I heard the hospital bill alone for the eight babies will be 1.5 to 3 million dollars. 
But thats ok, cuz that 3 million dollars 'stimulates' the economy
Will (working, taxpaying) Californians wake up? (I'm talking about the liberal Californians who actually work and pay taxes i.e. pay the $millions JUST for ONE Californian welfare family.
And oh by the way
IVF and other artificial ways to have children NOT a good idea.
Aside from the moral arguments, there are MANY reasons why: for example, what happens to the "surplus" embryos? Ok, in this case the mother didn't murder them. In most cases they're discarded or indefinitely frozen. Cool. 40 years down the line, someone un-freezes the embryo, implants it and gives birth to a girl who grows up and marries the son of a man who was the product of a sperm and egg donation which just happened to be the same sperm which fertilized the girl's mother's egg. Got that? The girl marries her nephew.
Or to make it more simple, the sperm of certain donors are highly sought after. i.e. "Harvard Law Grad,' High IQ, tall, whatever. So the guy has fathered COUNTLESS (remember, this is all done with STRICT anonymity) children all over the US. Problems will again arise.
As Ann Coulter states, children should have both fathers and mothers, not mothers and sperm donors.
If you can't physically have kids, adopt.
If you aren't married, don't have sex and don't get pregnant.