Avigdor Lieberman is a huge fraud. It has already been explained in other threads on this forum.
He has some populists suggestions that really have nothing in them. What if an Arab agree to swear allegiance to the state, will that turn him into a loyal citizen ? The Islamonazi Kneset members are swearing it already that doesn't stops them. And the same go to demanding national service from Arabs- what will that achieve- Arabs will receive yet more funding from the government like free land, free housing (things they take anyway).
Lieberman also wants to give up about 95% of Yesha to the quranimals. As for the rest- he wants to make a land swap, they get some Arab occupied lands from pre-1967 Istrael and we get to keep a few settlements. He claims that should solve our demographic problem but this is nonsense- First- the Arabs that he wants to give away with the land will keep their citizenship and migrate inside the shrinking borders he offers. Second- His offer only applies to about 200,000 Arabs, what about the >=1,100,000 other Arab citizens ? I guess they are going to be good model citizens who swear loyalty and serve the country...
A third aspect is that the borders that such a retreat would create means the Arabs can freely snipe at passing vehicles in Israel's most important transportation lines, they could fire mortars at Jerusalem, as well as many other parts of Israel central districts, all that from the comfort of their homes.