Yet another Muslim video in response to the Jewish Task Force videos.
In this video, they show us Muslim "scientists" (oh yeah, those Muslims are real geniuses), and they show us white Europeans who are converting to Islam (which is true!):
Wow, this video seems to be made by the "Vogeltruppe" [Vogel-troop]

I know this gang. The leaders of them are three quranimals: Dr. Kai Lührs a German doctor, Ibrahim abu Nagi an Arab businessman and Pierre Vogel a German ex-profi-boxer.
Their goal is according to their own statements to proselytize Jews and Christians to Islam. They call this Dawa work. They are very active on Zootube.
This is their homepage:
http://www.diewahrereligion.de/ [the true religion]
They are Sunni quranimals with education from Saudi Arabia. They call themselve Salafisten or Salafi.
They are hardcore quranimals, that want to follow their leader in spirit Mohammed directly.
This means, that they question every teaching of the Islamic scholars and measure all later teachings with the explicite statements of the Quran, the (sahi) Hadith, the Sira and in addition to this with the understanding of this three sources of the Sahaba and the two generations after them.
They make since a few years English videos too.
You can see Pierre Vogel aka Abu Hamsa Vogel in the end of this video.

This is Mr. Vogel. He looks like a bummer, but don't let you be fooled by his appearence. He is very clever. Not an average quranimal at all.