Yacov Menashe's Insert: This is a question by a black woman named Erica who saw you speak about blacks on Take Back America on Youtube. She has explained that Imerica stands for "I'm Erica". I have responded to a couple of your videos on You Tube and I must admit that I am a little leary about posting on your boards. At first I didn't know what to say to you, but after thinking for a few days, I have a pretty good idea of what I'd like to discuss with you, that is if you'll respond.
First, a little history. I grew up on Chicago's South Side in the projects there from the ages of 4 to 15. My mom and dad were teen parents... she was 17 and he was 19 when I was born in 1974. And yes, my mom dropped out of high school to take care of me. Yes, we were on public assistance for a while but when my mom went back to school that ended for us for some years until after she was laid off. Then she'd get on again. But only for a year before she found a better job which she would keep for many years afterward. I attended high school (in the same neighborhood I was brought up in) and graduated in 1992. Before I'd graduated though, I met my high school sweetheart who lived in the projects also. My, now husband of 13 years *a couple of days ago* graduated from both his elementary school AND high school as the Valedictorian, even though before graduating high school he became a teen dad to two beautiful girls (my stepdaughters). He worked to take care of them, even up to the point of him recieveing a full music scholarship for Howard University. He decided to go into the military as a Marine, and has been doing our country proud for 16 years. He's always taken care of his daughters and has never not loved and cared about them. He's a great man and I'm proud that he has enough love in his heart to love me and our 3 daughters together, as well.
In my husband's military career, since we've been married we've been stationed in 2 different countries, Spain and Okinawa, Japan and I actually gave birth to my 10 year old in Germany (because the miltary hospital in Spain didn't have the facilities to take care of me and my baby then...so we were medivacced to Landstahul, Germany.
Through our travels, our children have met and made friends with children of different cultures without questioning why they're different. They just enjoy/enjoyed making friends because they are beautiful girls with beautiful personalities. I thank G-d for that.

They could've turned out like children in the KKK who are taught to hate black kids/people, and taught that everyone who isn't white is stupid, shiftless, and ignorant. But they weren't.
{{I understand that what I said in the first couple of paragraphs, says a lot about some members of the black community but that's not all we're about. I'm not ashamed of anything I've ever experienced in my life..not even being public housing resident, nor recieving public assistance. It was there when we needed it. From that experience, I learned a lot about life and how I wanted mine to be different. I also learned a lot about myself and why my threshold for tolerance is so high.

My experienced shaped me, they didn't ruin me. And its the same for my my husband, my mom, my sister and brother and my children.
I told you that tid bit about myself because I want to get the formalities out of the way and give you a chance to bash me if you want with that knowledge. }}
With all of that said, here are my questions to you:*Why is your view of blacks, in general, so negative?
*Why do you mimic the way you feel black people talk?
*Why is it that you feel black people who are educated are trying to be white, and those who speak ebonics are dumb?
*How can you consider yourself a 'civil rights leader' and then use the term 'monkey' to describe black people?
*Why all of the stereotypes?
*And finally, how many black people do you really know?
I also understand that I was only supposed to ask you 2 questions but I had to ask more. If you don't respond to them, I'm sure someone else will.