"A person's wisdom illuminates his face" (Kohelet 8:1)
"Do not look into the face of a rasha" (Talmud).
Vancier often states how left wing anti-G-d anti-Torah anti-Kahane activists are ugly, and show an inner ugliness, whilst right wing Jews show inner hadar (beauty).
Females like Limor Livnat, who once looked reasonable, once they betrayed their principles and voted for the Gaza Deportation, well....the results are obvious
These female physiognomies show the truism of his statement.
Yael Dayan, she of the "Hebron Tea Party".
Tzippi Livni
Limor Livnat, betrayer of Gaza District Jewry.
Naomi Chazan
Leah Rabin
Yuli Tamir
Dorit Beinish, Supreme Chief Justice
A coven of heavily-botoxed Knesset Committee bull-dykes. The brunette on the left is Zahava Gal-On, who makes Shulamit Aloni, below, look like a rabid Kachnik!
Daughter of Ehud Olmert, extreme leftist activist Dana Olmert
Dalia Itzik
Terrorist's plaything Tali Fahima