary for the word Genocide, Because Right next to it is a picture of me with a capton that reads...over my dead body!"

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Re: Ask JTF For February 15, 2009
« Reply #17 on: February 09, 2009, 11:30:49 PM »
Shalom Chaim! I first want to say it is an honor to have joined JTF and watch your videos and what you have to say about everything. You predicted what would happen with 9/11. I only wish every person in this country would be reminded of this awful tragedy EVERY DAY of their lives, so no one would ever forget! On to my question.........can you tell us what you think will happen in the next 4 years of Obamanation? Will there be any good to come of this? Thank you so much for taking our questions.
---Never, ever deal with terrorists. Hunt them down and, more important, mercilessly punish those states and groups that fund, arm, support, or simply allow their territories to be used by the terrorists with impunity.
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Re: Ask JTF For February 15, 2009
« Reply #18 on: February 10, 2009, 10:05:17 AM »
Shalom Chaim,   

My question (s ) and comments this week revolves around  something you mentioned in last week's "  Ask JTF"   show.     That because of the urgent situation to help come to the aid of Noam Federman and his family and others in need in Judea and Samaria,     JTF is currently unable to afford to advertise on Arutz Sheva.

Based on the urgency of the situation that you have touched on regarding the combination of the hideous Barack Hussein Obama in the White House,   a Democrat Congress,   and an Israeli Government willing to give up land for so called peace,     it seems like more than ever,    JTF's role in Israel is essential.       In essence,    if at all possible,    we need to not only help support Noam Federman and the heroic Hilltop Youth but also to increase awareness and participation in JTF/ Hayamin.org  .   

My question is as follows.       How much money in U.S. currency does it cost to advertise on Arutz Sheva per month and per a longer interval if they have a discount rate?      And related to that,   how effective was the Arutz Sheva advertising in terms of reaching new JTF/ Hayamin.org members and overall awareness for the cause in Israel?       Also,   if someone wanted to make a donation that focused on funds for the Arutz Sheva advertising in addition to supporting Noam Federman and the Hilltop Youth,    would the Arutz Sheva donation be made out to JTF or would it be made out to VJA?

Thanks as always,   eb22.
"Israel's leaders seem to be more afraid of Obama than they are of G-d. Now we're getting to the real root of the problem. Secular politics won't save Israel. Denying the divine nature of the Jewish State has brought Israel neither stability nor peace. When that changes Israel will finally be blessed with both in abundance"-----------NormanF   ( Posted on Israel Matzav's Blog )



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Re: Ask JTF For February 15, 2009
« Reply #19 on: February 10, 2009, 12:01:16 PM »
Shalom Chaim and Thank you as always for your hard work and answering my questions.

What was HaRav, Meir Kahane, zecher tzadik livracha, view on the first Gulf War?
« Last Edit: February 15, 2009, 09:38:16 AM by Maimonides »
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Re: Ask JTF For February 15, 2009
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2009, 02:05:19 PM »
Hello Chaim,

What do you think is the worst episode of anti-Semitism in American history? Some say the Leo Frank incident, but I believe the Crown Heights Riot eclipses it by far.


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Re: Ask JTF For February 15, 2009
« Reply #21 on: February 10, 2009, 06:22:32 PM »
Dear Chaim,
I am in great need of finding out information immediately about a certain "Peace" group, called "Seeds of Peace" camp in Maine.  The great Debbie Schlussel wrote a column about Judea Pearl, father of slain, far left journalist, Daniel Pearl, who was "shocked" about the level of Islamic hate, the lack of security in our country, and our pandering to terrorists who abound in all areas of life.  Debbie elaborated in her article, that this has been going on since 9/11 and Judea Pearl regularly panders to Peace groups, including this "Seeds of Peace" camp that brings together Palestinan and Jewish children under the auspices of trying to understand one another!.  I do not have to tell you what a joke that is - equivocating Palestinan and Jewish suffering. However,  I almost got physically ill when I looked at their website and saw that my cousin's husband works as an artist in residence at this camp, for many years.  I briefly heard about it years ago, when she first got married in 2003.  Bob Katz is a welder and does "Holocaust Memorial" sculptures and art (the Jews love dead Jews). I checked his artwork and I remembered him listing a camp for Palestinian and Jewish children.
Here is what Debbie Schlussel wrote about it:
"In the years since his son's death, Dr. Pearl has focused on "promoting cross-cultural understanding." That is the stated purpose of the Daniel Pearl Foundation he set up.

To that end, he raises money for the Seeds of Peace camp, founded by Yasser Arafat's favorite biographer. The whole idea of the camp is the moral equivalence of terrorism's victims and its perpetrators. Islamic terrorists' kids tell off Israeli leftists' kids for several hours, and then they go canoeing or play volleyball together. Significant numbers of graduates of the Maine camp have become Islamic terrorists and homicide bombers, who kill Jews in Israel. The camp's most famous grad, Adam Shapiro, founded ISM (International Solidarity Movement), a group which sheltered British Al-Qaeda bombers the night before they blew themselves--and many innocent victims--up at a Tel Aviv bar. (The group was also caught sheltering an Islamic Jihad terrorist.)

A Wall Street Journal reporter friend of mine was aghast, during a visit to Seeds of Peace, when he watched counselors remain silent as Palestinian Muslim campers told Jewish campers that the Holocaust never happened. The Jewish campers, since their parents are leftists and didn't teach them anything, didn't have a clue how to respond or even know for sure if the Muslims were wrong. The counselors told the WSJ reporter that they could not intervene because "all viewpoints are legitimate and there is no right and wrong" at Seeds of Peace.

Imagine Osama Bin Laden's kids and kids of some of those who died on the 9/11 planes and in the towers being sent to summer camp together and being told their causes are equal--or that the terrorists' cause is superior, and that there is no right and wrong. Raising money for this camp is just one of the many detrimental activities in which Judea Pearl has been involved, in the name of memorializing his slain son.

Would he send his grandchildren to a camp where they made arts and crafts with his son's killers' grandchildren, after his son's slaughter was legitimized in a two-hour long forced dialogue?"

I wrote her to ask her more info,but she is extremely reluctant to divulge any further information, as she has been ripped off in the past.
These Jews are doing more to destroy our people than anything else. They are legitimizing the two struggles. I do not need to go further, you know what the real deal is.  SO, WHAT CAN I DO, is there something I can do - to first get more information (there isn't much on the internet, save for the website) and I am not a journalist.  I will go to every right wing/pro Zionist blogger I know, but I just wanted to know if you heard about the camp and what do you suggest I do (legally, of course).  Can anyone on the forum help me and by extension our people.  This debacle of a camp is extremely well funded by wealthy Jews (the road to hell is paved with good intentions) and they have great press.  I intend to expose and shut this place down, this is my goal, God willing.  Thank you for any help, Moodsformoderns

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Re: Ask JTF For February 15, 2009
« Reply #22 on: February 10, 2009, 07:06:06 PM »
Hello vother Chaim,

Being that I am from Italian heritage and the Catholic faith.  Since Italy was the birth place of Facist and of course Rome is the center of the Catholic church. What is your thoughts of the modern day Catholic. 

And how Facism was in Italy.. Now unfortunte you have all the Muzz that came into Italy and the Italian government has their hands full with throwing them out and tearing down the Mosques.  Do  you think Europe in on the brinks of soon having another Crusade cause of Islam flooding in?

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Re: Ask JTF For February 15, 2009
« Reply #23 on: February 11, 2009, 12:04:03 AM »
It is the night of the elections in Israel and I am stunned by the results.  What has Tzippy Livni ever done to warrant election as Prime Minister?  She has been a colossal failure in government.  If she is what Israel wants then She is going to fall hard.  I like to be optimistic but this makes it difficult.  I realize Bibi is far from great and Lieberman is probably a fraud but Livni is a joke.

Yesterday I read that in order to compensate Fatah for releasing 1,000 Hamas terrorist butchers in return for Gilad Shalit the government plans to make major concessions to Fatah.  What are they thinking?  Israel does not need to elect a great lawyer or soldier or even Rabbi.  They need a used car salesman who at least understands how to negotiate.  Since the disastrous Gaza retreat and dislocation of 10 thousand Jews the government has ceased to even pretend to negotiate sensibly and is simply giving the country away to the most murderous Arabs on the planet.  Are they trying to prove that the stereotype of the smart and cunning Jew is wrong and that in fact Jews are the dumbest people on the planet?

The poor showing of the National Union is also discouraging.  Your theory that Israelis are ready for the Kahanist message is not well supported by these elections.  Hopefully this will all look better tomorrow.
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Re: Ask JTF For February 15, 2009
« Reply #24 on: February 11, 2009, 02:13:50 PM »
Shalom Chaim

Maybe you have heard about the case of Italian journalist Alberto Rosselli. He wrote a book about the Armenian genocide.
You can imagine what happened after the book was published:
He received many death threats by Turkish Muslims.
Being Italian myself, the threats which gets Alberto Rosselli are for me like a personal offence.

Chaim, how can we change this situation? Each time a non-muslim criticizes a Muslim country or Islam itself he immediately gets death threats.
I see only 2 possibilities:

1. On the short term we have to arm ourselves. In Rosselli's case he has to learn how to shoot so if a Muslim beast tries to harm him he has the right to kill him.
2. On the long term we have to kick all Muslims out of Europe, America and Israel.

What is your opinion on this?

Kind regards

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