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Chaim's New Youtube Video: "Barack Hussein Obama Is A Muslim"

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The past is what shaped Obama Daniel, the past gave him experience for the future. Judging his past gives us a wholly idea of what he may be like. Judging the present only gives us one view of him, plus since he is trying to please people for votes, it gives a very biased view.

Yochanan Zev:

--- Quote ---he past is what shaped Obama Daniel, the past gave him experience for the future. Judging his past gives us a wholly idea of what he may be like. Judging the present only gives us one view of him, plus since he is trying to please people for votes, it gives a very biased view.
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I read where a poster here believes that Obama is dishonest but cannot name one instance where he has been dishonest about anything.   Tom DeLay is dishonest and it's been proven that he is dishonest, but no one here seems to have a problem with him.

How much should you judge a person's past if that person was a child who had very little control over how he lived?  That's not fair.  If fact, it maybe just as much a fault of our own limited experiences to put so much importance on his name and upbringing as a child.  You must take into account the present and future as much, and even moreso as someone's past.

All this Osama Obama stuff is just an excuse to be against the guy.  He already said that he supports Israel.  The fact is that many of you will never be satisfied with anyone as President unless they are white or outwardly racist against Arabs.

Obama is a Farrakhan backer. Obama has said that the Arabs in Israel are the most oppressed people on earth. I don't give a damn about his race. If Alan Keyes were running for President with a real chance of winning I'd back him 100%, if not more. Kananga, you've been on the offensive here since day one. If you don't agree with some of the aspects of this organization, that's fine. But to paint us all with such broad brushstrokes as being "racist" is just wrong. I have very legitimate concerns with B. Hussein Obama. And it's not because he's black.


The only problem I have with Obama Yomama, is that "he's not black enough!"


--- Quote from: Kananga on March 27, 2007, 03:05:45 PM ---
--- Quote ---he past is what shaped Obama Daniel, the past gave him experience for the future. Judging his past gives us a wholly idea of what he may be like. Judging the present only gives us one view of him, plus since he is trying to please people for votes, it gives a very biased view.
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I read where a poster here believes that Obama is dishonest but cannot name one instance where he has been dishonest about anything.   Tom DeLay is dishonest and it's been proven that he is dishonest, but no one here seems to have a problem with him.

How much should you judge a person's past if that person was a child who had very little control over how he lived?  That's not fair.  If fact, it maybe just as much a fault of our own limited experiences to put so much importance on his name and upbringing as a child.  You must take into account the present and future as much, and even moreso as someone's past.

All this Osama Obama stuff is just an excuse to be against the guy.  He already said that he supports Israel.  The fact is that many of you will never be satisfied with anyone as President unless they are white or outwardly racist against Arabs.

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You are right. It would be ignorant of me to judge or comment much on the guy since i don't really have a great detailed perspective of who he is but what the heck, might as well bring em down before they destroy the country. He is young, black and had a muslim childhood, so he would have a fair bit of sympathy. If you think George "wahabi" Bush is bad and a muslim apologist, then this guy will be a very extreme change and will bring about a new era of laws and way of American life. Maybe Kanange, we should judge his political ideas instead of his personal life.......discuss what they could bring about....

You are wrong by saying that we would only want a white president.   
You are turning into a racial defiantment not political. A person is a person, be they white, yellow, black or God help them green.

Even if i don't live in America, it still matters to the rest of the world.  America affects and is invovled in nearly everything....

Massuh LOL obama "YO'MAMA" thats jokes.........Please post a question to Chaim!


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