General Category > General Discussion
Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
--- Quote from: Lisa on March 22, 2007, 10:20:58 PM ---Takebackourtemple, if the surgery improves the body's functionality, like your vision, how is that a bad thing? Also repeated eye infections are not good. Wouldn't the antibiotic/anti-inflammatory medicines eventually stop working?
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How does circumcision improve male function? I realize that it is mitzvot for Jews, but Fruit is a Gentile and the procedure does absolutely nothing for the health of sexually moral men.
First off, I've read that wives of non-circumcised men have higher rates of cervical cancer. A while back, there was an article about how this was the case with Hindu women in India.
Recently, there was an article in The Lancet about how circumcision reduces mens susceptibility to HIV. Granted, it wouldn't be an issue if you are monogamous, or if you are remaining pure until marriage. But I posted about it on my blog a few weeks ago:
I think though that this would be a good question for Chaim.
Until Shiloh Comes:
--- Quote from: Fruit of thy loins on March 22, 2007, 04:55:29 PM ---
--- Quote from: UntilShilohComes on March 22, 2007, 04:54:44 PM ---There is positively no purpose to this thread, gentlemen.
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I want to know if white gentile men should abstain for the good of womankind or if they should get the chop.
What do you think?
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Hello Fruit of thy loins, and good day to you.
Ok, I'll bite.
I understand your purpose here, and I suppose you're tolerated because you never really step over the boundaries of basic decency FOTL, but you've been going overboard recently with threads like this, and your inappropriate questions on the ASK JTF feature.
Ultimately your fate lies in the hands of yourself and the board moderators, but I remind you - as I remind everyone here - that this is a religious board, with religious people, and I consider trolling of this kind to go beyond the level of humor or nuisance, in fact, it's downright distasteful.
New Yorker:
Leave it alone!
Men, don't remove anything. Why would anybody cut a perfectly healthy body part that doesn't require it? Especially one that is so important!?
And on a side note, since we are talking about elective surgery,
Women, don't add anything. fake boobs look fake and they make you look like a caricature of a woman, most women that think they need large breasts, really don't, most have lovely figures but a wrong perception of themselves.
--- Quote from: Fruit of thy loins on March 22, 2007, 12:46:31 PM ---I won't answer that question because I want to preserve my dignity. But I will say this: I'm a white male gentile from Europe. :) And it's quite small, too. I never used it in four years of university anyway so it doesn't matter. No blondes got cervical cancer from me. ;)
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I'm sorry but I'm just going to have to put that in my signature, although I don't know what for since people wouldn't really see it because I rarely post...
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