Shalom dear friends,
I was offline for a couple of days and am very deeply saddened to see a thread like this. Brother
Sirbata I am very, very disappointed in you for beginning a thread like this. The only person I know of that supports the heroic Serbs equally if not perhaps even more than I do is brother Chaim Ben Pesach. I wish all of our great Serbian members would listen to him. And as C.F. has also written previously in the
Save Serbia sub-forum anybody who does not support the heroic Righteous Gentile Serbs does not belong to JTF and should leave.
We had a situation earlier on JTF some months ago where a long-time Serbian member was continually provoked by another new Jewish member by attacking his Serbian Orthodox faith becuase he thought that the Serbs had the same history as the Russians merely because they both shared the same Christian Orthodox faith. This newly joined Jewish member also thought that the heroic Serbs were the bad guys in World War 2 after visiting a
Bosnian muslim Nazi web site which accused the heroic, noble Serbs of being "Nazis" in World War 2!! Yes I know - the irony of it all!!
The end result was that this Serbian member lost his temper and made some terrible antisemtic remarks [I knew this member for over a year and I can assure you he was
not an antisemite]. The end result was a disaster for both members as they BOTH ended up being BANNED. That was a very, very sad event and I believe in many ways a tragic loss for JTF as both members could have contributed so much to our forum and ultimately to our great movement.
I have some wonderful Righteous Gentile Catholic friends both here on JTF and outside of it and I know that they support JUSTICE and TRUTH. I have criticized the Vatican and the Pope's policies on several occasions as it relates to the Croat Ustasha Nazi regime and the Vatican's cover-up of the terrible crimes perpetrated against over 1.2 Million Serbs, Jews and Roma in the
Independent State of Croatia [see], however that does not mean that I hate all Roman Catholics or that I am going to begin attacking individual Roman Catholics over their faith by starting a thread with an inflammatory title like this begun by brother
Yes the Vatican has done many evil things against Jews and Serbs throughout history as Chaim has repeatedly pointed out but we should understand that the Righteous Gentile Roman Catholic JTF'ers here are truly wonderful people and do not necessarily support or agree with everything the Pope or the Vatican does or did in the past.
Yes I believe in freedom of speech and that we should be allowed to bring out issues into the open regarding the truth of what occurred during the Holocaust in Roman Catholic Ustasha Croatia without being attacked as being anti-Catholic [or hating
all Croats] but we need to also be sensitive, tactful, respectful and understanding that our great Roman Catholic JTF'ers are here to help us and support us 100% in defending Israel, America, Serbia, India and Western civilization against the despicable evil satanic cult of death called "Islam" and the leftist liberalism as practised by our Western leaders in Europe, the UK and the United States.
We need to step back a minute and understand that we are all brothers and sisters of diverse faiths here on JTF and while I fully SUPPORT FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND ABHOR CENSORSHIP, I believe that we should show some respect for our Righteous Gentile Roman Catholic JTF members and
not begin threads like this. Our enemies are relishing and salivating at every opportunity to see us fight amongst ourselves so we should not be doing them any favors with threads like this.
Let us all stop fighting amongst ourselves and APOLOGIZE to each other and ACCEPT each others' apologies -
"water under the bridge" - and move FORWARD in building this great movement!!!
So could everyone please begin by saying
"I AM SORRY IF I OFFENDED YOU". Please remember to
leave out the "if" , "but" or "however" after saying it though!!
