Shalom Chaim,
I agree with you that the Albanian Christians aren't real "Christians" in the sense of the word, just like "Arab Christians" who aren't real Christians either. About 99% of Albanian Christians support Kosovo Albanian muSSlim Nazi Independence, they are unfortunately all staunch Nationalists. Most of the Albanian Christians I have had conversations with I end up getting in battles with. My family has always supported the Serbs and Israel for years including my grandparents. I remember my grandfather would always say that he would be fighting for the Serbs if he was in Kosovo because they were a Christian gentile nation. My mother is an Christian Albanian American, and has always supported the Serbs, Israel and their greatness. They left Albania, because of the Ottoman MuSSlim Nazis. I take and identify with the Kahanist position on the Serbia and Albania issue, it just doesn't sound right to me supporting Islamic Terrorism or anything Muslim for that matter, despite being partially from that culture. Only evil has come out of that nation that's why my grandparents left that culture and country and never wanted to go back. I also went to a great Serbian festival a couple months ago, near my neighborhood and loved the cultural music, food and meeting their people. Most agreed with me on the Serbian Kosovo issue.
I think it's best for Albanians to leave for compensation and move to Turkey or possibly a Muslim country in the Middle East, if they are for a pro-Albanian Kosovo Independance and are anti-Israel. I've never understood why so many Christian Albanian Americans support a pro-Muslim Albanian Kosovo? Supporting a Christian Albanian Kosovo would be just as bad, because most would end up supporting their fellow Islamic countrymen and wouldn't support Israel. They are therefore supporting Islamic Terrorism by doing that. You can't support any Muslim countries, especially the very dangeous so-called "moderate muslim" countries which always have the tendency to become very militant, spread Jihad, and conquer and convert the world for Allah, G-d forbid. Why can't Americans of Christian Albanian descent just be pro-Kosovo for Serbia and support righteous countries like America, Serbia and Israel?
I also agree with you that the Albanians didn't save the "Jews" during WWII, it was the Serbs. The Albanians Nazis (yimach schmam vezichram) exterminated the Serbs and Jews during WWII. Yimach schmam vezichram to Hillary and Bill Clinton for bombing the Serbs, they bombed the wrong people in Serbia, they missed the Albanian muSSlim Nazis. I can't believe how many countries support the Independance of Kosovo. People who support the "Independence of Kosovo" also support the "Independence of Fakistine" or a Fakistinian muSSlim state. Also, most of the Arab Christians I've met, still love their Arab muSSlim Nazi so-called "Brothers", which they think they are. G-d bless you, JTF and all its righteous members.